a thread for mundane ironists

[b]Werner Twertzog

It is not true that I raised Lotte Eisner from the dead by reversing the rotation of the earth, despite what you have been told.[/b]

Was anyone here told that?

Salaries equal the quantity of evil one can spread.

And, no, not just in Silicon Valley.

Are academics creatively barren, inherently, or does their profession make them so?


“Shark Week” is ridiculous.
The real threat is bears.

Of course, as we all know, he’s prejudiced.

The despised, lonely, deranged, and criminally insane can become great artists, as we all know.

No way great philosophers though. Well, not counting them and her.

Dear America: Technology and religion will make your autocracy more insidious, dangerous, and terrifying than anything you can imagine. History repeats itself, mercilessly.

All the way to the bank, for example.


I mean, they say you die twice. One time when you stop breathing and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody says your name for the last time.[/b]

He wondered if that could be one of you.

Your mind is working at its best when you’re being paranoid. You explore every avenue and possibility of your situation at high speed with total clarity.

My guess: not yours.

The greatest crimes in the world are not committed by people breaking the rules but by people following the rules. It’s people who follow orders that drop bombs and massacre villages.

Yep, that’s still going around.

Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.

Uh, not unlike philosophy?

Think outside the box, collapse the box, and take a fucking sharp knife to it.

So, here, which of us comes closer, you or me?

There’s nothing more dangerous than someone who wants to make the world a better place.

Sieg Heil?

[b]Existential Comics

Yes, the police are mostly cowardly bullies who feel no need to put themselves in danger to protect their fellow citizens, but we do still need them, or who else will violently enforce the social hierarchy and protect the hoarded property of the ruling class??[/b]

Of course this guy is a Commie, right?

In France it is considered impolite to not light at least two things on fire during any given protest.

Not counting candles of course.

The reason I know that I believe in free speech more than Elon Musk is that I’ve never hired an army of lawyers to prevent people from talking.

Link please.

The worst part about how dumb and obvious everything Elon Musk does isn’t that it doesn’t matter and he is still successful. It’s realizing that if he were smarter he would be less popular and less powerful. We live in a system right now that pushes the dumbest people to the top.

Not unlike The New ILP, he groused.

You think sex scenes are unnecessary in movies? Well I think scenes featuring comic book characters are unnecessary in movies.

Just out of curiosity, anyone here loathe comic book character movies more than I do? Well, not counting The Dark Knight of course.

I’m beginning to think Leibniz might have been just a bit wrong about this being the best of all possible worlds…

Hell, it’s not even in the top ten for some of us.

[b]Emily St. John Mandel

Everything ends. I am not afraid.[/b]

Can you say that?

You can’t argue with them, because they live by an entirely different logic.

Aside from being pinheads.

It’s possible to both know and not know something.

She means quite likely to of course.

No, Dahlia said, because I think people like him think work is supposed to be drudgery punctuated by very occasional moments of happiness, but when I say happiness, I mostly mean distraction. You know what I mean?

Oh, yeah…I really, really, really do.

He woke to quiet voices. This had been happening more and more lately, this nodding off unexpectedly, and it left him with an unsettled intimation of rehearsal. You fall asleep for short periods and then for longer periods and then forever.

And ever and ever and ever and ever.

Pandemics don’t approach like wars, with the distant thud of artillery growing louder every day and flashes of bombs on the horizon. The arrive in retrospect, essentially. It’s disorienting. The pandemic is far away and then it’s all around you with seemingly no intermediate step.

Unless, of course, as the pinheads insist, it’s just a liberal hoax pandemic.


Where the ocean meets the woods.[/b]

In, say, the North Atlantic.

girls be like “this is my comfort movie” and it’s Midsommar

You tell me.
Not really though.

The goth urge to pull an old book off of a bookcase, open a secret doorway & never be seen again.

Try it and get back to us.

It’s not you, it’s the vast hellscape we live in.

Right, like it can’t be both.

Please, just be the best human you can before your body becomes dirt.

Or ashes.
Or you’re eaten by a shark and become fecal matter.

Practice self-care like Hamlet when you’re in a social situation you don’t want to be in
HAMLET: O fuck
[exit Hamlet]

And not just Hamlet of course.

[b]Edward Abbey

Better a cruel truth than a comfortable delusion.[/b]

Not to mention the other way around.

Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell.

Thank God?

Society is like a stew. If you don’t stir it up every once in a while then a layer of scum floats to the top.

Or here the pinheads.

You can’t study the darkness by flooding it with light.

That’s probably true, right?

Anarchism is founded on the observation that since few men are wise enough to rule themselves, even fewer are wise enough to rule others.

Ah, the best of all possible “isms”.

If my decomposing carcass helps nourish the roots of a juniper tree or the wings of a vulture—that is immortality enough for me. And as much as anyone deserves.

Yep, people actually figure out a way to think like this. Still in fact.

[b]Jan Mieszkowski

Science: What is what?
Philosophy: What is is?
Poetry: What it is![/b]


History: Question the answer
Philosophy: Question the question
Psychology: Pay for the answer
Economics: Pay for the question
Theology: I don’t need a question to know the answer
Politics: I don’t need an answer to forget the question


[b]Sunday To-Do List

  1. Proust: Regret that the past always leaves early
  2. Kafka: Despair that the present always arrives late
  3. Schopenhauer: Decline to take any position on a preposterous fantasy called the future[/b]

How about you?

Nihilism at age
15: I’m reading Camus
20: I’m reading Nietzsche
25: I’m reading Schopenhauer
30: I’m going to live in the United States of America for my entire life


Heidegger: 1
Wordle: 0


How many of us are realizing that our entire career has been one long attempt to get Hegel to trend under Careers?

Or, for that matter, philosophy itself.

[b]Joe Abercrombie

Tomorrow came, and it was much like yesterday. Just more so.[/b]

What’s that make today then?

Strange how, as long as the hardship lasts, we can stand it. As soon as the crisis is over, the strength all leeches away in an instant.

In other words, we’re just waiting for the next one.

Why? she hissed. Why indeed? I give you orders, he barked, not fucking reasons!

Worse, he’s a pinhead.

They say the seed you scatter will be the seed you harvest.

A bumper crop, alas.

A cynic might observe that the scriptures can be used to support both sides of every argument.

On the other hand, not just your scripture.

He had learned long ago that life became much easier if you ignored what was not right before you.

In other words, just stick with what you believe “in your head”.


The best way to prevent abortions is by arming fetuses.[/b]


Thoughts and prayers would only be effective if there were Someone to listen to them.

Hint, hint.

The phrase “the deadliest elementary school shooting in ten years” should never have to appear in print.

Like He is powerless to stop them.

Only Adam and Eve committed original sin.
The rest of you just plagiarized.

There ought to be a law!

Why have laws controlling guns? Killers will just ignore them anyway.
Why have laws against rape? Rapists will just ignore them anyway.
Why have laws against anything? Criminals will just ignore them anyway.
Why have government?
Why have society?
Why try to do anything?

Well, it’s official then.

[b]Thomas Ligotti

Fear, when blended with failure, distills into a deadly brew.[/b]

And, for a few of us, then some.

From them I had nothing to learn—one cannot cease to know what one does know.

Not to worry, you’ll never understand it, Mr. Objectivist.

While being alive is all right for the world’s general population, some of us need to get it in writing that this is so.

And then, say, post it here?

Some critics of the pessimist often think they have his back to the wall when they blithely jeer, “If that is how this fellow feels, he should either kill himself or be decried as a hypocrite.” That the pessimist should kill himself in order to live up to his ideas may be counterattacked as betraying such a crass intellect that it does not deserve a response. Yet is it not much of a chore to produce one. Simply because someone has reached the conclusion that the amount of suffering in this world is enough that anyone would be better off never having been born does not mean that by force of logic or sincerity he must kill himself. It only means that the amount of suffering in this world is enough that anyone would be better off never having been born.

Of course he’s only paraphrasing, among others, Camus. And Bartleby?

There is nothing more futile than to consciously look for something to save you.

Not counting philosophy of course.

In its quest for a sense of meaning, humanity has given countless answers to questions that were never posed to it.

Posed by who you might ask.

Well. me no for one.

[b]tiny nietzsche

billionaires will literally buy a social media platform instead of going to therapy[/b]

Hey, we’re now a social media platform, right?

I regret to inform me

Let alone you.

sexualize world peace

Come again?

we can pretend we exist

And not just virtually.

I almost lived today. try again tomorrow

Of course that was yesterday.

bots arguing that bots don’t exist

Too close to call?

[b]Bart D. Ehrman

Ancient Jews had no expectation—zero expectation—that the future messiah would die and rise from the dead. That was not what the messiah was supposed to do. Whatever specific idea any Jew had about the messiah (as cosmic judge, mighty priest, powerful warrior), what they all thought was that he would be a figure of grandeur and power who would be a mighty ruler of Israel. And Jesus was certainly not that. Rather than destroying the enemy, Jesus was destroyed by the enemy—arrested, tortured, and crucified, the most painful and publicly humiliating form of death known to the Romans. Jesus, in short, was just the opposite of what Jews expected a messiah to be.[/b]

Flip a coin?

One of my favorite apparent discrepancies—I read John for years without realizing how strange this one is—comes in Jesus’ “Farewell Discourse,” the last address that Jesus delivers to his disciples, at his last meal with them, which takes up all of chapters 13 to 17 in the Gospel according to John. In John 13:36, Peter says to Jesus, “Lord, where are you going?” A few verses later Thomas says, “Lord, we do not know where you are going” (John 14:5). And then, a few minutes later, at the same meal, Jesus upbraids his disciples, saying, “Now I am going to the one who sent me, yet none of you asks me, ‘Where are you going?’” (John 16:5). Either Jesus had a very short attention span or there is something strange going on with the sources for these chapters, creating an odd kind of disconnect.

Flip a coin?

Whether you are a believer—fundamentalist, evangelical, moderate, liberal—or a nonbeliever, the Bible is the most significant book in the history of our civilization. Coming to understand what it actually is, and is not, is one of the most important intellectual endeavors that anyone in our society can embark upon.

True all the more if He actually does exist.

Paul, by the way, never says that Jesus declared himself to be divine.

On the other hand, did he ever ask Him?

Whoever wrote the Gospel of John (we’ll continue to call him John, though we don’t know who he really was) must have been a Christian living sixty years or so after Jesus, in a different part of the world, in a different cultural context, speaking a different language—Greek rather than Aramaic—and with a completely different level of education … The author of John is speaking for himself and he is speaking for Jesus. These are not Jesus’s words; they are John’s words placed on Jesus’s lips.

Wow, like Socrates and Plato!

"…non fui, fui, non sum, non curo—“ I was not. I was. I am not. I care not.

Deconstruct that!

[b]so sad today

listen, if i’m gonna quarantine it’s for life[/b]

And then, if there is one, on into the next life.

whispers during sex pretend i’m confident, elusive, secure, and self-contained

Sure, I’d pretend that.

consensual alien abduction

For example: youtu.be/UT24AGG2LTc

no i can’t just “be myself”

Try not being me then.

God, please give this asshole health, happiness, prosperity, and everything i would wish for myself

Not your God probably.

need to suckle the cosmic titty

You know, if there is one.

[b]Laurie Anderson

They say that Heaven is like TV… a perfect little world, that doesn’t really need you.[/b]

Not unlike here. If we were perfect.

When you follow your thoughts and watch them attach to certain things, it makes certain things real and other things unreal, and you realize that this is all created by your mind.

Kind of let’s say.

I think illusion is one of the most interesting things that I’ve found to think about. Just look at yesterday, and what you were doing, and how important it was, and how nonexistent it is now! How dreamlike it is! Same thing with tomorrow. So where are we living?

Anyone here actually know?

Books are the way the dead talk to the living.

More to the point however do they know that?

Paradise Is exactly like where you are right now only much much better.

Among other things, by definition?

You know, for every dollar a man makes a woman makes 63 cents. Now, fifty years ago that was 62 cents. So, with that kind of luck, it’ll be the year 3,888 before we make a buck.

You do the math.

[b]Philosophy Tweets

“Knowledge, if it does not determine action, is dead to us.” Plotinus[/b]

Next up: what Trump knew.

“The death of a beautiful woman, is unquestionably the most poetical topic in the world.” Edgar Allan Poe

Any beautiful women left here?

“Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” Eleanor Roosevelt

ilovephilosophy.com/viewtop … 2&t=197986

“In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd.” Cervantes

Just out of curiosity, has anyone here ever attained the impossible?

“The right to free speech is more important than the content of the speech.” Voltaire

Heil Hitler?

“The academic journals are full of nonsense that not even the author believes but that is necessary for his career. None of these journals pays a red cent; very few of them are read.” Hannah Arendt

Of course: Will Durant’s “epistemologists”.

[b]Steven Pinker

A world that is less invigorated by honor, glory, and ideology and more tempted by the pleasures of bourgeois life is a world in which fewer people are killed.[/b]

And America fits into that…how?

In 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2009, there were no interstate conflicts at all.

Tell that to the folks in Iraq.

But our intuitive conception of time differs from the ceaseless cosmic stream envisioned by Newton and Kant. To begin with, our experience of the present is not an infinitesimal instant. Instead it embraces some minimum duration, a moving window on life in which we apprehend not just the instantaneous “now” but a bit of the recent past and a bit of the impending future.

That weird brain matter again.

It’s no coincidence that haunting means “haunting” and tart means “tart,” rather than the other way around; just listen to your voice and sense your muscles as you articulate them. Voluptuous has a voluptuous give-and-take between the lips and the tongue, and titillating also gives the tongue a workout while titillating the ear with a coincidental but unignorable overlap with a naughty word.

Then these things: grammarly.com/blog/10-verbs … %20context.

Today I take it for granted that if I want some milk, I can walk into a convenience store and a quart will be on the shelves, the milk won’t be diluted or tainted, it will be for sale at a price I can afford, and the owner will let me walk out with it after a swipe of a card, even though we have never met, may never see each other again, and have no friends in common who can testify to our bona fides. A few doors down and I could do the same with a pair of jeans, a power drill, a computer, or a car.

Wow, I take that for granted too.

Attempts to explain behavior in mechanistic terms are commonly denounced as “reductionist” or “determinist.” The denouncers rarely know exactly what they mean by those words, but everyone knows they refer to something bad.

You know, like objectivist.
You know, if that were true.

[b]Philosophy Tweets

“Too much sanity may be madness and the maddest of all, to see life as it is and not as it should be.” Cervantes[/b]

Okay…then what?

“Everyone discusses my art and pretends to understand, as if it were necessary to understand, when it is simply necessary to love.” Claude Monet

Next up: everyone discusses my philosophy…

“A wounded deer leaps the highest.” Emily Dickinson


“Peace is the girl next door, Violence is a Diva!" Vineet Raj Kapoor


“If we can progress from arrowheads to the internet, why can’t we progress from violence to peace?" Janet Turpin Myers

Pick one:
1] Genes
2] Memes

“Life is the flight of the alone to the alone.” Plotinus

I know that mine has been.

[b]Yuval Noah Harari

The human collective knows far more today than did the ancient bands. But at the individual level, ancient foragers were the most knowledgeable and skilful people in history.[/b]

Some more than others. That never changes of course.

Ever since the French Revolution, people throughout the world have gradually come to see both equality and individual freedom as fundamental values. Yet the two values contradict each other. Equality can be ensured only by curtailing the freedoms of those who are better off.

Yes, that can get tricky, can’t it?

Telling effective stories is not easy. The difficulty lies not in telling the story, but in convincing everyone else to believe it. Much of history revolves around this question: how does one convince millions of people to believe particular stories about gods, or nations, or limited liability companies? Yet when it succeeds, it gives Sapiens immense power, because it enables millions of strangers to cooperate and work towards common goals.

Not my story of course.

Sapiens don’t behave according to a cold mathematical logic, but rather according to a warm social logic. We are ruled by emotions.

Social logic. Our own, for example.

The universe just does not work like a story.

At least not until God creates it.

Nothing is inherently beautiful, sacred, or sexy; human feelings make it so.

Among other things, that explains everything, right?

[b]Philosophy Tweets

“True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country.” Kurt Vonnegut[/b]

Nope, none from mine are.

“Virtually every writer I know would rather be a musician.” Kurt Vonnegut

In other words, a rock star.

“Here we are, trapped in the amber of the moment. There is no why.” Kurt Vonnegut

Or hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of them.

“Years of love have been forgot in the hatred of a minute.” Edgar Allan Poe.

Or a couple of them.

“Experience has shown, and a true philosophy will always show, that a vast, perhaps the larger, portion of truth arises from the seemingly irrelevant.” Edgar Allan Poe

“Irrelevant to who?”, he asked.

“The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins?” Edgar Allan Poe

Uh, James S. Saint?