having an imagination can be torture
i find myself annoyed with the way bastard hopes keep wiggling so many impossible future scenarios in my face all the time
this is the point where somebody starts talking about the virtues of aspiring
all i have to say to that is that aspiration can be a hard thing to fake when you’re not feeling it
how much of successful willing is simply the belief that it’s possible to successfully will something in the first place?
this is the point where someone accuses those who don’t share in that belief of being lazy
well all i have to say to that is i didn’t make myself lazy, fate did
“congratulations”, someone says “you’ve just assured for yourself your own failure”
No, fate did that - all i have to do is see it through
that’s self-destructive
again, fate
belief in will is the same way, it’s a cyclical logical trap which minds fall into - both the belief in determinism and belief in free will are characterized by the way they invite absolutism
so is fatalistic thinking a trap? of course - but my mind is chemically inclined towards absolutism, so the fact that i think this way is ALSO fate playing itself out in physically , just like anything else that happens
fortunately for my innate laziness, i am also a materialist
it’s just another card in the hand that fate dealt me
so free will or determinism - does it even matter? just take whatever preferred mode of thinking works best for what we’re trying to acheive (descriptively or otherwise) by utilizing a specific vocabulary in the first place - logically, you shouldn’t believe in either to the exclusion of the other