I tend to not think of the divine or gods largely because I don’t like taking any focus away from my own self in survival.
A great deal of religion I can’t stand because it glorifies passiveness and the ideal that sacrificing oneself is the highest action of getting closer to a god.
I would have to say that if a religion was needed I would choose one where strength in oneself was the highest ideal where the highest action was that of becoming strong as the gods one worships.
( This would probally explain my lust in reading about the ancient pagans who were opposite in every conceiveable way to modern religions.)
They are opposite becuase they put “God” back in you instead of out there somewhere.
Read Carlos Casteneda, Don Juan and Dr Wayne Dyer.
…“The difference between a spiritual warrior and an ordinary man is ;That a warrior sees life a challenge and an ordinary man sees life as a blessing or a curse”…, Don Juan the Nagual (see> … cd=2&gl=us
I would say Christianity and Islam do glorify suicide in a way. Christianity especially revolves around that idea as the climatic moment of their mythology (which the Muslims inherited). They do this and then ban all other forms of suicide save the glorification of martyrdom and the slow bodily destruction of asceticism.
If you’re looking into stories that emphasize strength and such, check out the Odyssey or Iliad. The Celtic and Nordic sagas. Any pre-semitic faiths in Europe, for that matter.
It makes sense because it is reasonableness.
Know that a perceived enemy is first your brother and second an enemy. So practice passiveness.
Do not turn to religion to find love, compassion and a fearless life. Religion like nationalism and other ideologies will seperate you from humankind.
Why choose a religion Joker? Just follow your heart and soul, that is all religion should be anyway. Set your standards and live up to them. Instead of praying to the Gods concentrate on keeping your strength and growing. You need noone else to tell you how to live within yourself.
Strength come in many forms. Sometimes it is the stronger man who chooses not to act. Sometimes the stronger man submits. I think of willpower as greater than phsyical strength.
In modern society strength is often associated with acts that acctually require less effort than their alternative. Would you consider hunting and killing for food and survival strength? I would think the man who tills the earth with the sweat of his face a stronger man.
Many eastern religions emphasize internal strength. Many of these religions believe that one can achieve equalness with god.
Physical strength is cool. Inner strength is more required.
Fear keeps us in tethers. As fences our beliefs give us security. We dare not venture outside the fence, for fear of the unknown.
Remove all unquestion beliefs and then exist as a fearless warrior. Question everything do not fall into dogma traps.