A Woman is a Man's Property

Try to think …

Advice you would do well to take.

If one group can put on a stage play for the rest, can’t another put on a stage play for the first?

Yes, of course, that is possible. … The results are different.

“Doing it right” or “living right” on even a small group scale causes the play to begin. Reality writes the script and no one needs to memorize any lines. Once a small group actually does it right, nature takes over and the game is won.

If you are going to redesign women, that is the way to do it. Then you can can just do your thing and not worry about the world. The very foundation of nature will take care of the rest.

Before you “redesign women”, you have to influence men and women successfully, and this means, in your words, you have to cause “the play to begin”.

That is true but fortunately, only a very few. You do not have to go infect all of society with your notions of good and evil, morality, or whatever as everyone seems to want to do these days. By making one very precise change in one location, the entire world begins to change all on its own, even those monarchies. It is very much like introducing the right DNA building block into the soup. Nature takes care of the rest.

But that one does have to be very, very precise. Many have come close, often causing as much harm as good, more like discovering nuclear weaponry.