
Failed to take the precaution that “every man is capable of being a rapist” -feminists.

Well I agree with your “nobody is 100% to blame” logic, but you could have elaborated a bit more if that was what you were really saying. Your original post was written in a style that was bound to motivate everyone to attack you.

Obviously if we are attributing blame in a non-aristotelian way then no party can be 100% to blame for any incident. However, as you stated already, the risk of being raped is so absurdly small that to have your life governed by such fears would be ridiculous and subsequently the amount of blame attributed to most women who are raped must be tiny.

I completely agree, blank_frackis.

No matter who’s fault it is in the case of rape, an abortion is still wrong. People can make something good come out of a bad situation. That baby can be put up for adoption and make someone very happy. Why kill it? There is just no good reason.

Mcgrady001, my real name, seeker04 and Rafhd I agree….

Isaiah 49,15 :

“Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yea they may forget, yet will not forget thee.”

Psalms 127:3

“Lo, children are a heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.”

Exodus 21:22,23 ,

22 “If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman’s husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.” 23 “And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life”.

No matter what the situation (except the life of the mother is at stake, though dilemma situation of choosing between the mother and a child is awfully rare nowadays because of latest technology) abortion is not an option, ever. Yes its reducing our efficiency, causing discomfort, and consuming our resources but that doesn’t we have to kill, any arguments concerning a fetus life or not is completely irrelevant because it will eventually turn into a life.

“How about rape and etcetera and so on”

Well……nothing to do with control, it’s about protecting a human life,
We understand your feelings, the bible offers procedure to preserve ourselves, but we should accept responsibilities.

Thank you, I Appreciate your time…my first time to post

And furthermore, don’t give pearls to pigs…

I am against abortion personally. I try not to judge most who do get abortions mostly because what is it my place? But I know several people who get abortions as a sort of birth control. They get pregnant, have an abortion and all on a regular basis. Shouldnt there be some sort of regulation on that?

But I am pro abortion legally. Mostly because I dont want some lady dying from an internal disease when she goes to an illegal doctor to do it out of extreme fear. Its easy to judge someone on abortion when you are not in their place, and do not have to feel the fear and panic they go through.

As for rape, Im a believer of ‘things happening for reasons beyond my understanding’ so I would have the baby. If someone else had an abortion for that reason I would understand and sympathize with them. They didnt ask for the situation they are currently in, so I cant use the ‘it’s your fault’ argument. As for rape being the victim’s fault…im not going there. Thats a completely asinine comment obviously derived from too many snuff films.

As for abortion out of fear of the child being born lacking somehow I find that to be horrible. So this child wouldnt have anything to offer humanity rather or not he/she is ‘perfect’? And this brings to mind a morality test I read ages ago…

If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, three who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded, and she had syphilis, would you recommend that she have an abortion?

If you said yes you just killed Beethoven.

Abortion is murder. Plain and simple. Its not wether a woman should have control of her body not. Its a question of wether a woman has a right to kill somone or not.

The only instances where abortion is ok is when a woman is raped or the baby is endagering the womans life.

It’s not “plain and simple” nothing is plain and simple, not even the words “plain and simple” are plain and simple. Only the most ignorant try to simplify things to only two choices, because anything more than that is too much for thier simple minds.

You say it’s a question of whether a woman has the right to kill someone or not. Well there’s also the question of whether or not it’s “someone”. If it isn’t a someone then, what’s the problem, a woman has the right to amputate her own arm doesn’t she? Of course she does.

And then there’s the story of the woman who was raped and had the child, when the child was a teenager she noticed that he had the same eyes as the rapist. When she noticed this she snapped and killed him.

If abortion is destroying one life, how many lives could theoretically be destroyed if it is born. The mother who is not ready, the child with shit for parent(s) who’ll both end up on welfare and drugs and turn to prostitution and eventually overdose or commit suicide in some dank back alley and no one will care and it will be all in black and white and very film noir and then the world would be a better place without them. But what about the wonderfull life that woman could’ve led, and great children she could’ve raised later, when she was ready, if only she would’ve been able to amputate those cells.

If one chooses to abort then why bother discourage them, I mean it’s their own life, their own body their own comfort, resources, and efficiency; I’m therefore pro-abortion, mark my word, If some of you wanna abort go ahead do it otherwise you’ll be pissed of you’re life is gonna be destroyed, remember you have your own command on your own body, and for the perpetrator’s you don’t have the very right to crack you mouth on prevent people if they wish to abort! Period.

I understand my friend; we are not robots, God gave us freewill. And solving a problem is best when we try to face our problem directly and not through escape or withdrawal from anxiety-producing situation.

Yes life is full option; I have heard some cases of people abortion because the child is threatening the life of the mother and some the baby itself is unfortunately deceased, these are really heartbreaking. Good thing we have our friends and relatives who still cares, the bible offer us procedure to care us from such matters. For the less fortunate nowadays there are still people who really wish to help disheartened persons such as single mother’s, some of them even willing to give any possible help they can.

Na!..I’ll bet your so called “god” doesn’t even hold any compassion for those nasty surgically removable cells on the ovary?

Perhaps, do you mean the baby inside the womb, we should us ask God about his though regarding this concern, but only possible with the use of the holy bible.

Psalms 139:13-16 “For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from thee when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being imperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.”

Exodus 21:22,23 ,

22 “If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman’s husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.” 23 “And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life”.

Isaiah 49,15 :

“Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yea they may forget, yet will not forget thee.”

Psalms 127:3

“Lo, children are a heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.”

Pope Said:

Who are you to make that call? Is the world better off without you? Is the world better off with out me? Some people would even make the case that the world would be better off without humans as a whole.

And if the fucking retard mother isnt ready then why the fuck did she have sex!? Or at least have the guy wear a condom or take birth control. Even if somthing went wrong with the contraceptive the woman could give the baby up for adoption. There are plenty of people that would love to have a baby but just cant have one physically.

Its like our whole generation has this attitude like we shouldn’t have to deal with hardships. Somtimes you just have to grow up and do it quick instead of taking the easy way out.


I agree with Zak completely.

I have already shown that no one is blameless in this issue. The woman can not abort if conception occurs.

Imagine X is 18 years old and his mother says, ‘I could have aborted you’. X immediately thinks his mother could have killed him. If abortion had been carried out, he wouldn’t be on this earth.

Women have a duty of care to their babies. Their unborn baby has a right to live. Those women who wish to deny the baby that right is selfish beyond description.
It is like someone is about to fall to their death, and you grab hold of them. Even though it hurts you, you still have a duty to protect other’s life.

i am all for abortion because in my opinion an unborn baby is not yet a life, maybe i’ll feel differently if i was the parent of the unborn ‘thing’ but until then my view will stay.

I’m sort of in-between for abortion. I’m against it if the mother decided to be a jerk and have sex without using any protection or when she wasn’t planning on having a child in the first place, and then afterwards decides that she doesn’t want to give birth. That’s just being plain an idiot if you ask me. If the woman didn’t want to have the child in the first place, either she could have chosen protection or abstinence.

However, in any case if the woman is raped, then the matter changes entirely. In most cases of rape it is not the woman’s fault for she was forced to undergo sex without her consent and when she never planning on being a mother [at the moment]. I say that she has all the right in the world to have abortion, and whatever the rapist gets as punishment he deserves it. Plus, if I were her I wouldn’t want to give birth to the child of a rapist.

Seriously. The church isn’t all-knowing like most anti-abortionists claim. Yeah, sure, they’re right when they say that women must take responsibility of facing labour when they decide to fool around aimlessly, but when rape is the subject, that woman does not deserve to undergo all that pain just because some moron took away her control of her actions. (I think I said that right.) So, yeah.

I am assuming that there are indeed two people having sex in this scenario. Why is the woman the “jerk” and not both the man and the woman jerks? In this case I can only assume that the man wanted to have a child correct? Otherwise he’d use protection or refuse to have sex with that “jerk”.

I don’t belong to your church so the discussion whether you agree or disagree with what your church believes is irrelevant.

to me, both are jerks.

for fun… :unamused:

yes, one or both parties should probably have used some contraceptive. But if they didn’t who really gives a shit? It is better to abort than have the child grow up in shit circumstances and ruin the life of the mother and potentially the father. Or what about the grandparents who might be burdened with the child because their teenage daughter is unable to care for the child. Not to mention the poor rape victim. If you abort the fetus in the early stages, is it really any worse than crushing an ant? couldn’t you argue what right do we have to kill an intestinal worm? Do you really believe that a little embryo is really a conscious entity. I certainly can’t remember any of my life as an embryo.

ffs. You christians are morons. Even if you christians believe in a soul, then if you kill the fetus isn’t the soul just getting a fast track to heaven? Isn’t that a good thing? Shouldn’t we all be killing each other? You argue we have no right to take the life of the embryo but then all you christians go and support bush’s war in iraq. What right do you have to send the soldiers into a conflict where they will likely die?

All the reasons against early abortion stem from an irrational belief in the christian bullshit. When are you all going to stop believing in ghosts and start being rational?


The problem is the argument from “heaps”. What is a pile of sand, a pile of sand?

Humans start with 1 cell, then 2 cells, then 3 cells… when is a human a human?

Similarly, if human = 1 billion cells, 1 billion - 1 cell, 1 billion - 2 cells… until we reach 1 cell.

What right do you have to say 548759048 cells = human? What characteristics do you attach to humans that distinguish it from it being 1 cell less or 1 cell more?

We can’t start the “heaps” argument, therefore we must Abolish Abortion!

Amen pro-lifers!

Plus there’s the argument pointing out that the developing child’s DNA is different from the mother’s or the father’s. Therefore it is a new and separate person – not just a part of the mother’s body. This new entity begins at conception since that is when it’s DNA begins.

my real name

Marble, I do agree that bringing up an unwanted child is far worse (resulting in far worse consequences for that individual) than eliminating some cells in my body. Unwilling parents have traditionally not been the most loving of mentors.

Pinnacle, I have to disagree with the abolition of abortion. If we abolish all abortion, we will have an abundance of uncared for children (and believe me, we don’t need more), an increase in dangerous abortions harming both women and fetuses, and also an additional welfare burden for those individuals who didn’t intend for another mouth to feed.

Protester against abortion> Are you for abortion?
Ali G> Yea I’s well for abortion, I’s been responsible for 5 myself.

Ali G> Is you for abortion?
Protesters against abortion> No we are protesting against abortion.
Ali G> Has you had an abortion before?
Protesters against abortion> No we’ve never had an abortion.
Ali G> Well isn’t it wrong to not like something without trying it for yo self?
Protesters against abortion> No, we’ve known many women who have had abortions.
Ali G> Well, I was well against Burger King and me just tried the flame broiled whopper and it was like amazing, Innit.