
Why not nip this one in the bud? I propose a totalitarian limitation on reproduction. All women will be forced to participate in some kind of mandatory chemical birth control. Then if the want to have a child they must apply for a childbirth license. The will be force to take classes on basic childrearing practices. Then if they pass the childrearing examination they will be allowed to stop their chemical birth control. This way the only pregnancies will be ones that are wanted pregnancies by educated mothers.

I understand what you are saying. Teach the kids about these things properly, which can be done by a trained professional rather than teachers.

I would say that men have far more sexual hang ups than women do even in this day and age. It is the male of the species in western society that brand women sluts, whores etc., yet they are the ones who want single women to have sex with them. It is easier, immature and less self responsible to blame the female for the males lack of self control. We condem other societies for having this attitude toward women :astonished:

We didn’t get sex education at school when I was a kid.

And pray tell me why it shouldn’t be the male of the species that isn’t forced into doing those things ?

We need more educated Fathers, not Mothers.



This is a little to wishy but a good idea. It would cost us too much as tax payer to give every High School student these things. I disagree with the “classes in masturbation, oral sex,anal sex” though. Instead preach the importance of safe sex, and sexual responsibility.

But back to the beginning does anybody disagree with my example?

Thank You for all the replies!!!


it was our pleasure, dearest :smiley:

I’m not against the general idea of enhancing sex education, but be sure not to make it into something that promotes early sex, because it’s the most likely situation that it would result in disasters.

Just a few thoughts:


So - the sins of the father carry to the (innocent) child…? Depends on your views on nature vs. nurture…


What difference does it make fundamentally if the subject of this ‘killing’ is a foetus, a baby, or a full grown human…? If left alone - a feotus will become these things. It is potential life. So any active attempt to prevent this potential life from developing could be termed homicide. Even if you claim self-defence…

I’m pro-choice, but even so, those who make the choice should be aware of its nature, and its consequence.

About the price zero scenario for abortion.

Genetically speaking, the child of a rapist is likely to be, not neccessarily a rapist itself, but an inferior in terms of morality - the deeds DO pass through generations, by means of genes as the causation for doing committing deeds that’s in the same league. Have a look at any relavent sociology text, in which you’d find out the evidence behind my above saying, e.g. convicts’ offersprings most likely as convicts ect.

But this isn’t the real reason behind the pricing. It is this: if the woman don’t want the child because of the relating fact that she’s raped, then the state have the DUTY, to HELP this woman in order to better her life, or simply make her life the way she originally planed.

Not allowing the feteus to be terminated, is bringing a life into this world for the wrong reason, at the expense of injuring another life that is the truely INNOCENT one - the woman’s.


I fail to see how the fact that I can fuck well will help me with my decision whether or not to kill my unborn child.


There is a huge problem in the UK with teenage pregancies. These kids are actually trying to fall pregnant as a means of getting out of working. The government provides them with living expenses and housing. This is not neccessarily opposite from the problem of unwanted teenage pregnancies. It’s not the teenagers that are lacking in education, it’s us, the people they look up to. I watched a BBC documentary recently on this very issue and it was clear that the mothers of these children did exactly the same thing. WE LEARN FROM OUR PARENTS AND TEACHERS, FROM SOCIETY. NOT WHAT THEY SAY TO US, NOT THEIR WORDS, BUT THEIR ACTIONS. We don’t need to take the joy out of sexual exploration away from anyone, we just have to teach our children to accept responsibility for their actions. This is OUR responsibility.

Abortion isn’t just a teenage issue. There are older women, who are educated, who can afford the costs but just don’t want the responsibility of having children. I guess these women and men don’t know that sexual intercourse can lead to the possibility of children. I don’t know…God help us all.


  • So by that logic we should have no qualms about terminating the lives of those displaying dodgy morality…? - you’d wipe out most of the human race…

  • Don’t need to tell me that one - I’m a Biologist… :smiley:

  • Are they not simply more likely to become convicts because of their inherrent social station…? How about instead of abortion, the child is removed 10 days early via ceasarian, instantly adopted by the state, and never told the circumstances of its birth…? Then would it not sink or swim according to its own abilities…? Very well, I too believe we inherit certain social traits genetically, as well as physical, but I don’t believe they override the will, rather the opposite. Left to their own devices a person will mirror their surroundings, but change the surroundings and change the person… Clothes do maketh the man…

When I look around at nature I see life persisting and thriving everywhere. Organic beings reproduce until they cannot reproduce anymore. I do not think this is consequential. Life is mysterious and inspiring. Why teeter on thoughts of creating freedoms for the self? Life is the reason we all exist. Abortion is just a bad attitude.

Another point just poped up: letting the state to rise up a parentless human being, at the expense of the tax payers… what would be the point of that? Who would want that? The mother don’t, the father don’t, the tax payers don’t… Christians would, probably, but who cares?

I don’t like the war of the words, that’s for sure. I don’t know whether I’m anti-death, or pro-freedom, or anti-life, or anti-choice, or whatever anymore. I guess you could say I’m anti-code-words.

I’m for abortion, because I think, based on what I believe about the world, that life in general for everyone everywhere would be much worse if abortion were illegal.


What the hell are you thinking? Oral sex, anal sex? We don’t have enough ways to spread STD’s? Have you considered the possibility of herpes transmission resulting from oral sex? Ever seen a case of genital warts? Have you considered the result of infection from anal to vaginal intercourse without condom protection? Do you really think that these ‘educated’ children will actually practice what you’ve taught them?

PLEASE re-think what you’ve said!

I absolutely agree that banning abortion will simply result in back alley abortion with all the attendant nightmare results.

The ultimate solution does not lie with educating the children. It lies in educating the parents first - then the children. Ideally, parents would give the children both instruction and encouragement in safe home-alone sexual practices. That coupled with a strong dose of teaching RESPECT for their own bodies as well as others would go a long way to getting the problem down to a dull roar. There is no final solution as long as there is a penis and a vagina and hormones.


There's also the matter of parenting and culture. If I don't want my 13 year old daughter* taught how to give blowjobs in middle-school, is the response just "Screw you Uccisore, get with the times"? 

*- No, I don’t actually have children.

EDIT- Oh, I should also add, I agree with Tentative. It doesn’t happen often, so I should point it out when it does. :wink:

Taxpayers wouldn’t be paying for it. Like STD clinics, all supplies would be donated from the companies that make said supplies.

Why not both? Where should our teens learn to masturbate? Pretty much everybody has sex at some time in their life, and they have to learn about sex from someone or something, so wouldn’t an institution of learning be the most appropriate place?

Hilarious. No, what I meant was that by teaching people other ways of satisfying themselves sexually besides intercourse will mean less intercourse. Less intercourse means less risk of pregnacy, which means less abortions.

How is educating people on these common sexual practises, which would include safety issues, going to increase the spread of STDs?

Did you know that the lining of your rectum is as hard to suture as jello? People right now are tearing the inside of their ass because they never learned how to have anal sex safely. Women are having sex with full bladders and getting bladder and kidney infections, they are inadvertantly passing on yeast infections because they are on antibiotics, they don’t know how to orgasm and end up disappointing their partners.

Do a coldsore check on their mouth or use a condom/rubber dam.

You could carrying the HPV virus right now. A majority of sexually active people do (like Herpes 1), some get warts from it, some don’t. And condoms are no protection from HPV, either.

Of course. You should never go from anal sex to vaginal sex without a change of condom. Some people don’t know this, which is why they get the infections.

omg…I can’t stop laughing :laughing: Present the options…let the kids know that there is more than intercourse. We “teach” them how to have intercourse in sex ed classes, but fellatio, cunnilingus,masturbation,digital stimulation(fingers), aren’t mentioned. Why not…they are just as much a part of sexual experience.

I really think it would be a great idea is teenage girls learned to give head in school. It’s really tragic for a woman to reach middle age still having no idea how to give a decent blowjob.