Hello! I am currently in Calcutta, India. It is a city with about 15 million people in it, and one of the poorest in the world. I am confronted with a lot of beggars here. I wonder about 2 things. First from the point of view of the beggar. Is it ok to beg from a moral point of view? Is it ok to bother other people for money , sometimes in a very persistant way, without even knowing who you are talking to? And from my point of view, is it ok to give money? Do you help these people to survive or do you just help maintaining this humiliating activity by encouraging to do so.
I know that in my own city in the decadence of thew western world the beggers are drug addicts 9 out of 10 and will take the money you would give them directly to their dealer to get another shot. Obviously you can argue that it is immoral to ask somebody for money to eat while you actually plan to buy drugs from it. Obviously you can argue that supporting this is a very bad idea. They probably are in this situation because of those drugs, drugs that made them unable to function in society.
Here in India however it is different. Most of the beggars here are not drug addicts at all and would love to work and earn their place in society if they would have the means to do so. They are cought in a downwards spiral , usually started by some bad luck that got them in such a bad position. This is not uncommon here because the margins are so small that one or two days without an income mean hunger. Then again, there are also some bonafide organisations that organize begging here. Some beggers are professionals that get a monthly income from those organisations in return for their daily harvest. All in all a pretty complex situation.
Another point is… should you give a begger money? When some guy just want a sandwich to make it trough the day it seems allright, but when you help maintaining the dubious practice of proffesional begging it seems not.
This is all theory offcourse. Things become different when you have just eaten is some fancy retaurant and some mutilated guy dressed in nothing but rags , living and sleeping on the sidewalk just in front of that restaurant, unable due to his physical condition doing anything else than that, no social welfare whatsoever etc etc… asks you for … 5 dollarCENTS.
Untill now I did not give anything to anyone, exept for 1 or 2 occations I cannot really explain. Also there is something that beggars do to you. So part of me wants to kick them. Nothing can be more repulsive than a mutilated limb touching you in order to make you feel sorry for him, even to make you feel guilty about your privilaged situation compared to him or her. On the other hand it cost so little effort to fill in his demands. I only have to works seconds literally, to make up for it, while my contribution could set him up for the rest of the day.
Could you guys help me deal with this? Do you think there is something philosophical in general to say about this practices to fall back on when all these thoughts go trough your mind when faced with such a situation?