About i^2= -1, pi=3,14…, e=2,71…

My question is :
Can “imaginary and transcendental quantities”
belong to a real particle?
Take, for example, Dirac,s sea.
The particles in this sea are negative, virtual, imaginary.
The Dirac,s sea is not warm place, but very cold one.
In this cold space there are own laws.
For example.
According to J. Charles law ( 1787),
when the temperature falls down on 1 degree
the volume decreases on 1/273. And when the
temperature reaches -273 degree the volume
disappears and particles become “flat figures “.
The " Charles law” was confirmed by other physicists:
Gay-Lussac, Planck, Nernst, Einstein .
These " flat figures " have the geometrical form of a circle,
as from all flat figures the circle has the most
optimal form: C/D=pi= 3,14.
This is one of condition of " imaginary” particles.
Can these " imaginary" particles become “real” ?
Of course.
To use Goudsmit - Uhlenbeck’s impulse / spin (h = h/ 2pi).
And as result they acquire volume.
With volume they acquire also mass, charge, energy.
Quantum theory says:
when electron interacts with vacuum, its physical parameters
become infinite. But such statement contradicts the
“Law of conservation and transformation energy”.
And then we should understand and accept that when the
physical parameters of electron disappear (become infinite)
it become " flat figure “.
We don’t need to dream of “a method of renormalization”.
The " imaginary” particle is a “real " particle.
The numbers; i^2= -1, pi=3,14…, e=2,71…
belong to the " imaginary” particle.
Mathematics is not written for mathematicians.
Mathematics is written for physics, for Nature.
The numbers do not exist only for itself.
The “real” numbers exist in connection with “real” particles.
And the "imaginary " numbers also exist in connection with
"imaginary " particles.
The "imaginary " particles are not hard, steel particles.
Their geometrical form can change.
This change is explained with Lobachevsky/ Bolyai geometry.
This change is explained with the Lorentz transformations.
Some quotations.
“A mathematician is a blind man in a dark room
looking for a black cat which isn’t there”
/ Charles R. Darwin./
As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality,
they are not certain,
and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.
/ Albert Einstein./
Is this an abstraction or logic ?

There is only mathematics - logic - quantization of concepts. The only thing that renders reality “REAL” according to ourselves is the perception of pain and pleasure. We measure items constantly, they become real and no longer just paintings when they provoke a sensation of feeling or pain or pleasure.

So any theory can go, particles are really just numbers, or a group of numbers that change values constantly as related to other numbers …

and if you alone , you don’t exist.

The numbers rule at Universe .
/ Pythagoras’ theory /
Which numbers?
At first: h, h=h/2pi and electron’s parameters.

Nope, close with the sensation thing, but wrong with the rest.

blah blah blah blah blah… well, it’s better than working, I guess. :laughing:

Interesting article.

Photon and Electron Models.
video.google.com/videoplay?docid … 5200639493


        Richard Gauthier



neat, eh. try it on a calculator.
could anyone prove it here? Or is it too long. Just wondering why that identity is true.

e^(ipi)=-1 = cos(pi)+isin(pi) = cos(pi) = -1 since sin(pi) =0