
Christianity is Judaism for European pagans.

They incorporated the deities and heroes as saints and prophets.
Pagan holidays were converted to Christian ones.
Multiplicity was reduced to a singularity, with a mystical triadastic essence, reflecting Platonism.
A authoritarian, totalitarian religion, usurping open that was open to many different interpretations of the divine.
Christian messianism is straight form Judaism. The idea of saving mankind or the sinner…the idea that the world is evil and must be healed, corrected, rescued or destroyed.

The idea of possessing god’s mind, knowing god’s will, in the form of scripture.

Judaism was seductive to Rome’s slaves, its desperate, its ill…so much so that Judaism had to end proselytizing so as of preserve tis choseness.
Christianity adopted Hellenic cosmopolitanism to make the salvation myth accessible to the world. Now not only those born Jews were god’s chosen, but all who accepted Jesus, as the Messiah a Jew, Saul, promoting another Jew Jesus as the world’s saviour - the one who had come to absolve man of sin and so prevent Armageddon.
Victim psychology through and through.



Judaism appropriated and warped so as to create tis own religion, which worships themselves as an abstraction.
Jews have never created anything of their own, they’ve always appropriated and corrupted…the only thing they invented is this abstraction of themselves into a divinity to then worship themselves in the abstract, as an idea. This invention was a psychologically powerful one.
They took from the Egyptians, the Persians and every culture they came in contact with.
This is present in Christianity as it is Judaism selectively integrating Hellenism into tis superstitions to make it palatable to European minds.
Hellenism was easy to arbitrarily integrate because it was open and a multiplicity of varying philosophies, including absolutist ones - from Heraclitus of Parmenides.
Hellenism wasn’t about one single belief, but a way of being, an attitude, viz., openness, acceptable of multiplicity, possibilities, nature.
Orphic cosmogony offers a rough description of their metaphysical beliefs, which were not rigid but malleable from narration to narration. There was no singular all-encopassing dogma that could not be altered nor questioned.

The reason Jews still despise Catholicism and Orthodoxy - not so much Protestantism - is because of these Hellenic heathen symbolic remnants - Hellenism even in a corrupted form, is antithetical to Judaism.
Water and oil cannot mix.
They still celebrate their resistance and victory over the Greeks who, at the time, was the greatest threat because it was attractive to many Jews who were converting to Hellenism.
This is why Jews need to be persecuted to remain cohesive, otherwise they run the risk of being integrated and absorbed since their beliefs are entirely abstract and refer to nothing tangible.

Lorikeet wrote:

Practically everything Protestants regard as essential or important they have received from the Catholic Church. The Protestant mind does not seem to realize that in accepting the Bible and observing the Sunday, in keeping Christmas and Easter, they are accepting the authority of the spokesman for the church, the Pope.

Before the creation of man, God spoke, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness” (Genesis 1:26, NKJV).
The first man and woman were made in the image of God, given dominion over the world, and charged with responsibility to care for it. When the world was finished it was “very good.” (Gen. 1-2; 5; 11;)

This was Waaaaay before your Paganism was even thought of.

I find Christianity is best understood through a Platonic lens. These symbolic mythological maps correspond to one another though not without tension at the aesthetic the ethical and the spiritual levels. These tensions inform the historical dialect of western civilization ideologically.

Christianity came out of the dialectic that ensued after Alexander conquered the Middle East. The more you bore into the historical facts the less certainty there is about them and there will be no end to the historical series produced by the academicians and contemporary myth-makers who stoke the fantasies of the populace.

Luther loved the church & didn’t want to cause a split…he wanted to fix what was broken. The Catholic church has since listened. Most of the denominational diversity you see today is just that. Diversity. Not schism. Most Christians have no clue what differentiates one denomination from another, or the essentials from the peripherals.

I merely skimmed the thread, but if by Platonic you mean ideas that don’t refer, that is BS when it comes to Christianity (Judaism part two). But I also think that folks did not understand Plato.

The church is so fragmented today that the unity depicted in the Book of Acts is like the myth of a golden age.

What do you know about it? We can’t all meet in one building at the same time. We can’t even all meet in one brain at the same time. It’s just a bunch of noise.

Not much. I was born into the liberal wing converted to the evangelical wing and left both to contemplate it as a “single individual” for 36 years to use Kierkegaard‘s terminology.

Read “Works of Love”.


Going backwards about the comment of the Jewish-God, that conduit of an allusion relies on the ground
of resourcefulness, toward the Source of all the rhetorical back and forth.

So, even if the Source has any connection with the Re-Siurce , than Christianity and Judaism need a reconciliation between the primal power to will It’s Self (cause if god is merely an early form of anthromorphism), and the off shoot of that is reversal of the Power to identify such resemblance, than the inverse Will to power would demand , or, at least try to conform to a required reconciliation, between the imagination and the image of that power.

One can not leave such wart shaking possibility, open ended, in these last days.

Man’s actions are reversible to the Word, however Gid and Conscious definition of that supposed power may be envisioned.

And knowing that being brothers, albeit only half - through the mother, You would not tell me to FXXXk off.

Abrahamism’s Will to Power, if you want to take that angle, is found in its control over man…naming it ‘world’.
Intersubjectivity is its only source of power.
Power over mankind…using words. Words that remain impotent before the world itself.

Matrices of code encasing mankind in tis fabricated realities.