Absolute Randomness

Shalom and good evening.

Anyone into comics?

I will just leave this here.

Pax et looks

ia800307.us.archive.org/32/item … etTeam.pdf

Kanye West exposed to six minutes of the Colbert Effect, with excellent results…



I’m passing both of my college courses, so that’s good.

I’d have given Beowulf more but all I had on me was three 100s, seven 20s, and three 1s… and he doesn’t take MasterCard.

But that’s how you do it. You don’t scrutinize the shit out of em or convince em to accept the Lord as their savior. The approach is purely stirnerite; do not step back shyly from free resources and take your ass downtown where you can make shit happen.


And that camera mighta put a little scare in his lazy ass. I got him on cam loitering, see. Prolly thinks I’m with the POleece. That should get him moving.

Psst… Sarah. Listen man, these rev-9 generations aren’t like the old t-800 and t-1000 models. you’re gonna need something way bigger than that shotgun.


Woah check it out


Another Terminator movie? How many does that make so far? :-k :neutral_face:

Quite the good Samaritan there however resources in the United States for the homeless means Jack shit these days and as for employment, don’t even get me started on that. :laughing:

[Real national unemployment in the United States beyond bullshit government statistical revisions is something like 26% nationwide.]

I was homeless for almost a decade, I know these things. Honestly though, if I’m ever forced to become homeless again I’m going out like this below.

i’d disagree. in the western world the productivity of the working classes is so robust it is able to carry the weight of both parasite classes; the lumpen proletariat and the capitalist. this means that even after a large percent of the value created by the working classes becomes dead capital in the pocket of the capitalist parasites, there’s still enough left over to finance working social welfare programs to take care of the homeless parasites.

and that’s really remarkable, the gargantuan force that the working class is in the western world. you could say that each proletariat feeds the mouth of three people; himself, the capitalist parasite and the homeless parasite. that’s pretty fuckin hardcore, bro.

no but that dude needs only to be in the right spot. location location location. 'course he might have to wait in long lines for hours… but like i said, what else is he gonna do? sleep in the KFC parking lot all day? he’s got nothing to lose.


I’m full of turkey, mash potatoes, and stuffing right now. :-&

Stomach feeling pretty heavy. I’m thinking about taking a nap.

As you get older in life all you want to do is sleep.

I wondered why it had gotten quiet in here… y’all all stuffed with Turkey and can’t move. :laughing:

Hope all your Thanksgiving days’ was a good one…

Any of the old faces around these parts?

Slept like a baby overnight.

They’ve cut my hours at work in the month of fucking X-Mas! They’ve gone too far this time! :imp:

I’m now going to have to find a new job, this fucking sucks! A bunch of fucking X-Mas Grinches and Scrooges! :imp:

Fucking unbelievable!

I’m a part time college student that makes less than $12,000.00 yearly! FUUUUCCCKKKKK!!! :imp: :exclamation:

I swear to fucking Satan himself, if I get fucked over one more time by this bullshit nation I’m going to go completely off the fucking radar or reservation living off the grid until this miserable piece of shit nation finally collapses sometime between 2025-2030! [By my estimates.] :imp: You can strip me of everything and every goddamn penny I own, I don’t give a shit! I will out-last and out-survive you miserable fucking pricks! Even if you strip me of everything you will never strip me of my dignity, self respect, or mind, I will survive on pure hatred, rage, and revenge to sustain me where if I have to live in a fucking wilderness for ten years straight idly waiting to enact my vengeance until this miserable piece of shit nation finally collapses, I will do just that! Don’t test me motherfuckers, you do not understand the extent of my resolve, rage, or hatred over the many seemingly endless years! One way or another I will extract my pound of flesh from this world!

You do not want to seriously fucking piss me off and push me over to the deep end right now! I will become your worst fucking living nightmare or terror! I will make you seriously regret ever double crossing or walking all over me! :evilfun: :sunglasses:

This is my promise to the world as of today, I make good on my promises or vows too! :sunglasses:

This time, I am not joking around. :evilfun: :sunglasses:



I swear if I end out on my ass just one more time I am just going to stop working, fuck it, I’m done. From there on out I will refuse to participate in this nation any longer where I’ll just wait out the inevitable conclusion of this existential train wreck of a nation. I’ve gone as far as I can go, been pushed around as far as I can withstand. I’m at my fucking limit right now, this is my line drawn in the sand as I turn 33 next year. I’m also very tired of dealing with dumb fucking imbeciles where the only reason they’re more successful than me is because they come from families with a lot of money or because they’re friends with the right people having all the right social connections.

At a certain point even for the most poor, destitute, or low income in this society there is no reason to labor for others if you get no long lasting definitive benefit out of it. At a certain point working isn’t even worth it anymore if all that happens is that you’re pushed out or screwed over by others. I’ve tried very hard the last five years trying to be patient, law abiding, and productive within society where I don’t have a damn thing to show for it currently.

This nation is going to collapse in ten years or less anyways, starve the fucking beast out!

I’m tired of working at their wage slave farms for pennies and nickels on the dollar.

I have a feeling in the coming years I won’t be the only one thinking like this either, I definitely won’t be alone in those regards. More and more people in this nation will be thinking the same way.

If a majority of the population feel like the energy they’re putting into contributing towards society isn’t benefiting them at all more and more people are just going to opt out completely if they can or if the opportunity and environment presents itself to do so. That is how societies collapse historically by the way, when a majority of people no longer feel contributing to society benefits them at all.

These fucking gated community upper middle class and wealthy are in for such a rude awakening in the next couple of years, it’s going to epic to watch this whole nation blow up in their faces especially those dual citizen fuckers on Wallstreet.