Absolute Randomness

Every day families all over this state watch these commercials and experience nausea and disgust they aren’t able to attribute to capitalism because they don’t understand how this is an exclusive feature of capitalism… a malignant effect of it that has taken over the TV.

I see this commercial all the time. Guy looks like Jim Carrey. Anyway, he’s selling leaf guards. Commerical starts with about twenty people (home owners) seated in a seminar room in front of a big marker board that looks like it should have math equations on it. the camera pans the room and the couple’s are all talking to each other and smiling, totally over-excited about this fascinating new product.

Jim Carrey starts talking about the leaf guard system as if it were some super-advanced technology. It’s a fucking piece of plastic with holes in it.

The point here is how over-done the commercial is, and how through its manipulative chemistry, customers are led to believe the price is reasonable (for such an awesome, mind boggling product).

At one point in the commercial Jim’s squatted by the foundation beside some home owner wife actress. He says ‘look at those cracks in your foundation!’

Lol u have a better chance of getting struck by lighting then experiencing a crack in your house’s foundation because the gutters are clogged. Very rarely does that happen… so rarely that it wouldn’t be a reason to buy gutter guards.

Oh shit nevermind I found it: youtu.be/wKYy7qKJIH0

I cannot express how much this commercial infuriates me. It is literally the ethos of capitalism on screen. Everything is faked, over-done, exaggerated, like a car salesman’s desperate soul. It’s in these commercials that you get to see into the mind of the capitalist, see what the capitalist is up to, how he works and what he thinks you’ll believe.

Feel free to share some commercials that disgust u.

That’s not the whole commercial tho. I can’t find the whole thing. It goes on and on with the worst, low budget acting you’ve ever seen. Lol when owners of a company have to shoot a commercial and have no acting skills.

Here it is. Dude I’m so fucking fired up I could kill this clown. Fuck it I’ll throw my phone across the room. I gotta break something.


hey yo

I got the oxycodone itches
wit my back fulla stitches
got no time fo dees bitches
keep my mind on my riches
and my gun on dem snitches



“I certainly wanted for my mother a nice, quiet easy death like everyone else wants.” - Ed Kemper

Why so harsh with your mother, Prom?

I hope she’s not cooking you any dinner tonight!

You good tho, yeah? :smiley:

She cannot figure out how to make one cup of coffee, so she makes two cups every morning and either throws one away or I drink it. Before I was here, she literally threw away one cup for every cup she drank.

She’ll see on the news a story about a coyote in a town hundreds of miles away, and she’ll put a pee-pee pad down for her shih tzu inside rather than take the dog outside to go. She’s afraid the coyote is in the yard.

The door stays locked at all times. All three locks. Storm door, door knob and dead bolt. It is not enough to just lock the storm door because there’s a good chance that at 12:00 in the afternoon on a bright sunny day when all the neighbors are out and about, a burgler might actually stand there on the porch for five minutes fucking with the storm door to get it open. Every time I leave, I gotta go through three locks to get back in. Place is like fort Knox.

She does not understand the concept that water isn’t ‘wasted’ when it is flushed or goes down the drain. That it is recycled and used again. The water bill goes up, but only by fractions. Same logic with the paper towel. Look; she will pee in the toilet several times before flushing it. How much do you reckon that gallon needed to flush, actually costs? Few cents? Maybe a dollar? To her, not only does that handful of cents hold the fate of her life in the balance, but the water also gets wasted.

I leave the faucet on when brushing because I don’t wanna turn the water back on every time I need to dunk my brush. She tells me I’m wasting water. I tell her im wasting nothing, and I’m choosing to pay a tiny bit more on the bill for the convenience of not having to turn the water back on every time I need to dunk my brush. She simply cannot grasp this logic.

She’ll spend 45 minutes on the phone haggling a grocery store manager about the amount of fat on the meat she bought. He finally gives her three dollars credit and she feels like she’s accomplished something. I’m not kidding. 45 minutes… going from clerk to another clerk to the manager all the way up to corporate sometimes.

Her question is ‘are you providing moderna boosters’, but instead of simply asking this in the message she leaves, she’ll leave a four minute message about how difficult it is for her to drive and the whole detailed story about where and when she got the first one and the risks of mixing brands, etc. Etc. All of this on the message machine. Finally at the end she’ll say ‘so I need to know if you have the moderna’.

She cannot grasp the concept that nobody needs to hear your whole fucking life story in the message. Ask the fucking question and stop holding everybody up.

She’s that lady you’re standing behind three people down in line, who keeps going on in conversation about irrelevant shit to the clerk, and she’s moving slower because she’s talking.

The older, fatter cat shits and pisses on the floor at least twice every 24 hours. There is not a square foot of carpet in this house that hasn’t been SHAT upon. Sometimes she’ll let it sit for twenty minutes before she cleans it up.

She refuses to use a modern mop for the kitchen. She’ll crawl around the floor with wash rags and then complain about how hard the work is. You gotta listen to it.

Every single time the lawn mower guys cut the yard, she bothers them about something and often tries to get them to do little extra shit for free.

She wears these ‘sundresses’ that are identical to a nightgown or house coat or some shit. All the time. She’s got like twenty of em. Even in public. She wears one of those emergency buttons, too. The ‘ive fallen and I can’t get up’ buttons.

Yo and she keeps all her old clothes that she’ll never wear again. Got like fifty pair of shoes. Seventeen purses. Etc.

There’s more. Much much more. Imma holla at cha. I won’t kill her tho, u got my word. Caint kill her, really. I need the leftovers when the house is sold and the reverse mortgage loan is paid off.

What is driving me insane is knowing that I am here not because of my own design. I had no other option when I got out of the pen, and I can’t just up and leave whenever I want and go wherever (like I used to be able to do). It’s not probation - I’m off it now. It’s that address registration shit that makes it so fucking difficult. I have to report any location where I reside. So what address do I give if I wanna drive to Monterey and fuck around for two months?

Being here is especially offensive because of that condition. It’s like a necessary part of the curse I was stricken with on that fateful 2010 September day.

On some real shit tho, I now know what my father felt when he could not get far enough away from her no matter how much he tried. That he made it three years before recognizing his terrible mistake and divorcing her, is hard to believe but true. As a kid, I didn’t understand the gravity of what the old man meant when he would always say ‘all that woman does is complain’, and how I would see him holding the phone away from his ear with a twisted, contorted face of digust as she shouted at him with that fuckin scratchy chain smoking Jew cat lady voice.

Yeah, North American women are impossible.

It’s their fathers’ fault, obviously. I’m not talking about your momma, here prom. Just some thoughts.

It’s their fathers’ fault because they live a cozy North American life and just simply give the girl anything she wants the second she starts whining or complaining.

So if you get to the point of illumination where you realize you just have to ignore their stupid nagging… I have literally had one of these crazy bitches yelling at the top of her lungs right in my apartment, another time in a metro station with people in it. Yelling and crying and alternating between different loud behaviors, looking for the one that will finally trigger the relenting. Then you just have make-up sex, you still don’t give them what they want, and eventually they go off looking for some trick that will. But then they come back later because they can’t stand the weakness of a trick. I was like “if I was back home this would be so embarrassing.” But fuck these gringo bastards, let their peace be disturbed.

Other places they just let the girl cry for a while when they are young until they get used to the fact that that’s just the way life is, but North American men can’t handle the slightest disturbance for the smallest amount of time.

That’s why when rich North American men get divorced, they unfailingly marry an immigrant.

In North America, you have three options: marry an immigrant, be pussy whipped, or go solo.

I can’t deal with immigrants because they remind me too much of my own loneliness from being uprooted. So I just deal with the comings and goings of these crazy white bitches.

Why not a black girl, you ask? Well there aren’t a lot of native black girls here. 99% of black girls you see are immigrants from Africa or children of immigrants from Africa. I can’t deal with the sadness.

The prettiest girls here by far are the Lebanese, Syrians too. But, you know, immigrants.

Lol now the miserable wench is attacking football. Because there’s a chance you could be injured, the game shouldn’t be played at all, and anyone who does is an idiot.


Dude lol football players notoriously all end up with serious long term concussive injuries.

I mean I would still let them do it. But, you know, she’s right.

I would never let children of mine play that sport. Or box in any serious way. Unless they are doing that Mayweather shit. Or bare knuckle, where you have to consider your wrist before you put 100% of your roided up energy into a direct concussive blow.

I still watch boxing. But I am fully aware they are destroying each other’s brains.

She’ll see me making a pizza and say ‘well I won’t cook if you’re gonna eat a pizza’. When the pizza is done, I eat the whole thing. She then gets mad at me for not giving her half (there’s four more pizzas in the freezer, btw)… but if I give her half, I won’t get full (they’re pretty small) and I’ll want to eat later.

Lol and just last week she was wrong about a package of bacon she thought she bought that I actually bought.

This stuff goes on incessantly in this house. 97 percent of my interaction with this creature is like this. Y’all think I’m kidding.


Pay attention prom, this is how men play chess.

share.chessbase.com/SharedGames … 1hhD3aRBhM

I’m pretty sure I made a significant innovation in chess theory. But I’m scared of looking at the computer evaluation and have it tell me how completely stupid the Ke7 move was. But I am pretty sure it was genius. Never mind c6.

I don’t wanna look.

Fuck it, I’m gonna preserve the mystique.

Sure, I block all of my pieces and leave my king wide open. But there’s no other checks he can make, other than ones where I can block with my knight, safely bringing it back home. And I can cover any frontal assaults with my white bishop in the short term. While I get my shit together. I mean it’s not like he has done any miracles of development himself.

And then the cool head, the cool head you need, prom, to play c6.

I am like Magneto.

Sure, I give him chance to develop, and intensify the attack. But what does he really have? All his shit is uncoordinated for any real effect if you look at it. And meanwhile, I have opened a space so my king isn’t stuck there in the middle like an asshole for the whole game.


Like I’m strolling in the park. Like I’m strolling in a greenhouse looking at flowers.

Fuck is this a pretty game.

Of course, to be fair, 7. Qe2 would have made my life much more difficult. That’s what I was thinking he would play. This whole game wouldn’t have worked if he hadn’t played like a hairy chested man himself.

I forgot to mention c6 also completely cockblocks his knight, which was half the point of it.

Really a champion move.

You gotta look past the surface, prom.

kaotic.com/video/32d4a28c82 … 5fb88edac2

I’m not gonna tell ya. It’s not graphic, relax.