Abu Ben Adam

Abu Ben Adam,may his tribe increase

Awoke one night from a deep dream of peace

And saw, within the moonlight of his room

Making it rich, like a lily in bloom

An angel writing in a book of gold.

Exceeding peace had made Abu Ben Adam bold

And to the presence in his room he said

’ What writest thou?’

The vision raised its head

And with a look of all sweet accord Answered:

'The names of those who love the Lord.

‘And is mine one?’ said Abu.

‘Nay not so’ Replied the Angel

Abu spoke more low

But cheerily still and said

‘I pray thee then Write me as one that loves his fellow-men’

The angel wrote and vanished.

The next night it came again with awaking light

And showed the names of whom love of God had blessed.

And lo! Ben Adam’s name led all the rest.

Leigh Hunt (1784 - 1859)

Author is Leigh Hunt (1784 - 1859)

Thanks. :smiley:

And when Abu’s life came to test,

He stood alone

Above the rest

His smile was swarthy and half put on

Restless; waiting for the crack of dawn

Moments earlier he was in his room,

Focusing on his future to avoid the gloom

He threw a resentful gaze at the leavings from his last sup

In his prison tower, gathering mold,

There were no more angels of gold

“Why” Abu pleaded

“What is my crime!”

Frantic he was now; running out of time

“I know myself Lord, but i do not know you”

“Please Lord, tell me what to do!”

A man entered, and to escape Abu tried,

But the man caught him and brought him outside

Climbing the scaffold was a pleasant task

The guard did not even have to ask

And there he stood, the main presentation

Wondering about gods’ explanation

The noose quickly slipped over his head,

And a few seconds later, Abu Ben Adam was dead


Only the good die young.
who wants to be old in heaven?

I wrote it.

I once asked my jehovas whitness grandmother how old you would be in heavan, i was wondering if i should commit suicide at 21 to maintain what i thought would be the most enjoyable physical condition.

She told me that our exterior would reflect our inner beauty. that we would be the most comfortable age possible…

Next i asked her if babies grow older in heavan, but i cannot recall her reply…

Both the old and the young were enjoying our silent ponderings about the beautiful nature of heavan…

After a few moments she went back to cooking and i went back to playing…

Allah be praised you were not born in Baghdad.
I would have missed your poetry


nEVER EVER. If that ever happened I would never ever go.

Pure Rockewellian.

Well thank ye’

(the w is pronounced as a vee.)

iz you Vendell Vilkie?

you got the wrong guy
vendell Vilkie
vas a kyke from Vilnuis
who escaped a Russian pogram
and ran away to sea

Last heard he was a smous
tinkering and wandering among the Boers
down in Afrika
It is told he settled down
in pondoland
and married a native

Abu Ben Adam, may his tribe increase

After many years of reflection,

he has learned the truth.

Most men believe that good and evil are enemies.

Those who have traveled further have learned the next great truth,

they know that good and evil are allies,

fewer still understand that good and evil are one.

and the few, the very rare few know the great secret,

the real truth,

that this one doesn’t exist.

Abu Ben Adam understands this great secret.

He is calm, peaceful, his soul is empty of the racket

that drives most men.

Abu Ben Adam is at peace with the universe

because the universe is within him.


Hey, pete
You gotta show this to imp
on “Defining goodness”
that’ll stump him


MagnetMan: Hey, pete
You gotta show this to imp
on “Defining goodness”
that’ll stump him

K: IMP has no interest in actually learning anything. It is pretty much one liners with him.
No real arguments.


thus spake the marxist zealot

scan any good boxes lately?


K: IMP has no interest in actually learning anything. It is pretty much one liners with him.
No real arguments.

Impenitent: thus spake the marxist zealot

scan any good boxes lately?

K: I love it when someone makes my argument for me. :banana-dance:


I love it when some one forgets the past.

KDH speaks volumes.

enjoy your tax increases


K: IMP has no interest in actually learning anything. It is pretty much one liners with him.
No real arguments.

Impenitent: thus spake the marxist zealot

scan any good boxes lately?

K: I love it when someone makes my argument for me. :banana-dance: "

IMP: I love it when some one forgets the past.
KDH speaks volumes.
enjoy your tax increases

K: I haven’t thought of KDH in years and this very afternoon for some reason, I
looked it up. there is no reason whatsoever to remember the past. It is long gone and dead.
Personal history has no interest for me even with my 50th birthday coming up (within the month)the past
is filled with regrets and sorrows and wisely forgotten moments. Nothing good can come from looking into
the personal past. As for a society past, it is wise to remember those for we can chart a wiser past if we
remember disasters such as the last 8 years of bush and avoid those mistakes. Those tax increases are because
of the diaster that bushco brought upon us. We are paying for his mistakes and we will continue to pay, for
a least a generation for that chimpanze.


Abu Ben Adam
rest in peace

My apologies to Abu Ben Adam for this thread hijack.
He deserved better than a petty squabble.
Somedays the wisdom of the world like Abu Ben Adam gets lost in our own
“tales told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”
we think our personal tales means something when they don’t, sorry.
