Accidental Conciousness

Once upon a time in the beginning of the world there laid the ancient apes that would later evolve into homo sapiens where life was simple in the most primitive manner of natural simplicity amongst the natural symbiosis of life.

As time went by some form of anomaly brought about a radical form of consciousness which would later bring human sapience and it is here in this thread that I attempt to explain my views on sapience under the belief that it came about through accidentalism.

(I shall use the same image to get us in a mood of historicism in my explaining of accidental consciousness.)

Our ancient ape ancestors laid in their natural setting with a momentary consciousness unconcerned about anything beyond their physical survival living their lives only in the moment of acquiring food or sexual intercourse at any given moment of their lives.

They were social in that they interacted but at the same time they were indifferent amongst each other refusing to sacrifice their lives upon another’s interests.

They would find food amongst the land together and they would defend themselves away from predators through social means but at the end of the day they would fight each other constantly being the predatorial omnivores that they were.

( Now to my description of the anomaly that brought about accidental consciousness.)

I can only guess or estimate how human consciousness but I believe it went somthing like this:

[b]We can only guess how exactly this anomaly came to be of human consciousness and my personal guess would be that all of sapience comes from religion through a accidental means.

Religion started first with a fascination of the natural landscape with all it’s destructive forces whether it was a comet, meteorite blast, lightning , burning fields, or a solar eclipse.[/b]

The anomaly that seperates man from all other animals is religion and through religious ritual has man’s exploration of the world first come about through divine interpretations where humanity first pondered the cosmos amongst soothsayers.

It was religion where science and philosophy extends from historically where priests first supplied the desire to know which was later then passed to the philosophers down to all calculating scientists in transformation.

Whatever natural forces that man thought to be the divine through accidental means was the very conjecture that started all human thought and consciousness.

It was first worshipped as a element of creation…

Gradually the the worship of natural weather phenomena turned into full anthropomorphical divinities from man’s own imagination…

Eventually becoming a full fledged monotheism…

The first cities that created civilization were started not by that of natural evolution but by man’s desire to know the cosmos handed down to him by religion which he came upon accidentally.

Ancient city of religious cults in comparison to a modern one.

Modern city.

The first leaders were thought to be divine or atleast in touch with the divine in comparison to our modern leaders.

Modern leader.

The first laws were religious ones.

In comparison to our modern interpreters of law.

Our ideals of a society cohesive unity of brotherhood through government and economics can be traced to the ideal of religious centers where people worked together under what they saw as divine order.

Religious brotherhood.

Our ideal of a future utopia where man’s dominion of this planet has come to be concrete where his desire to apathy and idleness is finally completed fully can be traced to the religious concept of heaven or paradise.

Future Utopia.

Religious heaven.

Our ideals of classism where the wealthy are in constant conflict with the poor can be traced to the religious concept of the clean versus the unclean.

The religious clean versus the unclean.

The unclean through religion.

Our rituals of understanding the world and all of the cosmos through science by utilizing mathmatics in calculations looks alot like men using various inventive incantations in understanding hidden religious meanings.

Our instruments of mathmatics has it’s origins in mystic incantations.

Is it surprising that our first writing was utilized by priests and the religious alike to write down their incantations in fooling the masses around them?

Why do our colleges look like a bunch of huddling priests in chairs trying to invent new ways of defending the civic faith?

It is no wonder why colleges look almost identical to cathedrals.

My final post in this thread:

  1. I believe sapient consciousness is a accident that came into existance through religion.

The accident stems from applying divinity to natural phenomena with all of human thought both past and present being merely a extension of that origin.

  1. Man’s irregular imagination and sapience is a product of religious socio engineering and by the accident of it’s inception it is no wonder why many of man’s activities are in themselves unnatural being straight out destructive amongst the world.

  2. The first cities were not extensions of natural evolution but were instead a collection of religious cults trying to embrace a unknown god in the cosmos subjugating all people in the countryside to their bizarre doctrines.

  3. Morality, law and justice are mere subjective superstitious extremities from objective religious sentiments.

They have been merely transformed over time to fit present secular drifts of society.

  1. Government, classism, and the aristocracy are merely remnants of a early level of society where the religious clean priests commanded those they viewed to be the unclean into bondage or servitude.

( I’ll add more later on but this should be sufficient for the opening dialogues of conversation.)

[b]My cheap online historical diagram of accidental consciousness would look somthing like this:

  1. Ancient primitive man living a instinctual state.

  2. Anomaly of sapience introduced by religion through accidental means

  3. Prolonged period of religious reflection transforms consciousness from being momentary into pure sapience.

  4. The first cities spring up as religious centers

  5. Birth of civilization.

  6. History up to the present.[/b]

I have a different view of consciousness than most people have.

I say consciousness is basically all about dealing with awareness, which is reflections, projections and interactions. How ever many reflections, reactions and projections it can handle, that is generally its power or size of consciosuness. This consciousness is basically communication, or relay of reactions in a large group of cells and organs.

There are different kinds of consciousness, and the main kind of organic information-processing is still the internal, biological mind which can be found between a large organization of cells.

I remember once watching a live video, of certain immune-system cells interacting with eachother, and plotting certain courses. They reminded me of ants. The repeated chemical communications between a large group of ants also turns the hive into a form of mind or consciousness, though the brain of the individual ant is nearly nothing. But still, I have heard stories of ants doing very ingenious things…

I came closer to this conclusion after examining and feeling the consciousness of a tree that I was holding. I noticed consciousness can be very different in one being compared to another, but besides this, plants still react to human touch, human emotions and human words… That has been proven, though people never really believe … that there is a kind of (mostly internalized) mind inside of all beings, even the supposedly non-sentient.

Because human life depended almost entirely on external communication with other outside humans, and more complex mental work, a slight portion or percentage of the human cellular consciousness became outer logical/technical consciousness… The most intelligent species are the larger socially dependant species, ex: wolves, dolphins, whales, elephants, etc. these highest IQ animals are all in groups.

But there is no way yet really to judge the IQ of the inside of the body, other than its chemical ingenuity, which is not yet known, compared to how much there is to know, about the hidden functions of all these different species.

Scientology might be for you. They have a working model for how consciousness - as you think it to be - came to the human animal. Basically, they believe the dark lord Zenu killed various races of aliens, the souls of whom came to earth. Then were then brainwashed so as to not be able to remember their former lives. After that they were released from the brainwashing machines to then inhibit the human animal. And that’s where our irregular social structures came from, and our fear, and anxiety about the unknown. :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously, our type of consciousness, self-consciousness, is nothing out of the ordinary. Like all our talents, it is a defense mechanism. It’s merely what happens when an animal has too much time on it’s hands and only other’s of the same species to fear. Consciousness is something all animals posses; they all react to stimuli. We turned this consciousness inwards (self-conscious) when the biggest threat to our survival was no longer the environment, but ourselves…others like us. And the only way to know another who is almost exactly like you, so as to then know their thoughts or motives, is to know yourself…and here we are…still evolving…still striving to overcome ourselves so as to then overcome the other.

Like Dan pointed out, social animals have the highest IQs. This is because when an animal dwells in a pack, the chances that it’ll get killed by the environment decrease, where as the chances it’ll get killed by a pack member increase. So, being that the animal likes being alive, the attention turns inwards. And thus the more the pack grows and the environmental risks decrease, the more the animal is motivated to turn consciously inwards…look at own motives, ways they themselves are persuaded for example, from which then they then can turn this knowledge of self outwards towards the other pack members who are very much like themselves. So, for example, if someone is really paying attention as to how they got convinced to do something, they can then use the same technique they themselves got convinced to convince others. This turned ugly when we thought that everything could be convinced the way we ourselves can…sympathetic magic…animism…modern religion. There isn’t a need for an anomaly, or an irregularity in explaining consciousness.

I understand the need to still feel like we humans are the purpose of the universe, that we are somehow unique, an anomaly, an irregularity, unnatural, et cetera, but come on…face facts…that perspective died with Copernicus.

edit: forgive me. It’s actually dark lord Xenu.

Directed to Dan and Erlir:

I know every species has a consciousness of some sort and I am not denying that.

I am saying that what we call sapience or the higher awareness in man is actually a accidental situation that evolved out of religious reflection.

Sapience would include;

Invention, rationalization, to think of the future, politics, government, social codes, and ect.

To Dan and Erlir:

For a moment just think to yourselves what seperates human consciousness from all others…

That is basically what I am trying to do in this thread.

Generally, they weren’t all so separate.
Some races considered certain animals equal to men.

The “humans are above all animals, created in God’s image” shit was Jewish-christian.

Before that Jew shit, there were Sumerian writings, meant to be history of ancient-ancient earth… and those wrote of an alien race from another planet which came to earth and shared certain secrets with humanity, aswel as altering the earth in some ways…

There may have really been something “supernatural” which altered humanity. Something not from earth, that altered the earth.

I guess what I am saying is that there was a original nature where man was like any other animal elaborated in the imagery of the ancient apes that human beings were descended from just like the pictures I posted in this thread.

I believe the conception of religion was the transformer of that original nature into the ideal state of human nature that we are all familiar with today as it is more or less thrown upon us at birth by socio cultural engineering that plagues us all.

I don’t believe in the supernatural or what many faithful people call the divine in the procession of chants and prayers to their gods.

I am describing all of this from a atheist position in that I view religion to be a fluke or accident bestowed upon man at the time where there was a veil of ignorance.

If we look at the origins of invention, government, morality, classism, civilization, science, law, and many other socio cultural leanings they all have a religious origin.

When I say that man’s presence today is unnatural or an anomaly I am specifically saying that all of his creations stems from the accident of religion.

All of human thought was preceded by religion and religious ritual is the predecessor of all human logic or awareness.

Man’s imagination grew to be inventive as it evolved with cultural religious beliefs.

I get what you’re saying; I just disagree with you. I don’t see a consciousness turned inwards as anything irregular or abnormal.

As far as religious reflection goes, I believe you’re mistaking an effect for a cause. Most scholars agree that the earliest form of religion was animism and the earliest form of worship was sympathetic magic where we thought that all things had a spirit and like ourselves could be manipulated by pleading, gifts, sacrifices, and etc, which then developed into a ritual…and that’s where religion comes from! From animism, religion grew to be more rational to where it’s at now. We’re now at a point in religion where God is unknown, unknowable, but existing, intervening with human events, giving out commandments, etc - and the religious know this unknowable because…shut your face and stop being so intolerant, that’s how.

There is nothing special about man. We do not stand abnormal, irregular, or unnatural in nature…We’d all like to think otherwise, but that is simply not true…get with the times man. The earth/human-centric universe died with Copernicus like…600 years ago. From then, the religious philosophers have attempted to salvage the human soul, and God…

We’re apes. The most warlike apes. If other apes were as warlike as us, they’d need to be smarter, and probably become smarter, or die. But they’re not. They’re socialists; warring only on other species, thus growing only to out muscle them; having no need to grow the one muscle that really counts. Apes need a more powerful enemy - the most powerful enemy - their own species. Cannibalism is a great motivator!

Man is irregular and a anomaly Erlir,

How many animals do you see in the history of things praying and chanting to a god that isn’t there or does not respond back?

How many times to we see animals carving gods in their own images?

Religion is the anomaly and from that anomaly all of human thought has it’s origin from. Religion is the predecessor to philosophy and science as it was the one that passed along the desire to know to the newly founded forms of thinking.

Religion was the first system that installed the desire to know everything in the beginning and it was the first system that pronounced classifications on people creating all the socio suffering that we see today upon layers of self destruction.