Okay, as far as Moses goes, I guess one can say that God channeled miracles through Moses. Moses was a prophet and all prophets I feel even those today and I think we have them – pay attention to the world around them, pay attention and listen for God, to God, they contemplate.
Although I do believe in miracles, I somewhat and somehow have a problem with some of the so-called miracles in the Bible. I believe that historically, the Bible is sound, but for me, there is a little confusion because I find it difficult to grasp that everything described, was a miracle and was as large as life as purported in the Bible. For instance, the parting of the Red Sea, was such a miraculous thing. I cannot see, and I could absolutely be wrong here – but I cannot see this great deep sea being parted to allow the Jewish people to run to the other side.
What I can see is that the writers in the Bible, in trying to paint a picture of the times and how they viewed God, and taught their people to view God, made things “larger than life” to point to a greater truth – as for instance, that God so loved His people that He would be willing to actually part the Red Sea so that they could escape. I could be wrong though.
My only question for you, Wonderer, is why you view the great plagues as a miracle. There are many plagues, Aids is a plague, cancer is a plague, there are hurricanes, tsunamis, the terrible blaze that is going on in California right now.
I don’t personally view any of that as the hand of God though I may be wrong. I just don’t know. But I sense “no”.
Is it possible that I pick and choose my miracles. Maybe I do, I don’t know.
Do I believe in a God, yes Do I believe that God becomes instrumental in our evolution, sometimes, yes.
The further along I get, the more I realize, I just don’t know. But I do sense and I could be totally wrong. hee hee
Do I