Adam and the snake

I was sexually abused as a child
I abused my self

…and another boy
it was a very pansy like incident
touchy and soft
I’ll tell you about it when
I learn to write properly

a tomato red incident
you might call it:
The colour of embarassment,
of niave children…
I know that well, do you?

All shy
a bag of
fresh insecurities
living in comforts class
living in a place
where the mothers smiled
and the fathers worked hard
and the boys where mummies boys
and everybody had a toy car

and nobody suffered anything
apart fromprecocious littles moments
like I have just mentioned

puky little spoiled children
toching each others cocks
only to recoil form it for a lifetime

I get the impression that your homo-erotic “fumblings” have influenced you quite a bit, Colin, as an artist and a man. This is not unusual among the former group. If the “love sausauge” keeps your creative powers alive, don’t turn “veggie!”

Back to the poem, maybe the serpent in the Garden of Eden was in fact Adam’s cock.

Maybe this is all just idle talk.

Nothing fatal with idle talk…unless it tries to assert itself as something more profound.

My homoerotic experiences have played a large part in my writing and personal life, but it is not the sole arbitar of my creative bull.

Dan, that picture is quite brilliant. It took me… let’s see… 5-6 quick, intermittent, glances.

Colin, you’re such a snake.

Something confusing is even more addictive then something exciting,
Depending on circumstance.
“I simply spend my life at this…”
Each said,
Whilst contrary…

Can you elobrate on that, undergroundman?

I can, but I won’t. You’ll have to eat on this one by yourself.

You probably just mean I’m a nasty prick or some such insult.
