Addicted are we?

Hi everyone!

I am finally leaving Friday night for my beach trip for ten days. I leave you with a thought. Embracetrees mentioned being addicted to ILP. Are you?

I am wondering about this trip. If I cannot sit on the beach without booting up it will be a miracle…

ttlu ilp’ers!

ps… I answered 8 of these as a “yes” YIKES! :astonished:

I would be more addicted if I understood better what you write. :wink:

I’ll miss you around 2:30 in the afternoon.


youll be fine.
the survey isnt promising cos after i finished they tried to make me buy a book. screw that!
anyways, you wont miss out on much, but think of how much fun youll have after you come back and read all of this new stuff!
plus, the beach is waaay more fun than ilovephil–actually, i shouldnt be talking.i can be quite the little hypocrit sometimes :wink:


thanks embrace…

oh, I forgot - I will miss the peanut butter sandwiches and cherry pie, but I may just go for the filling.

Don’t try to understand that last tidbit, Sam… I have regressed into my own little world of the ambiguous arts.