February 7, 2009, 1:00am
I don’t know about you guys, but i despise a great many of the commericals i see on T.V.
This one recently made me angry, i had seen it a dozen times and had no clue what it was about
then there is it’s brother
then there is this one
then when i finally went to the website just to see what the hell it was, it turned out to be a car commercial
Fuck you KIA
Oh yea, and if anybody else has any examples of annoying stupid commericals, please do post them so that we might reaffirm our distaste through agreement.
February 7, 2009, 1:12am
February 7, 2009, 5:19am
that beyonce direct t.v. ad
February 7, 2009, 6:43pm
This one? it’s pretty stupid. A degrading sell out.
she probably got a couple million for that…
It’s a dumb commercial but it dosesn’t incite anger… but to each their own.
February 7, 2009, 7:32pm
I agree that seeing it ovr and over would be highly annoying. it is very put on.
i hate this commercial, but at least this one has images of the car and of a person, there is another version that is entirely the interior special effects bull shit.
i hate weasly commericals
February 7, 2009, 8:01pm
This one? it’s pretty stupid. A degrading sell out.
she probably got a couple million for that…
It’s a dumb commercial but it dosesn’t incite anger… but to each their own.
A sell out of what exactly?
Beyonce’s deeply held Marxist principles?
February 7, 2009, 9:56pm
how about her dignity?
where did you get “marxist” from?
February 7, 2009, 10:54pm
Beyonce wouldn’t know what Marxism was if it hit her. I’m certainly not suggesting the poor bitch should be burdened with an education, her time is burdened enough as it is with straightening her hair, whitening her complexion and trying to keep her ass in check.
February 7, 2009, 11:39pm
Leander - I could talk to Carleas for you - to ask him to change your screen name to Mr Happy.
Y’know. If you want.
February 9, 2009, 12:07am
Hatred is just as mortal as love is.
Love can lead to hate, but if we did not hate things how would we know what we loved?
February 10, 2009, 7:23am
March 1, 2010, 5:59am
Not quite what you wanted, but roughly on topic:
(SIATD v2)
March 2, 2010, 11:07am
I particularly hate the adverts that aired on British TV promoting the dating website Match.com .
From something I wrote last year:
Match.com , a dating website, ran an apparently successful advertising campaign in autumn 2008 which is reminiscent of the strategy used by the UK government when it comes to terrorism statistics. Initially they ran an ad looking for ‘hot new men’, saying that they had a surplus of women on the site.
A few weeks later they announced in a near identical ad that the move had been successful, and they now had lots of ‘hot new men’ and therefore needed lots of ‘hot new women’ so they could match them up. Aside from being a simple and effective marketing strategy, the opening of each advert features a loud horn siren and either ‘attention men’ or ‘attention women’, forcibly interrupting people, even people in otherwise happy relationships. As Jacques Derrida observed in an interview with Bernard Stiegler:
“I am at home (chez moi), but with all these machines these prostheses watching, surrounding, seducing us, the quote “natural” conditions of expression, discussion, reflection, deliberation are to a large extent breached, falsified, warped.” - Derrida, Echographies of Television
A contemporary citizen cannot even sit with a loved one and watch evening TV without being bombarded with adverts telling you there are ‘hot new’ possibilities out there, interfering with what is presumably many people’s most secure and pleasurable relationship. Likewise, on commercial TV channels one can barely watch for more than an hour without a lifestyle programme of some kind seeking to sell you values and products even between the adverts. Cosmetic surgery will change your life, makeover shows prove you can look better, DIY the crap out of your house to avoid the credit crunch, buy a holiday to avoid the fact you don’t like your life at home - these are the lessons of an average evening’s television. Without them, no one would seek to buy a new kitchen every year, or a new hair colour every month, and people might actually spend some time making constructive decisions with their lives.
“What is more, the home… is no doubt what is most violently affected by the instrusion, in truth by the breaking and entering of the telepowers we’re getting ready to talk about here - as violently injured, moreover, as the historical distinction between public and private space.” - Derrida, Echographies of Television
(..a chic geek, de Grande-dame!)
March 4, 2010, 11:58pm
Hatred is just as mortal as love is.
Love can lead to hate, but if we did not hate things how would we know what we loved?
Nice quote Leander (or is that Mr Happy ) just kidding, ok
That’s quite a poetic reply Wonderer - we wade through all that we hate to get to all the things that we love…?
March 24, 2010, 3:43am
Hatred is just as mortal as love is.
Love can lead to hate, but if we did not hate things how would we know what we loved?
Nice quote Leander (or is that Mr Happy ) just kidding, ok
That’s quite a poetic reply Wonderer - we wade through all that we hate to get to all the things that we love…?
When we work for something and suffer for it, we appreciate it more. When we have seen the bottom we feel more satisfied with the top.
Think of your favorite movie…
I bet it took you on some sort of journey whether intellectual or emotional or even visual. You felt suspense, fear, anger, and were rewarded with resolutions…
Though i think men and women tend to approach the creation of things they love there are similarities. what you are invested in whether emotionally financially or socially, we tend to have motivation for which is the battery of love itself.