Adviced needed for phrase

I’m contemplating on getting my first tattoo in the near future but I have yet to settle on what to get. I would like to get some kind of phrase, whether it be English or another language, that will be a constant reminder to me of my spiritual beliefs [that we are all one in the same. We’re all part of a bigger whole, all connected in one way or another, all made up of basically the same atoms.] Hopefully this is enough information that someone would be able to help me out here. Possibly even supply me with somewhere to do more reading on this sort of belief so I may find this elusive phrase. I’ve been doing quite a bit of googling but to no avail.

Thanks in advance for your replies :smiley:

So, you tried to find a phrase that would sum up the entirety of life the universe and everything… On Google.


Did it suggest a porn site…? Or did you have the family filter on…? Begging the question, is the meaning of life, the universe and everything, something that the family filter would allow you to see…?

Google. Still can’t get over it.


[size=70][tries it for himself][/size]

Results 1 - 10 of about 884,000 for “meaning of life” + “quote”. (0.14 seconds)

That’s a lot of meaning.

and first image:


We believe the same thing, though I think it’s got to be a personal choice.

My brother is a tattoo artist, and he always says that you should get as many ideas that you like and get good sketches of them then stick them all around your bedroom, inside textbooks, briefcase, toolbox, locker, wherever and in as many places as possible.

Then you just leave it for a year or so, and go about your life with these images constantly in your face, then when you’ve narrowed it down(by getting sick of the others)to one or a few then go to your tattooist and talk about it and she/he’ll tell/show you all the posibilities that your idea/sketch has.

That’s the only way to be sure of long-term satisfaction.

I know that you said phrase, but I had an idea…and it wasn’t a phrase…so…

An atom, the artists impression atoms, you know the ones in the physics textbooks.

So the nucleus is made up of bricks cemented together, while the rings holding the electrons are those snakes that are biting their tails, but all of it done in different colours.

Different coloured bricks, with multicoloured cement and multicoloured snakes…

do you know what I’m saying…?



why not just create your own symbol or whatever that satisifies what you’re looking for…

Get a tattoo with meaning to you personally.

When the Ten Thousand things are viewed in their oneness, we return to the Origin and remain where we have always been. (Sen T’sen)

First off let me just say that this is somewhat out of line in my opinion and ignorant. I don’t think I should even need to point out why.

Much appreciated, though I don’t think I’m going to go to that extent. I’m very certain when I do eventually make up my mind on something. Whenever I see what I’m looking for I’m sure I’ll know it. Just the meaning of the phrase to me is something that I know I’ll never get tired of. Which is why I choose to find something like this in the first place, because I realize that a tattoo is something that is going to be stuck with me and this is one of the few things that I know I wont get tired of as time goes on.

Thought about that, I’m not much of a symbol person lol. I’m pretty sure I’d eventually get bored of it. What will satisfy me is a sentence or a few words that sums up this belief. It’s not impossible, I just need to sum it up to a few words and not a long sentence or something. I might have to go to a poetry forum or a writers forum for a little help on this.

That’s what I’m trying to do here. Even though one of you might help me out to choose it, or set me on the path for my eventual choosing :wink:, it isn’t going to make the tattoo any less meaningful to me.

Thank you, finally a quote! :wink: I’ll think a little more about this and come back later on today.
Much appreciated for the replies.

(This is on the right track though btw. Any names of philosophers who studied this sort of topic would also be appreciated, I’m sure someone here had read on this sort of thing before. Then I can do my own research for quotes and phrases, what not.)

I understand where you guy are coming from when you say that I need to just come up with it myself… but just the fact that I’m doing this to look for it and what not, it’s still going to be something personal for me regardless. The meaning is what I’m looking for. If someone else comes up with something better than me, I’ll gladly use their suggestion. The fact that it didn’t come from myself, to me, is irrelevant. It’s the meaning that is important.

Ideas so far:
Just “One” (possibly in another language)

Best idea so far:
The Galatic Butterfly [aka Hunab Ku] … mall_x.jpg

This symbol is called the Galactic Butterfly which is said to represent all of the consciousness that has ever existed in this galaxy. This is all of our physical ancestors both human, animal, reptile, fish, shell fish, plants as well as the consciousness which organized all of the raw material from a whirling disk into stars then planets and solar systems. Big Meaning. So big that the original Maya had no symbol for this. In their civilization it was like having no name for God. Just knowing the concept was good enough. Later this pattern was devised by Toltec or Zapatec weavers as a pattern for blankets and this is where Jose Arguelles came across it. He called it Hunab Ku. The indigenous peoples call it “The Galactic Butterfly”. Butterflies are seen as ancestors returning for a visit to physicality. Wearing one of these symbols is very powerful as it broadcasts your reaching to actively join the consciousness of our galaxy.

Get “INFIDEL” done in Arabic.

One word: Pantheism.


No problemo my good friend…

I’m a bit of a pantheist myself, but i’m not overly spiritual about it…

Glad i was able to be of use! :slight_smile:

I have 11 tattoos. One is of a 3 eyed octopus with the 3rd eye on fire. I’ve also got a barcode on the back of my head from when I was much younger.

Mort est seulement le commencement.

“Death is just the beginning.”

The cool thing about having a tattoo in a different language is that the people that know what it says won’t ask you what it means and when the people who do not know what it says ask you what it means, you can respond with just about anything you feel it should mean at the time and they will take you at face value.

Beware- getting a tatoo in a language you don’t understand instantly brands you as a fucktard. If you must do it anyway at least verify from multiple sources that it really means what you think it means. Case in point- I read an interesting article about wiseass Asian tatoo artists putting insults onto witless young Western women. The clueless young lady thinks she has a symbol that means “peace” or something only to learn, after being laughed at in clubs, that the sign means “whore” or "idiot or something.

You really have to do the due-dilligence if you have to have a tatoo you can’t read. It pays to do your homework.

That is sage and funny advice, Phaed.

“All is One, One is All.”

How about just the number ‘1’. Keeping it a little ambiguous is good insurance, since your understanding will almost certainly change over time. A sentence will have a very specific meaning, and less potential for growth. The meaning of a single word or number can evolve with your understanding of it.

My advice is this: if you aren’t sure what tattoo to get, then don’t get one. If you’re sure what tattoo to get, still don’t get it until after a year or so. If you still want to get the tattoo after that year, then go ahead. There’s no reason to be hasty about it.