Hi, I am doing a research paper on the relationship between love and beauty. Do we love what is beautiful or, alternatively, do things become beautiful because we love them? What is the relationship between beauty and love? Is anybody can provides me some tips that I can continue my research.
have you read Plato’s Symposium? It deals specifically with what you are asking.
you love what is beautiful. what is beautiful to you? big boobies? (they signify more milk for your babies) strong arms? (they signify protection for your babies) what is ugly? big feet and big hands? (they signify clumsiness and unskillfulness; you need to be coordinated to protect yourself)
No animal thinks “its what’s on the inside that counts” only recently have we came up with this expression, which is why people get confused when it comes to personality vs looks. if you are skinny, does it really matter anymore? with our laws, you dont need to be fit, you dont need to protect yourself, the law will do it for you. now we are seeing people fall in love with someone’s attractive smarts. smarts=good job, good societal statis.
however, people are still born with the instinct of loving strong men; its only when they realize that if they partner got the str to play football, and that is all they got, then maybe they should love someone smart, who can protect them financialy. so you are young (innate love) but when you get older you realize thats not what counts anymore, so soon i can see a society of people who have an innate love with geniuses, so the want to mate with them.
That’s all true, to my discontent. But also there is the effect that sex has on a relationship between two people. If they fit together well and have similar kinks in can make up for some of those instinctual/protection/child-rearing drives, and conversely if two people are attracted to each other in every way but they don’t fit together and their kinks clash, it can be a deal-breaker.