You see, I don’t believe I can actually take a stance on agnosticism and tell everyone they should be unsure, to be sure not to sure, would be pointless. But what I would like to throw out is the idea that agnosticism is probably the best perspective to look at ideas and arguments from.
So how do I defend that point?
I simply believe that when someone is religious, every argument that is against religion is seen as a argument they must repudiate in some manner to which satisfies others or themselves. But a critical analysis of what the argument actually is trying to say, or it’s other implications are not taken to heart. What is taken to heart is how can I best get rid of this argument and move on with my belief system.
I believe this also goes the same for Atheism. I have a very devoted atheistic friend who’d practically perform fellatio if Dawkins asked for it. No matter what argument he here’s against atheism, if it’s something he disagrees with he calls it a strawman. He is not bothered with Critically analyzing atheism, but will do so for theism. He is so sure he is right in being atheist that he won’t ever say…“yeah… that is one way atheism lacks I’ll agree” No, never once. And this is a good friend of mine, he’s a great guy, very intelligent. But here again, it’s not an intelligence thing, it’s a perspective thing.
If none of us had not totally made up our mind about whether or not a supernatural being exists of some sort, we would be open to discussion and I believe we would all learn more. Thus, I will further conclude it is the best perspective ‘up to a point’.
And before you attack me let me just say I’m not saying so much you need to not have your mind made up, but that you need to not have it made up when given an argument. I believe it’s very very hard not to be biased when given an argument that opposses our side.
And dont’ get me wrong, I am not saying we need to be totally skeptical, that’s ignorant. Im only saying arguments, beliefs, philopohies, all should be taken seriously and openly. Not shunned at first sight; we should not be prejudice. And from there I believe only greater debating will follow; not just in here but for everywhere. Because lets face it, it’s easy to give an excuse or a defense, but analyzing a certain belief objectively is a whole different story.