Against the Simulation Hypothesis

My impression is contrary to you being a simpleton. I felt your reply was difficult, and it’s legimitization equally so. But I will try tonight. Until then, for my check came in and I am in the process of moving to a better place.

:wink: Until then.

If God exists in the here and now, then He has an imminence, He can not transcend this existence TO OUR KNOWLEDGE. If He did, then HE would share it, by other than parables, etc. TrueHe has miraculous powers, and had them exhibited to a limited few, but these are few and far in between, and their report consists of secondary reporting. Our reality is the only one, whereby He can partake of any information about Himself, either as an original God, -The Father, or a similar Being, such as the Son.

Only He can transcend Himself (I am the Alpha and Omega), and His transcendence may not be imminent or contemporaneous with the Other Worlds, including That Realm which His Father’s Being has place. That Being is again beyond measurement of both time and space, and it may occupy a different realm in different aspects. Some of these aspects may be thought of as dimensions, above and beyond the few which we are experiencing.

The Soul, as we experiencing it in the here and now, may or may not be a one which is in being with the Father, it may be a lower level soul, a developing soul, which strives to up end it’s self, just as a sun flower turns toward the light.

Eternity, consists of a place where all the realities within our karmic structure are accessible, and this is where our freedom comes into play. We are free to absorb as much of It, as we wish, want, or are capable or deserve to receive. Sure, God is willing to give more, much more, but we could not possibly receive It all, except a part of it we can comprehend.
We can receive as much as we are capable of receiving, more than that would be harmful, even absolutely harmful.

I did some transcendence meditation during my life, here and there I come back to it, and this is the first time in years, I am trying to recollect some of the fragments which have been stored there. This storage is a possible cognitive alignment, or in this case-realignment to some aspects of the residing soul, which can not really be understood cognitively.

Here, absolute earnestness and humility becomes necessary to begin the search.

Now where does a Simulation of God come in to this?
The point is, it really makes absolutely no difference on this most archaic-yet most sophisticated level to seek such difference, since both-are aligned at the level of faith to begin to make any sense at all.

Differences are evolutionary, as Nietzche pointed out with the death of the Gods, He declared this prophetically, way before They actually lost validity.
There are still, more believers then not, and religion is loosing them as fast.

Now, when the world-or, present reality reaches the minimum point in belief, they will invent or simulate Gods.

Give You an example:

Lets say, the future consists of a Mad Max scenario, where most of civilized society will be wiped out. The still faithful will remain, those presently inhabiting pllaces where tribal and primitive people still are clutching to religion. These places are not significant targets for nuclear bombing, because usually, there are usually no strategic assets placed there. So let’s suppose, these people will continue to worship some kind of God. Maybe they will find upon a super computer, or even a robot or cyber with God like powers, which is capable to exhibit superior thinking, even cyborgs in the farther future, who have been able to get in touch with Asian beings of a very advanced type.

These will not try to contact them for the same reason that a ‘real’ God may find it a waste of time to get in touch with a man. They would be found with ant like intelligences, not worthy, of such consideration.

The computer simulated gods, then will become the reincarnated beings which resemble the old gods of yesteryear, those living perhaps on Mount Olympus.
And then the whole cycle may start all over, and a new anthropomorphism could develop a very similar kind of God.

Now this kind of God is no different, except by a degree of similarity to a family of resembling Gods, so that, the continuum would add spiritual depth, irresistible to almost anyone, except those who can apprehend the atomic nature of the soul. This atomism carries over to a totally absolute world of perfection and beneficence, and it will take a new Nietzche to understand this resemblance as an exhibition of an eternally repetition tree of life, or the recycling of the Karmic Wheel.

This is how I see God, a 'Real One much as you describing it, with whom we share that originality resting in His Heart.

You really can not understand the simulation of God apart from the real thing, because in his heart, there is no difference. He is between alpha and omega, where his heart resides. (In between).

Mistake: In the above, ‘Asian’ beings should read ‘Alien’ beings.

I thought that was your wishful thinking> :evilfun:

jerkey wrote

That’s hogwash! It is your harddrive, so it is fairly up to speed regarding YOU. You must figure out how to tap it whilst out of body. Truly, you need to migrate your soul to another plane/dimension to do that tapping.

Start meditating laying down, only aiming for OBE when you have an abundance of positive energy/positive attitude as well. Any inkling of doubt, fear, uneasiness will sabotage every attempt. PM me if you ever get serious about expanding your horizons, beyond simple meditation.

will try it, but the thing that your talking about has been aptly spelled out: you have to die now, in order to realize…OBE, has little chance for realization, while meditating, because hard drive or not has to touch that which is inaccessible. You do not have to go outside because the inside and outside are at that stage are not distinguishable,


If you’re just going to make up your own special definition of what the word ‘simulation’ means, then what’s the point in discussing the thread? You’re just talking to yourself about your own ideas that the rest of us can’t interact with.

We cannot reliably draw any conclusions for a logical argument, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t one ‘there’. consider that a huge complex frame viewed from one angle, may not be fully realised by the observer, but that doesn’t mean there is no frame.


No, you do not need to die to transition away from the physical, but being alive still does give you choices of where you can go.


Dying now- is in addition to the ‘real thing’ may be used as a metaphor, in fact that is what I intended to mean. If the self can, of course in the non-conventional sense dilute to the point of a transformation, all manner of change is possible.
At that point the simulations ground themselves into
an intentionally valid and real self-which strangely can mash with some kind of extra-rational and extraordinary cosmic will.


The word simulation can be overcome by some kind of a larger then life draw, and hence the simulation literally becomes an insufficient way to describe a transformative process seeking some idea for which it becomes useless.

But we still use the word for lack of something better.
There is sense in using it though, because it still expresses the nearest thing we would like to mean .

jerkey wrote

The self doesn’t need to dilute for the self is already separate from the physical body which enriches it. The soul, my soul, is an organ with specific functions. This soul organ is your consciousness and it is able to transcend the solely(no pun intended) physical, but there is a process to achieving that separation and its not easy.