Age and philosophy background

your age and philosophy background.

19 years old
1 philosophy class and currently taking a logic class.
I plan on getting a phd in philosophy.


48 years old

Started asking “why?” at age 4
Read “Being and Nothingness” at age 6
Made statuette of Plato out of Play-Doh at age 9
Thinker of deep thoughts since age 14
Have seen “The Matrix” - on DVD - used pause, slo-mo and rewind a lot.

42 yrs

Dr. Seuss at toddler yrs, Richard Bach soon followed. Been annoying parents, teachers and friends with thoughts and ideas since I could form sentences or so I am told.

Education has been: hard knocks, libraries, book stores, friends, family, non friends, reporters, Authors, anything that has even a modicum of information. No formal education past 12th grade Just alot of reading, listening and observing.

Seuss rocks.

Trevor age 22

bought Plato and Aristotles complete works age 19

read Beyond good and evil age 19

still never looked at Aristotle(want to read Plato 1st so i see what Aristotle took from him

have learned, that most people have contempt for any book for which dictionaries are required.

Age 21

Entering 4th year of philosophy undergrad

age 23
5th year in philosophy undergrad, last year
philo class I have taken
law, medicine in ethics, classic on moral philosohy, logic, introduction, history of greeks, history of modern philosophers,

studies in private, countless

first became interested in philosophy:
when I was enlighten by Bruce Lee

race: Chinese - American

blood type: unknown

others: I haven’t made an introduction for myself since I was registered here, so I believed I am obligated to do so given the opportunity.

Satori- Moksha, enlightenment, or Awake (rather enjoy Zen Buddhism)

Age: 21

Background: Fairly intensive Bio background, studied Pre-Med for a bit but became disheartened with the morality of it and thus switched to philosophy.

Read Sun-Tzu at about 13
Studied Japanese Culture from there on out and have taken classes on Japanese Civ., Philosophy of Religion, Ethics, Morality, and Social Philosophy

I have stayed away from alot of the Western philosophers until recently and am growing to respect them more and more.

age: 26

Formal Education: Studied psychology pretty extensively until I became disillusioned with so-called education. Took philosophy courses sporadically. Eventually dropped out of college.

Started philosophizing in a serious way at about 12. Fell into sort of an existential quandry. Recovered from that, kept up the habit.

Read: Neitzsche’s works, Plato, Descartes, Wittgenstein, Popper, Quine, Duhem, Russell, Sartre, Godel. Countless others.

I’m particularly interested in where philosophy, science, and computer models overlap.

Age : 16

education doesnt make the philosopher, i didnt take philosophy at colledge because theres nothing usefull they could teach me.
knowing about philosophy and knowing philosophy are different.

born an observer, the quiet guy who watched… barely ever said anything in conversations just listend and watched and thought, age 4 start configuring the difference between right and wrong of peoples actions and words, age 6-8 nearly a master at it, age 11 the deep thinking starts and all goes downhill from there, the school i went to was torture mentally and some what physically and im driven near to insanity, developing my philosophy playing games and lissening to music as a form of escape were the only things given my time.

last year a of school and afterwards i become a hermit…


Age 22.

I do not like philosophy.

I was despised by my own mother all of my life and I have spent years asking why. It keeps your perspective clear about what is important early on.

I am an artist and musician and came here one evening by mistake. I am 55.


Was the answer “She’s got borderline personality disorder?” That’s a popular one.

New to this forum :slight_smile:

16 years

Read “Basic writings of Nietzsche” about 2 years ago.
I’m still in high school so I haven’t any education in philosophy other than reading on my own.

(Please correct my english if you see me make some mistakes)

I am 3x years old.
I have no qualifications other than a sharp mind and a witty tongue.
Oh, and I saw the Matrix about 30 times.


Geez, detrop, can’t get anything by you.

Don’t even try.

Er, um - I have a confession to make. I never made that statuette, either. And I don’t remember anything about age 4. And I never saw the Matrix all the way through - I found it tear-enducingly dull, with all the philosophical ramifications of a piece of junk mail. I only paused it to pee, or find my cigaretter lighter. Detrop’s really got me here. I am a sham.

But I probably had a deep thought or two at age 14.


I have a large penis and numerous friends.


[size=92]p.s. When I was two, I wrote Being and Nothingness.[/size]