Lately I’ve just been noticing how mean people can be, and I wonder, is it their upbringing?neighborhood? or are people just naturally aggressive but are taught to restrain it.
- whats your stance?
- Sarah
Lately I’ve just been noticing how mean people can be, and I wonder, is it their upbringing?neighborhood? or are people just naturally aggressive but are taught to restrain it.
People use aggression to cover up anxieties and fears and there is alot of both out there, calm people are more secure in themselves.
there has been shown that a large percentage of male inmates who commit violent crimes has an extra A gene or something. I forget the exact jargon explanation. But genes play a part, but environment cannot be underestimated.
have you ever seen a dog in a cage looked up for a long time. Some humans live their lives because of external or internal influences as if they where looked up in a small cage, this often fuels anger, and people often vent their anger on other people, which sucks!!!
Aggresion is activity.
Submission is passive.
Activity is work.
Work requires power.
Thus, aggresion is power.
Strange slave-moralists have turned “aggresion” into an ugly word, connecting it, at times, to the very concept of war. But should all beings in nature be disarmed and disempowered? Would that really be a utopia? Or would it be a place of even greater weakness, thus greater suffering and greater evil?
Cruelty, on the other hand, is a form of oppression. Oppression is moreso about control and restraint. I would not call “mean people” “aggresive”, par se, I would call them parasites and cannibals. Such things evolve in any system lacking proper defense. Your judges do not find and kill enough of the disharmonious, and thus society has disharmony, in the same way the immune system has disease if it does not find and destroy the poisons, the worms and the viruses.
Genes arose via natural selection.
Natural selection depends upon enviroment and situation.
Thus genes are the environment,
and the enviroment is the genes.
Each tree in a forest, is actually genes, DNA, etc., and that which flows fourth afterwards.
I don’t believe in natural selection. Humans don’t exactly adhere to nature to begin with, why should we follow it in this matter?
I take a very cliche view on aggression, but it’s not very common to find. Well, (and I know I’m being over-dramatic when I say this, sorry) I follow what I call the “Path of the Sword”. I’m not gonna look for a fight, but I’ll fight when I have to.
I’ve gotten a little off topic, but I hope I can tie that in with my view on aggression. The way I’ve been brought up is that aggression is, in general, bad. However, sometimes it’s necessary, in protecting people, when you’re trying to keep people from doing something stupid (like, say, a racist).
I’m not a very aggressive person myself, so most people who meet me are able to walk all over me (to an extent…I won’t allow myself to be degraded or my pride to seriously suffer). However, my “passiveness” will turn immediately into aggression if anyone tries to seriously hurt me (or anyone around me for that matter). And though I have a minor case of ADD, I don’t need meds to focus all that aggression and rage on that person.
Some are born more aggressive then others; there is no common ground here that I can see. The common ground is that we are all born selfish and our aggressive nature is a reaction of this common selfishness.
A rise in aggressive nature is often brought on by an increase in population density, which we are experiencing in many areas, especially here in Texas.
i believe it is natural, but is brought out by different thing. for instance someone who does drugs, their aggression was brought out by the drugs. other things that can, bring out aggression are the media, how they are brought up, the environment they live, role models, and a number of different sources. but i also believe that their are some that cannot control their aggression from birth.
one of my old roommates had a major aggression problem. He would get in trouble with the law etc because of it.
He told me once that his dad would beat the shit out of him if he didn’t catch a football well when he was a kid. so I wonder, did his aggression problem come from his upbringing from his father, or did it come from the same dna that his dad had? obviosly both, but which is the major role player? hmm.
It is really sad though, no one deserves that kind of bullshit when you are just a kid.