Ah, the sweet smell of vindication

From that well know liberal news organization called
ABC NEWS comes this fun item,

abcnews.go.com/International … id=2400470

President bush acknowledges secret CIA prison.
As I said months ago, there were secret CIA prisons in
Europe, probably in Poland. The article also said
people held in Guantanamo bay, will now be granted
protection under the Geneva conventions, which also means
they were torture which is prohibited under the Geneva
convention. And this is my second vindication, I said
the U.S. practices torture and several here said,
Oh, yes it does. The U.S. tortures people in your name.


What ever happened to Geneva being antiquated?

Is he flip-flopping?

Xunzian:What ever happened to Geneva being antiquated?
Is he flip-flopping?"

K: among other things, yes. He has totally flip-flopped.


The flip flop has a lot to do with the supreme court, public opinion, and the elections in 3 months time.

What’s that?

International law under the Geneva conventions?

Prisoners of wars having rights?

Someone call Imp, he said the Geneva Conventions “don’t mean shit”.

I wonder if that would mean he could possibly be wrong about something?

Nah, perish the thought. There are no Geneva Conventions. There are no prisoners, or else, this isn’t a war, cause war means only dead enemies.

no, read the article again.

bush is forcing the party of cut and run and surrender to the terrorists to do what the supremes sais to do. he’s going to make them vote on legislation that allows him to deal with the prisoners and conduct the intelligence operations. the democRATS will have 2 choices: 1 give bush what he needs to win the war on terror or 2 block bush at every chance (continue what they have been trying to do) and prove to the american voters who the party of defense actually is.

feel good running on a give al qaida rights and lawyers platform? the democRATS want your tax money to go to the defense of terrorists. the republicans want your tax money to go to the destruction of terrorists. who do you think will win the election?

bring it on.

[size=200]VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!![/size]


I didn’t even think of this (saw this on some web site
whose name escapes me at the moment)
But this whole thing is part of the desperate GOPhers
to save this election. the thinking here is to kick
terrorism into legal land and then make it another attempt
to get a “if you don’t favor bush, you must favor terrorism”
thinking. They are a a sick and pathetic bunch.


nothing desperate at all.
the vast majority of voters have barely begun to pay attention to politics.
it is a simple choice.

the democRATS will not win on an anti terrorism vote


IMP: nothing desperate at all.
the vast majority of voters have barely begun to pay attention to politics.
it is a simple choice.
the democRATS will not win on an anti terrorism vote

K: Nothing desperate? You have been dipping into faust’s stash.
It is 62 days before the election and the village idiot did
a major, major flip-flop admitting to secret prisons in Europe
(which you denied) and admitting to the torture of people
(which you denied) with the new call to hold the CIA to the
Geneva convention. I would say it reeks of desperation.


no, it reeks of throwing the liberal lies back in the liberal liars’ faces and forcing them to make a stand


LOL … now you’ve just completely lost it, not even rational at this point.

  1. Republicans are the exact same scum of the earth as Democrats … just different modus operandi … (i.e. feed the corporation, starve the economy)

  2. There is no “war on terror” and if you believe that there actually is one, then the media owns your mind.

  3. You can’t beat terrorism. The CIA/FBI/NSA are the most corrupt and incompetent institutions of the governmental vehicle … in short, they all amount to a bureaucratic clusterfuck of cosmic stupidity.

  4. Regardless of who wins the election, it will be a politician, and as always, one who’s primary agenda is “what can I get for me while I’m in here”.

welcome to humanity


Good thing you didn’t, lucidity isn’t an acumen.

No, not hardly. Political scum is political scum. Changing modus operandi does change the lack of character or ethics.

I did, and it shows.

Not wrong. Terrorism has existed since the dawn of recorded history, and likely before as well. Much like human stupidity, it is inexorable and inextricable, and infinitely unstoppable.

LMMFAO … you can’t separate the parts from the whole. They are corrupt and incompetent in totality. You saying “so what” just shows you have no understanding of how they work, or the impotence they exhibit. CIA/FBI/NSA can neither protect us from terrorism, nor can they stop it … that’s the “so what”.

Don’t know what you are on about here … but it has nothing to do with the context of this discourse.

No thanks. If your version of humanity is what I have to take, I’ll opt for genocide or seclusion.

it isn’t my version. humans are greedy selfish lazy stupid animals. nothing new there either.


Not a chance. You could never target the nukes to take out even a minority of the terrorists, and all that would avail is poisoning the atmosphere … useless answer.

There’s no proof they’ve thwarted anything … by proof, I mean more than their own political hearsay. As long as the borders remain open and unguarded, there is no protection.

Strange, no mention of socialism anywhere … ?

LOL, well at least we can reach one point of agreement. I’ve been told repeatedly, especially here at ILP, that that is a particularly erroneous perspective of humanity.

news.yahoo.com/s/ucac/20060824/c … heysupport


I wondered as I read that linked page why it made no sense. Then I saw the author. The Dems have yet to demonstrate any good reason why they should be considered better at national security than the GOP. But Coulter’s argument here is horrific. To deny that civilians are being killed in Iraq is just a stupidity, for one thing. And to claim that the US was ever engaged in a global war on fascism is merely a lie. And her equation of objecting to saying a prayer at a school event and objections to arrests of terror cells shows that she is only a Troglodite-Conservative propagandist. My personal political hero, Ronald Reagan, would have her flown over Lybia and dropped from the sky.

Surely we can use better citations than this rhetorical projectile vomiter.

As to Bush’s political maneuverings, they are political meneuverings. They have nothing to do with national security, and everything to do with politics. Which is just the way it is. No reason to get upset either way. I would be shocked to learn that anyone besides Peter gives a rat’s ass about secret prisons in Europe or anywhere else - and I mean anyone in the whole country. I sure as shit don’t. It’s a war. Same with torture. I don’t like this war, but I’d still rather we win it. That’s pretty much the majority view, now.

Is human nature reformable, though? Didn’t Nietzsche’s philosophy/revaluation stress that?

yeah, a world full of overmen… with no morality whatsoever… no, human nature is not reformable… nietzsche did stress that… billions of herd animals…


Imp, ending all life because of terrorists? Don’t think I’m going to agree with that ideology. If you want totalitarian genocide because humans are uniformly mindless herd animals, incapable of change … that is agreeable.

No, I didn’t say it “was”. My point was that those organizations ability to stop terrorism in this country, while borders remain open and unguarded, is a joke to any discerning individual.

Obviously, the logical answer would lie somewhere between military border control, or as a division of INS.

Nice try Imp, but I’ve made it clear to anyone here, I have no belief in governments or their ability to manage anything, beyond clusterfuckism.

As far as the link, I stopped reading when she equated the Iran “war” with the war on terror. Give me a fucking break … she needs to learn to read.

Terrorisms main handlers are the Saudis, Syrians and Iranians … it’s been written about enough times. She’s a bigger moron than the people she insults, she hasn’t the foggiest idea.

Iraq is about Bush’s ego, his stupidity in allowing others to control him, the involvement of Russia, Germany, and France with Hussein and the “Oil for Money” scandal … and just plain petroleum resources.

Coulter should do the world a favor, and put a bullet through her brain, she’s as bad as the Iraqi dis-Information Officer …