Alcohol or Marijuana?

Feel free to express your open opinions.



Closes your mind. Bliss.


It depends what for and how much. I know stoners who spend everyday getting high, but they seem to be wasting their time, doing nothing I know people who go out every night and get drunk, but they spend the day recovering to get drunk again.

What is the point of either system? The pleasure is short term and the waste is extreme. There is no fulfilment in that kind of system.

It’s hardly a ‘system’, Matt. More a niche.
However, it does seem to work in Dublin. You can breathe the alcohol. The happiest place in the world.

alcohol is more social, i know too many stoners that just sit around and watch cartoon network all day (i know it’s a cliche) and they’re just dull.

of course im bound to say neither. fruit and lots of water makes u happy. go to music for the extreme experiences. (says chloe the conformist)


weed/resin is so much better.

with alcohol if you fuck up and drink too much your screwed. u’ll end up making a twat of yourself, you’ll throw up and feel shit the next day.

now if u have been using a tutor/bong too much you ease off and go to bed for say like 2 hours and you’ll wake up ALOT better. plus when it all wears off u have no hangover, you feel fine and normal. but with tutors you can get a ‘bad’ one and throw up. you will feel like crap fro alittle bit, but after only 5-10 mins it will wear off and you will be fine and even less stoned than when you did it. but the worst point, short term memory loss. while it isn’t meant to spill over into a non-stoned state i’m pretty sure it does (a little).

also resin is by far the most economical substance i know. for the price of £12.50 you can get mashed, or drag it’s use out for weeks.

Alcohol better in large groups, Marujiana in smaller groups, because a room full of people just inhaling/just really slow conversations is a bit weird, whereas with alcohol you can carry on a conversation at normal speed, unless you are hugging your toilet bowl, which thank god, never happens to me. But downside of alcohol being you know that you made an arse of yourself the following morning.

My own personal opinion is that weed helps me think. Thinking is something I like to do as a liesurely activity, so therefore I do get stoned alot. Weed offers deep insights into my own identity, and insights into religeon as well as philosophy. It has helped me become an individual, which is really a dying commodity these days. Alcohol lets me loosen up in groups and be really social, but it doesn’t help my individuality. I have to give a lot of credit to weed because its helped me be who I am, which is exactly what I want.


i quite enjoy making a tit out of myself actually. i tend to do it when i’m sober as well though, so i guess i can’t really help it. at least when you’re drunk there’s an excuse. you can’t do that when you’re kaned. the most i could ever be bothered to do was move from the sofa to the kitchen, at least when i’m pissed i’ll have adventures, talk to rendom people on nightbuses, make sure i can’t ever go back in certain establishments due to embarrasing behaviour…

i’ve had ‘real adventures’ while stoned. do about 15 tutors in the morning, go skating all day, make a video, go to a gig with many, many, many detours en route. we even decided to leave cosy Suffolk for Wales one time, and made it there and back in only 2 days, woo. adventures on alcohol are pretty dull because it’s easy to spot a drunk person, but when stoned u can still hold a normal conversation or even skate well.

Personally, I’m a drinker.

Why? Because every stoner I know is boring, and because I know someone who ended up in a mental aslyum for 2 years after having a weird spliff. And I know someone (MACCA) will tell me I’ve made that up, but I haven’t, so there you go.

Most drunkards I know spend their evenings exuberantly hugging each other and professing their love for people. Stoners stand around at the train station with a look of bemusement, swaying slightly. I know which I find more fun.

It depends on the individual, I for think I am more suited to smoking a few hits to get the brain juice flowing, it’s relaxing too.

If I drink I tend to overindulge and lose control of myself. Something I cannot tolerate in humans,


“Philosophy is a study that lets us be unhappy more intelligently.”

well unless he knew what was in the ‘weird’ spliff it could have been anything, could have been peyote or something just as fucked up. as for stoners hanging around the train station, i wouldn’t know as we don’t have one (thank you privatisation). we usually smoke at someones house party, or bring a few pre-packed to a gig. but hanging around the train station thats just dirty. i did read in a paper about people being outraged that children get stoned at school, i don’t know about urban schools but i’d say theres at least 10% of (year 10 - 13) that get stoned at least twice a week in school in rural schools. i just don’t understand the big fuss, it’s even been proven to make you think in more diverse ways and allows you to concentrate on repetitive tasks.

would you show up to school drunk? it’s not acceptable to be in a working environment, be that school, college, your job, etc in a state that makes you less productive, and i think that showing up for school stoned is just stupid. if people are going to pay taxes for you to go to school, then why should you waste their money by coming in stoned/drunk/whatever, and not getting any work done.

Unfortunately there are a lot of people who use marijuana too much. Yeah I used to get stoned in school, but now I see no use for it. There are alot of people who just sit around and hang out with the TV when they’re high. I guess what I am trying to say is that not all stoners are like that. I wish society would realize that there are people who don’t abuse it, and that there are people who use it for thier own intellectual advances, not to make a looser out of themselves. I think drug use should be more researched and exposed for what it really is. Society seems to only listen to the DARE moms, and the politicians who have never even seen a joint, let alone smoke one, and who only seem to exploit the retarded stoners who really do make our society an underachieving pithole of incompitents. The point of my post is that I want to be able to smoke pot and find a niche in society where I can replace responsiblity with thinking, replace it with an extended awareness, and replace it with contentment of being myself, which just so happens not to be another victim of society’s ideal of conformity.


but thats the point theres a vast difference between monged and tweaking. when you are tweaking you feel excitable, like you have energy to waste. granted not every person tweaks off whatever you smoke it through some poeple do. also it has been proven to help you concentrate on repetitive tasks and has been proven to aid in thinking and thought process. to me if you get the work done and don’t disturb classes where is there a problem? - beyound “OMG ALL DRUGS ARE EVIL” view point. in the same way that before an exam you see X% of the class sneak off for a cigarette or 5 you could go off and smoke a blunt and come back relaxed and focused.

stop being so childish. of course drugs aren’t evil, i just think there should be limits to when and where they are taken. and you cannot compare having a fag before an exam to smoking a joint, it is completly different.

i’m afraid i don’t understand the complex differences between being ‘monged’ and ‘tweaking’, but i don’t think that people should show up to work or school stoned, any more then they should show up drunk, or on any other (non medicinal) drug. i am far from sXe, but i think that it’s irresponsible, and at the end of the day it’s going to get you fired or expelled if you get caught. and do you really want to spend your life half stoned? there is nothing wrong with the recreational use of most drugs, but that’s what they should be for - recreation. macca, if you have to be stoned in order to feel ‘relaxed and focused’ then it sounds like dope is playing far too large a part in your life. i don’t have to have a drink every day, when was the last time you went without a spliff?

stop jumping to conclusions. i would like you quote me when i said i have been stoned in an exam, either do that or withdraw what you said, i have NEVER been stoned or smoked before an exam, what i was said was “you could go off and smoke a blunt and come back relaxed and focused.” that is copy-pasted from my last post. nowhere does it say ‘i go for a blunt before exams so i am relaxed and focused.’ as for smoking, i haven’t since last thursday due to lack of money/going out.

and what is the difference between a cigarette and a joint? one has THC’s which relax you, the other has [insert relaxing agent from cigarettes] in it. what is worse about a joint than a cigarette? one for on they are worse, but i doubt you would have time to roll and smoke that many before an exam or work for that matter