Yes, other sentient beings exist aswell but they are on there own planet
Yes, but we are the only sentient life forms
Yes, and we have been visited by aliens
Lets try to be serious about the subject even though it might be a lughing matter for some. Also, the aliens that I am talking about for question 2-4 are sentient beings.
Here are the questions to look over:
Do you think that extra-terrestrials have visted Earth? Why or why not?
How should we deal with a mass and public alien encounter? i.e. they come to us and start contacting us face to face.
Is it worth it to look for other life in the universe? Why or why not?
If we find life out there how should we go about contatcing them? or should we not contact them?
Do you believe that life started here on earth or arrived by comet? why?
Pick two. You can break the light-speed barrier in a universe without causality (which permits time-travel) or which denies relativity, but a universe with all three properties necessarily limits any massive object to slower-than-light speeds.
20 minutes ago I was out struggling with some of their spacecrafts.
They’ve got a whole implant network set inside of all life on the whole earth, and have basically switched off most all evolutionary. So micro evolution is faster than macro, and macro beings are all basically pathetic animals. In the same way that big corporations stomp out the little guys before they grow, to prevent competition, these buggers have got most everyone pinned down.
The dimensional field of our auras was meant to be like more than 100 times what it is now, in spectrum. Sparcely born psychics and “witches” with “supernatural powers” to any degree are just slight examples of what was meant to fully develop in everybody many thousands of years ago. But if we ever did get psychicly awakened and powerful we couldn’t get screwed over my otherdimensionals anymore, so the parasites gotta suppress and prevent all natural defenses instead.
Main mo-fos I’m talking about now are the larger big-headed yellow-skinned ones whith the ovel shaped dark metalic space-crafts. They’re a step up from the greys, and are stronger. They’ve got allot of planets under their influence, but their bodies don’t have certain spiritual parts which should be there, so they became uncreative and highly techno-dependant, then they have to drain the creativity out of other sources and races as they themselves can no-longer evolve. So instead they suppress and syphin it from others. They’re very strong and very weak at the same time, which is difficult to explain now… But due to these sorts of situational principals, on some planets life evolves within a few thousand years to a super-advanced state while on other planets evolution takes billions of years and never really gets anywhere…
I’m sure there is other life out there. There are billions of galaxies containing billions of stars within them. It would be silly to think we are alone in the universe.
Don’t know for certian, but I’d have to say probably not. I can’t say anything more because I don’t know. I did vote, but It’s based only on an educated guess.
Welcome them as best we can. Try to avoid a violent confrentation.
Yes. We could learn a lot from another intelligent race.
Signals I suppose would be the easiest way.
Both. I think that a comet may have brought the essentials for life, but mixed with what was allready here.
Speed-limits are based on the harmonic vibration cycle rates of the materials in question.
The ovel shaped crafts I was talking about earlier, if one ever phased in you’d probably hear a pulsing sound. about 2 cycles per second, the pitch goes up and down, when they’re in cruise mode or just floating relatively still. The craft looks kindof glassy/metalic, because it’s a special modded crystaline material, which makes a harmonic field that can warp through pulse control. Its sound will change depending on how cloaked it is and what warp/cruise it’s set to. It had to be crystaline for the vibration field to work around it.
There’s no actual “barrier” to “break”, there’s just an internal motion-rate cycle within materials. It’s the atomic vibrations that determine much of the range and limit of matter.
The physics spoken of by you only apply to un-modified matter, which has not been nano-engineered to function differently.
There is not enough energy in the universe to propel a craft beyond the lightspeed barrier: the faster you go, the more energy you require. Conservation of energy here applies as everywhere. Star Treknobabble need not apply.
Constructed and synthetic forms of matter can have their mass switched on and off, so that their motion requires no energy at all. Molecular construction. Even humans have a bit of this now, a bit of molecular construction…
I should add that there is sub-molecular construction “out there” also.
you compare us to ants. you say ants are insignificant and i would like to say you are so completely wrong. some people spend their life on researching bugs like ants. why? because they aren’t insignificant. because they play a huge roll in the ecosystems. Now we don’t take part in a universal ecosystem, but I would have to say that any living being would be well studied by any other sentient race.
If they were one million years more evolved than us, there is a good chance that they have evolved passed wars. and my above statement.
I agree. Until we find a really easy and cheaper way to travel through galaxies or w/e.
because of my statement in number 2, i think we should contact them, exchange knowledge. if they know everything that we do then let them teach us.
In think that you are getting too much influence from hollywood movies. What makes you think that they want to kill us all. for all we know we might the only living beings in the universe that want to fight for imaginary substances (border lines, love, money).
Your entire analogy is based on the anthropomorphic assumption that extraterrestrial life would perceive the universe through the same methods/means we do, through these methods abstractly organize this reality into the same sense of hierarchy and structure that we do and also have an identical characteristic for attributing value to things in the way we do.
I agree. Dolphins or Elephants may be just as smart as humans, just without the means of creating what we have created. They have no opposible thumbs, so evolution has set them in place for a while, if not forever.
Who says aliens won’t come riding a giant space fish?