The trap is that they promise a key to the exit, but this promise is the trap.
The greater the thinker, the greater the labyrynth (how the hell do you spell that word) and it lures you to think and to do all sorts of stuff, but it does not release you from the itchy feeling that lured you tp this thinker in the first place; the feeling that there is something to be found out about life.
The only thing that separates a great thinker from you (I’m talking to myself in the first place) is that he hads managed to disguise his personal itchy feeling in literary style, and actually wrote a pretty good book.
Therefore, I feel I may conclude that there are no great thinkers, there are only decent writers. This woud at least be a way to get out of the various traps these writers have placed; to see them for their actual accomplishments, not for their effects and illusions.
thanks for, I don’t know, reading, I guess.