Light is an electromagnetic wave. It has a very specific energy, correlated with it’s wavelength. It doesn’t produce perpetual motion of any sort, though it can be a method of energy transport from a source to a target.
1-1 = 0. Always, everywhere, under every numerical system. A = A. Unless you start pulling illegitimate tricks, such as dividing by zero, or taking limits from the wrong direction towards dividing by zero, then you’ll never get to such absurdities starting from a true statement.
Atomic mass is the perpetual motion engine. Its perpetual output is LIGHT. I made this clear in the text. Its energy is defined by its AMPLITUDE x FREQUENCY. An Openheimer trigger that suffocates this engine produces the Hiroshima event. Not just U238. ANYTHING.
By the Conservation of Mass (1-1) = 1 somewhere else and inarguably so.
You tried to pull the ‘illegal’ trick by supposing that your arithmetic mind games are superior to reality.
The originators of the Second law of Thermodynamics suffered from an identical ignorance and arrogance. You did not understand the text and were just too eager to try your first post.
Gadzooks!!! Yet another anonymous ‘philosopher’ without a name, e-mail, website, occupation or interests.
I cut down a version at For a disciple that believes the Universe wears out by staring at it; it may relieve such self inflicted brainPain.
Many people believe that Philosophy is the artlessness of discussing the ignorance of some other jerked-off Doofus. Your comments add fuel to this basically unfair allegation.