All We Can Do Is Master Byte

You and Harbal are both not poetic, and are instead rigid at heart. My work is not for the rigid. When you’re ready to end your sarcasm and snide tone, I will teach you harmony.

…Another bullshit response.

I asked a perfectly legitimate question and expressed my concern. You respond (as I indicated first thing) by replying that we are beneath you (as expected); we are “rigid at heart” … for questioning you. How typically and childishly egocentric. [-(

You called it meaningless. That’s condescending, not being concerned. I can understand when you say something is meaningless with an actual argument, but that’s all you said, “seems meaningless”, with nothing to back up your claim except the obvious rigidness that prevents not just you, but the majority of this species locked out from wisdom and insight because there is a specific drive within us that we can only tap into when we are at our best.

You and others sadly enough are bringing yourselves down by being sarcastic, apathetic and responding purposely to come up with new snide remarks rather than ideas that can restore the conscientious balance of our world so we aren’t living in so much degeneracy. If you were to look at your body in infrared vision, you’d see that your body does not possess the energy of someone that practices great character, as our thoughts and emotions affect our physiology.

Energy is how we measure the different moods of the human body. The difference between genius energy and the lack of energy from apathy is what differentiates the two.

I didn’t “call it” that. I stated that it seemed that way and ask for you to explain or clarify the truth of it. For heaven’s sake, grow up.

And here you are avoiding any actual explanation AGAIN.

Can you explain your theory or not? If so, explain that first line.

You see, I’ve already explained it in its initial state of question. If you did not get it, then you either A. Will not get it, or B. Need to ask a new question that I have not answered yet, that can be completely new, or can expand on previous questions. I do not mind answering, but you have to ask a proper question first. I’m not like others. You will need to know how to ask a real question, not any of those premature ones that are constantly asked. I did not get to where I am today by asking improper questions.

It was a pretty simple question to which you replied nothing associated with it.

I asked HOW you came up with that particular “M+A+S+T+E+R… = 128 bytes” equation. And I also asked WHY you even stated it because it doesn’t seem to be related to anything (hence “arbitrary and meaningless”).

You respond with:
"You and Harbal are both not poetic, and are instead rigid at heart. My work is not for the rigid. "
…aka “bullshit response” to avoid answering.

So you don’t even know how or why you made that statement?
And now just have to lie that you “explained it”?

Where did you get 128 bytes??

I had already explained it, but an explanation can only go as far as someone’s comprehension. Now, it’s not fair because not everyone is biologically built to withstand this level of stimuli, this plane of knowledge and this caliber of energy form. Take a gander at the 72,000,000,000 people in this world; how many are geniuses? How many are innovative? The number is very small. How many are simple-minded that only react to basic stimuli and can only approach the trivial things in life? The number frankly is in the billions.

James, my point is that you expect to learn everything you come across, but I am trying to teach you that there are things in this world that only specific biological drives can withstand. Apathy is the direct opposite of Ascension, for an example.

If you want to raise your awareness, you’ll have to raise your spirit, your drive, your ability to build yourself to the heavenly skies at heart, not stay grounded in pride and self-centered preconceptions that were invented by a mind that gave up on its true potential that is one of a kind. You cannot fall in love, while in anger. Let go of the low energy, and pursue the higher potentiality of your being.

Trying to explain to you the beauty of numbers, geometry, art and music in a world where the majority of the population feign these very topics around the world, is futile – unless you are willing to try to see the beauty, rather than assuming it is meaningless because you’ve disconnected yourself from the Source of Intelligence that built you through atoms and frequencies on a level far beyond your human capacity, and seemingly forget that all genius vehemently studied the same beautiful topics you call meaningless. I would have no problem teaching you, as I’ve been able to teach people that sincerely mold their character unto higher plateaus, rather than emotionally attacking people with snide remarks and sarcastic tones, but you had resorted to apathy, rather than ascension, hence why you do not “feel” the Love to say “beautiful” and speak in a poetic rhythm. When you show that you can elevate yourself from your old self (age & persona), I will then ask you an advanced question that shall ultimately decide whether you are prepared for this journey, or not.

So you just don’t know how you got “128 bytes” and hoped to fake us out.

Seriously? 72 billion.

One might wonder just world you live in.


You are needed elsewhere. Leave EC alone and check your inbox.

7.2 Billion, actually.

Well it isn’t Ec…

it’s so strange, in all my previous dealings and experiences with FloodAndHeart i have never been insulted once or ever felt attacked or in danger by him.

i must be doing something wrong #-o

You agree with him (can’t possibly imagine why :-" ).

From my experience, numbers usually purpose of an abstraction

Time to invent a new number, “EleventyZOMGfive”

Seems like we conform to an encoding. You say 1 2 3 etc… I can reassign those to some other textual or spoken abstraction. Also I can reassign the units to make the consistency go away

When the world still exists on October 29th, will you admit you were wrong?

Every time I see this thread I think it is a pun on the word masturbate. I just wanted to share that with everybody here.

“All we can do is masturbate.”