I’m not at the forums much, but I wanna talk to faust for a moment, open public I guess, philosophical, etc.
Habits can form all the way down to the unconscious and biological level. Kindof like bladdar control, when people store up and keep certain inner forces suppressed until somebody is there to talk to. Even the most secretive and devious persons in history, often seem to enjoy speaking honestly at some moment, with their fellows, or writing it all down. Old habits are so strong for these people, nothing ever gets in the way of that really.
At some point, people fabricate needs. And if someone deviates away from the fabrication, or does not respond, it keeps on being forced more and more, until a reaction is enforced, or confusion/stupidity manifests its hidden hand. Try to not respond to people or talk at all for a few days, and don’t even act like you’re there. As soon as you stop obeying the enforced “normality” of society, the paranoia builds. Oh the fear. Suddenly your a crazy bad freak. As usual, they hate what they cannot control or understand, and by default they want to enjoy the release of their own poison onto other non-normal, un-civil things.
Humans don’t just pollute and destroy their environment outside… They heavily pollute their insides, and all of the ‘souls’, too. Everything that they cannot handle (and that is allot of stuff) all gets dumped down into their unconscious, even most of their own self gets dumped down there. Human virtue is all about how to treat others, how to behave in the outside world, but man has never made a full set of virtues for himself, it’s never been a virtue to perfectly deal with one’s own internal organs.
It has been the nature of this human, english logic, to not be able to handle nature, and thus suppress it, instead. But what have they done to their inner-world, if they have done all this to their outer-world, and yet all of their ethics are also pointed outwards? – All of their own wild and unknowable nature has been kicked out, cut down and tied in a knot. You probably know the history of human medicine… Often poisons of one sort or another were used on the sick person, in these old english “societies”. What dark-ages those were, full of religious holiness and suicidal ignorance.
It is a wonder that man has even survived through his own rubbish, and this alone means he can handle things worse than nature! And so it is no surprise that he has then got overtop of all of this nature, this [eco-system,] because he has somehow gotten around his own terrible nature, too.
If we took the whole of philosophy, it would all not-only be self-contradictory, but it would also undermine everything. When an idle man internalizes his destructive reorganization, that is philosophical. It’s like putting the tree through the factory then, he names things, cuts them up, screws them together again, and sells them to himself.
As I become progressively more uncivilized, and uncultural, I become less and less philosophical. It is no-longer my goal to find and spread ideas. That goal still lingers on in me, but I let it die slowly, so that it does not attack me or make too great a fuss. In the real, wild, natural world, away from man, such things are useless. But if they try to become more natural, suppose their nature would just burrow more deeply into a greater and once-pure power outside, again?