Dear, Mr. Wonderer;
I would like to take this opportunity to apologize for the message that I posted to you the other night regarding conspiracy theories. Obviously, I did not disrespect you nor did I do anything ad hom in the post, but after thinking about it for a few days I realized in, “attacking,” you (Yes, that really is about as close to an attack as I usually get) I was really just attacking myself.
There comes a time, and maybe not for everybody, Mr. Wonderer that one just stops giving a shit. I’m not talking about life here, but I’m talking about the controlling mechanisms that are in place which largely dictate the course of our lives, specifically with regard to financial health. I have conditioned myself to outwardly deny these things, Mr. Wonderer and have also conditioned myself not to care. I still believe that the existence of these very mechanisms is a result of the collective decisions made by humanity, and I believe it will take a collective decision by humanity (depending on what geographical level we are talking about) to do anything about it.
The reason that I went on a rant against you, Mr. Wonderer, is because I largely envy the way that you think, the way that you read into things, and your desire to know. For I found that the desire to know and the desire to peacefully co-exist with the other members of society very rarely go hand-in-hand with one another. I chose peaceful co-existence not because I am a coward, but because I got so tired, Mr. Wonderer. I got tired of going against the flow because while it is still possible to remain afloat, it is much more difficult.
And some would say that much more rewarding, but I disagree.
In essence, Mr. Wonderer, it has come to the point where I merely accept these controlling machinations as inevitable and play (and think) under their rules, the only area where I can still give myself credit is insofar that I do still think, which some of our fellow humans fail to do. But, I am a quitter Mr. Wonderer, and I quit because it was too hard, I was too tired and because I got sick of constantly being on the losing end.
You know that you may never be on the winning end, Mr. Wonderer, but I certainly hope that you never get too tired from fighting to prove that which you know to be true.
Once you submit, Mr. Wonderer, the submission is full and complete, even if you want to go back, there can be no going back. Once you have allowed yourself to be brain-washed, there exists absolutely no remote possibility of deprogramming.
Believe it or not, (most likely not after this post) I take no prescription drugs, nor do I take any drugs which cannot be legally obtained. Also, I believe that I am pretty close to psychologically fit as a fiddle. But, I know there has been a change, Mr. Wonderer, I don’t know where, when or how it happened, but somehow I was re-programmed. I don’t suppose I’ll ever find out.