Am I boring?

Why is it that as soon I feel like a thread is going anywhere everybody else stops posting? Self-preservation maybe? “Thou shalt discuss until you are about to have an answer, then thou wilt stoppeth. For ist my will that thee shall always have discussion.”

Maybe if we answered all the questions, there wouldn’t be any ilp. Or maybe my writing bores people. Is there any topic where everybody really agreed on something, one that came out with a conclusion?

nope :smiley:


Don’t take this the wrong but most of the questions which get asked in philosophy are the usual, run of the mill questions which have been asked hundreds if not… more than hundreds of times before. While their discussion still has every day merit… it doesn’t have a whole lot and hence why many threads do not go anywhere.

You can’t control threads. Some are awesome… some are not. Some of what I feel is the most critical and important writing I’ve done here has been lost in the community center of obscurity.

Feel comforted that every message you type will stay in history… somewhere, even if it is hidden.

The trend of the ‘in depth’, ‘quote intensive’, ‘academic’ philosophy threads having full and generous lives is not a fluke. If you truly want some attention you need to shock us or at least present something which provokes interest.

Like I said, it’s nothing personal, I’m just sort of talking out loud. This goes back to the basics of human interaction and survival. If you have something – in this case an idea – which is in demand, you’ll be rewarded. Likewise if your idea is ‘But like… what is ‘stuff’’ then you probably will not be rewarded.

Like…some naked pictures…
Or just some titties, throw some of those in there everyonce and awhile…


What the hell is that avatar? An ad for tingly shampoo?


If a thread ever came to 100% consensus, something went wrong. The real issue is whether anything in the thread help you find understanding or reach a conclusion. Sometimes asking specific questions of specific people produces more discourse than the most brilliant opinion.

I can’t say if you’re boring or not because honest to God I have no idea who you are…

They came here to argue and get emotional about reality, they didn’t come here to teach objectively… did they?..

Nobody fucks with an “overman”

  • take it as a complement!


(Pops the overman’s tires)

[size=75]get dat bitch, phehehehhe…[/size]


Overman has solid tires

  • picks up your needle and adds to his spkey coat


Are you telling me that this forum has no point?

It has a point…

some find it to be a little dull though.

It just seems like we have a collection of circuits a lot more powerful than any supercomputer, yet it contents itself with crappy jokes. Mike reborn!

no offense but if you read some actual philosophy this place will probably get a lot more interesting.

Probably. I tell myself that I want to learn philosophy the way its used now, not the way it was written years ago. But really, Asimov is just so much more interesting. Clearer too.

Ah… well Gobbo is right. You are trying to be a doctor without attending medical school first. They’ll put you in prison for that.

Really all you need for this place is wikipedia.


Oh shit, did I reveal something I wasn’t supposed to?

thezeus dont make fun of me and i never thought of myself boring but of your void