So many people use the term “oil” in an abstract manner. Try reading up on its uses and then think about what rests on those uses. If you come to a rational conclusion, then you will see that no better reason for a war.
Also, revolutionary Republics, communists, and secular socialist governments have the right under their systems to want to invade and convert the mid-east. The governments there are the soul of injustice in contrast.
The reasons why Iraq are interesting. As in many political debates, they end up going into many technical details that many people don’t know - can’t understand - are too complex - are unsure of - etc.
So in this example there are many technical, almost engineering details that many can’t be sure of. Iraqi oil is special ? (not sure). California depends so much on it ? (not sure). There wouldn’t - couldn’t be any alternatives ? Would it really cost so much to use other oil ? couldn’t california buy it from russia ? or someone else (triangulation - iraq sells to china that sells to usa ) ? we buy chinese goods so they would sell us the oil or else we wouldn’t buy their goods ? ETC. ETC.
Complex problems, must study alot, in the end politics is black / white decisions on complex problems.
Iraq was just the first step in a large plan to take over the whole middle-east. The USA will maintain a perpetual war, keeping their own nation in a condition of Police-State [[size=75]due to the “terrorist threat” which they evoked, partially-caused and wanted in the first place], [/size]right on down into the future ages of more advanced technology, which will be farther used for control over the public.
They already have enough media-influance to exploit mob-psichology and roughly control everyone in their nation, but they want far more control then what they have.
Ofcourse, do not forget that America sells many weapons and a war anywhere is a US opportunity for large amounts of money, if it is not their own deployment cost. Any war is a good war if the combateers are buying bullets from the USA.
If US can control enough of the world oil it may be able to use this as leverage over China and Japan, etc, as they need imports and are some of the few powerful potential rivals of the American NWO, in which they plan to farther corporatize the globalized world-market and centralize the economy of the entire earth, evenually gaining some form of world-wide economic-capitalist-dictatorship which will most-likely cause very much death and loss in nations farthest from the NOW’s core.
Well I only wish that the other nations of the world would form a horisontal collectivist union and somehow become more powerful then America to avert the danger of being either militarily or economically overpowered and then subjected to the inequalitarian economic hierarchies which America has become nutorious for.
Before the supposed US democracy there were gangs in New York. Gangs and gang wars. Gangsters. Etc. You know, I still see the same thing today. More then a few times the CIA has bribed or hiered the mafia for things such as assassinations and I consider such deals do be “brotherly business”. The governmentalized capitalism mafia has a slightly different paradigm but the goal is still the same: Oppertunism. Rackets. Parasitism. Imperialism. Greed. Exploitation. Corruption. Inequality. Getting above the law.
Though information technology has an expotential growth-rate, if inequality also has an expotential growth-rate we will see injustice advance at relatively the same rate as technology advances at.
You proletarians can’t really guess what will be in store for you once robotic workers cost less then your own labor hours, can you? In the military, remote-controlled units are already being deployed more and more often, and also, automated units WILL be developed and deployed ASAP to replace human workers. This will not only happen on the battle field, but also, this will happen in the economy.
Once inequality reaches a certian level it becomes impossible for the lower class to interact with or relate to the upper class, as one is so different then the other, and earthlings tend to not love what they cannot relate to very well. Yes, once inequality reaches a certain level it will become a food-chain.
Biological food-chain is genetic inequality.
But there may soon be a technological and economic food-chain within humanity which becomes so drastic that the over-consuming humans [as always] EXTINCT their food source. Over 90% of the human population, in some future day, may become like the mice are to the hawks. They will be powerless and easily consumable by the super-ritch, super-advanced social mutations which will also soon be capable of advancing their own genes. This may cause a predatory superhuman to emerge and consume the un-genetically-engineered human majority.
But, if genetic upgrades become popular and publically accessable before human labor can be replaced by automated robotic units, then the common people will potentially be able to keep drastic inequality away and still be able to work for money.
I am guessing that the Genetic_Revolution will come before robotics can replace human workers, and if anti-human-inhancement organizations do not somehow ban human-inhancement, then proletarians will be able to become superior and at least compete to the rapidly progressing robot-workers by somehow rapidly progressing their own work-skills with genetic-modification and cybernetic attachments.
Blah, blah, blah…I really hate to reply thusly to something you obviously spent several minutes on, and I apologize if it appears rude. I have no worship for the Cult of American Power, but I must be a lot older than you for I’ve heard your “Chicken-Little-isms” for too many years to hold them as original or credible. Yes, one day our “Emprire,” as people like you enjoy calling it, will go the way of all flesh. That’s the way the world works- nothing lasts forever. But the end won’t come from some TrekkieBorg fetishist fantasy.
BTW, Dan-Squiggle, your latest experiment in personalities is wearing a bit thin. Dan90210 wants his schtick back.
Your ignorance is irrelevant with respect to the truth.
Nevertheless, you illustrate one of the reasons it is so easy for Bush to merely lie and for you to believe his lies without a clue that he is lying: your ignorance of nation-level dynamics in today’s world.
Oil is a factor in the Iraq War, however there is also “Another reason,” less tangible elements…
THE EASTERN QUESTION -Ottoman succession
Generally considered to have been put to rest after the Great War; present conflict in the region of former Ottoman territory can still be construed as further Wars of the Ottoman Succession. Many of the borders of Eastern Europe, the Middle East and West Asia were laid down at this time, and there is little reason not to see conflict in this region as being connected to the Ottoman collapse. Note that the Afghan flag of 1919 is Ottoman inspired; also recall the Anglo-Afghan wars, the third of which was in 1919; too the Balkan Wars from 1912 to 1913, and obviously the British Mandate of Iraq from 1919. The partition of the Middle-East primarily by France and Britain from this time must also contribute to the religio-ethnic strife: Sunni-Shia and Arab-Kurd in Iraq.
THE EASTERN QUESTION -Soviet succession
After World War II, most former Ottoman territories which had achieved quasi-independence under West European suzerainty were now divided between the Communists and the Atlantic Powers. Consider for example how the Soviets basicly traded Anglo-America Greece for Romania. The Cold War period also saw the Soviet-Afghanistan War from 1979 to 1988. With the fall of the USSR, those territories formerly occupied by the Soviets again came up for grabs. The Yugoslavian Conflict from 1991 to 2001 saw Slovenia (formerly part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire) seperate-- and is now (re)joining the EU. Montenegro too, a formerly Venitian colony has voted to exit Sebia-Montenegro. The Georgian conflict, is obviously another one of Soviet succession. It was also from in this period that the state of Israel was founded.
ISLAM -“clash of cultures”
The area of North Africa to the Gulf to the Sub-Continent and into the vastness of Central Asia is dominated by Islamic religion. Long disunited, the pan-Islamic (and pan-Arab) movements are not without force-- witness the multinational insurgency force. Another element of this Iraq war, like the Iran-Iraq War of 1980 to 1988 is to pit one Islamic contingent against another: divide and conquer. In the great “clash of cultures” it greatly benefits the West not to have Muslim unity. Moroccans enjoy the music of Saudi and Egyptian pop-stars, and generally there is a great deal of exclusive culture sharing between Muslim countries-- much as Puerto Rico Reggaeton is enjoyed in Spain, Israel and America, but is not enjoyed in Pakistan. One of the most brutal methods of supressing Islamic nations has been by pure wars of destruction: bombing them “back to the stone age”; the recent Israeli invasion of Lebanon which saw the bombing of Beirut’s Rafic Hariri International Airport and the 44 million dolar Mdeirij bridge are prime examples; the French led UN occupation of Southern Lebanon looks clearly anti-Muslim: only Western authorized Muslim countries: Bangladesh, Indonesia and Malaysia, have been able to contribute forces. Islam marches south from Khartum where it engages non-Muslims in Darfur; north from Narathiwat, Pattani and Yala provinces in Thailand where it combats Buddhist; and on to Manila in the Philippines where Islam fights Catholics. In Moroccan occupied Western Sahara, and many other Islamic states, proselytizing to Muslims is strictly illegal. The secular governments that have been installed in Afghanistan and Iraq mirror the recent overthrow of the secularists by an Islamic government in Somalia; which is more or less analogous (though with opposite results) to Ataturk’s efforts in Turkey in the 1920s and 30s.
TRADE ROUTES -the Silk Road
The War in Iraq, along with the Yugoslav Conflict, the War in Afghanistan and the brewing conflict with Iran all look very much like a West European push into Central Asia more or less along the path of the old Silk Road: from the Levant (Lebanon and Syria) to Babylon (Iraq), through Persia (Iran) and Bactria (Afganistan) and on to Transoxiana (Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan). Control of the historic roads, rails [and, yes, pipelines] between the East and the West are priceless. Afghanistan shares borders with seven other countries, Iraq: six.
THE SUBLIME -“fighting in the streets of Baghdad”
From Bush’s recent Address to the Nation, “The safety of America depends on the outcome of the battle in the streets of Baghdad.” What more sublime mission might be bestowen upon the leader of a nation than to make war in the Holy Land and in the Cradle of Civilization.
“But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then recognize that her desolation is at hand … because these are the days of vengeance, in order that all things which are written may be fulfilled.” -Luke 21:20-24
“And at the end of time the king of the South will collide with him, and the king of the North will storm against him with chariots, with horsemen, and with many ships; and he will enter countries, overflow them, and pass through.” -Daniel 11:40
Etcetera, etcetera. America’s 70 million Evangelical Christians rally behind the armies of this modern day Crusade against the Jihad.
It might be a little short sighted to see only oil as the cause of the Iraq War. Though other factors can not be measured in barrels or Pounds, they are most likely quite significant in understanding the many conflicts in Eastern Europe, the Middle-East, East and West Asia and Africa.