America is good, but how can it be better?

What is with all the arrogance against working class stiffs? I grew-up in a working class family, and the assistant D.A. across the street was always asking Dad how to x, y, and z. The DA’s wife, a vice-principal, was always asking mom how to x, y and z regarding crafts, sewing, etc.

Folks, becoming a licensed plumber, contractor, machininst, any skill labor, usually requires at least 3 years of instruction.

Also, I have known many working-class individuals who were more intelligent than some bonehead university instructors.


You don’t have to be licensed, Aspacia. That’s my point. It’s not illegal to practice plumbing without a license

It is illegal for doctors and lawyers to practice without a license.

Really? Why then do we have laws protecting minorities, regulation of working conditions, environmental regulations, (don’t laugh, the air is better in SoCal than it was in the 60s). Why did Enron and Tyco execs get nailed. Why was Microsoft nailed, and At&T broken up?

We are not perfect, but we are at least trying to improve. :sunglasses:

True, but some just illegally practice. What bugs me is the fact that it can be difficult to find out how often a doctor has been sued.


Also, it takes intelligence to wire a house, install a kitchen, correctly paint a house, building walls, pouring cement. What tools to use, what mix of materials will hold and what will fail. Some simply like working with their hands.

So doctors are worth more because they require a license? Tell me something yopele, I have a driver’s license. I know some people who don’t. Should I therefore be paid more than those who don’t have a driver’s license?


Let’s try this another way. It is quite simple to me, Aspacia. I place a lot more value on my life and my freedom than I do on my plumbing, so I will willingly pay more for a doctor who saves my life or a lawyer who keeps me out jail than I will for a plumber. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why some people are paid more than others - even though it does seem to be quite perplexing to shinton.

I think you undervalue your plumbing as it influences both, but nonetheless…


Willingly? You will “willingly” pay more for an attorney that keeps you out of jail, or a doctor that saves your life? WILLINGLY? What choice do you really have in either of these situations?

Courts are made such that if you try to defend yourself, you’ll very likely make some mistake because they truly aren’t oriented towards justice–but moreso towards pathos. If you want to give yourself the best chance at getting a good outcome, then you MUST pay an attorney. That’s the way it is.

Similarly, if you are going to die and the only thing that will save you is paying 500,000 dollars, I’m going to bet you ante up the money if you have any way whatsoever of doing it.

In either of these situations, I don’t see a reason why these people in either situation should make MORE money by virtue of a person having little choice in dealing with them. If anything, it seems like that would be an argument for them to make less money.

As for your plumbing, well, let’s just say that if you went oh, I’d say about six months without it and you couldn’t fix it, at some point you’d be getting very tired of shitting in the woods and probably running out of places to go not to mention possibly getting things like dysentary. I BET you’d be “WILLING” to call a plumber and have it fixed, although his prices be much cheaper than an attorneys.

It seems to be requiring more than a yopele to figure it out so far, so maybe we should call in a rocket scientist.

Really yopele, if you want to pay more for these services, I’ll be more than happy to let you.

If only all doctors had such a grasp of common sense. :smiley:

That’s almost anti-capitalism your preaching there. Soon people will accuse you of being a (gasp) communist.

Keep it up, I like it. =D>

Yeah…if only. :slight_smile:

I think we could all agree that education doesn’t make you smarter, just more educated.


This is true, and for this reason alone, one should not pursuit a ph.d !


We may have laws, but the employes does not have the will nor knowledge to gain access to it, some are illiterate. And Some cannot speak english, that they need their jobs.

Smoke and mirrors.

The rich of today have learned the lessons of history, keep the plebs content, the plebs don’t revolt and kill the rich. To that end they throw a bone to the masses every now and again so we don’t interrupt their feast.

Tossing out another idea, this might fit with something I’ve been thinking of lately: the benefits of return from captalism to a guild system.

Maybe tradesmen could be trained and regulated by local guilds, and the business infrastructure could be owned by the community of the workers. This way workers would work for their trade’s community and not for the capitalist.


I’m not a communist [-X – I’m a Catholic, who believes right to property are an essential right, but nevertheless have their limits, being catership for the community.

I’m preaching personalist politics – an integral humanism.


I didn’t mean to imply that you really were a communist (I’m not one either), I just thought I’d get the jump on the quasi-fascitst hard line right wingers who invariably call anyone who recognizes people as having value beyond being a cog in the industrial machine a communist.

Odd. I thought communists had only cogs in their industrial-political machine…too.

Are you insinuating that we have illegals working in the USA, gasp, really?

Perhaps, the employers should give a test to make sure the employees can read and speak English.

Just picking up summer work at a temporary agency requires tests, even for factory workers.

A couple of years ago a machine operator took a test, and failed. He sued because the test was not in Spanish. He lost. Talk about chutzpa.

Capitalism - Communism. Beyond skin deep the similarities are incredible.

One is a state capitalistic system, with the wealth being controlled by the state, the state decides what will be done, and where. The other allows the individual to gain wealth and decide what he/she will do, and where.

One creates equal poverty; the other make individuals unequally rich.
