American Society

[size=120]Amerika: Land of the Free, Home of the Hypocrite[/size]

On July 4th, 1776, Amerika issued our Declaration of Independence from the semi-oppressive reign of the British Empire. I say “semi-oppressive”, because Britain was probably not as bad as grade school history books made (and still might make) them out to be. The Brits were not “evil”. They were not “monsters”. They were everything that Amerika has now become. The original thirteen colonies of Great Britain largely revolted out of the childish desire for rebellion, as a son against his parents. You see? – early Amerikan settlers did not enjoy being told what to do (by anybody), no matter how reasonable the request might have been. Even if the Brits had asked us to clean our rooms (that’s all they ask), then Amerika still would not have done it! Amerika wanted to be an adult, just like the rest of the world. Amerika wanted to be Independent! Thus, when our teenage years came about, we revolted … and we won! There was no stopping fate really. As the eldest son of our King & Queen (of England), we were predetermined to become Kings & Queens of our own Land. The Republic, Plato’s Republik, was (re)formed.

Amerika chose to become a Republik, because our parents (the Brits) were Republikans before us. Their parents (the Romans and Anglo-Saxons) were (half) Republikans before them. The Romans’ parents (the Greeks) were Republikans before them too. It’s largely a genetic thing. We grew up under our mommy and daddy’s care, so we emulated them almost exactly. We took their appearance, we took their behaviors, and we even took their ideals. Therefore, it should be easy to foretell the end to this story, which is: Amerika eventually became an Empire of its own rite & pride. However, let us not be so hasty with our discussion and skip ahead of ourselves like little frolicking school girls. After Amerika massacred the Brits and dismembered the corpses, our male, adolescent bloodlust was not finished. Under our newly formed Republik, all of our Amerikan ancestors behaved like animals. Our Amerikan ancestors acted like “civilized” Anarchists. The main rule of thumb at the time was: survive at all costs! Not much has changed to this day.

Amerikans liked to do whatever we wanted. We still do. If Indian traders were offering you a bad deal, then kill them and take all of the goods. If religious zealots were telling you how to live, then kill them and run off into the West. If ghetto kids were stealing from your pockets, then kill them and elude the police. There was no Law, except for the Law we created. It was trial-and-error that got us here. It is trial-and-error that is going to take us where we’re going now. The Amerikan Republik was built by ‘good’ men, only because they succeeded. If they had failed, then the real winners would have stepped up and said, “we are ‘good’; those other guys who we killed are ‘bad’”. What is ‘good’ is what is successful. However, what is successful is almost always, if not eternally, Reasonable. Where there is a reason, there is a way. Reasonable men, Our Founding Fathers, built this Republik. We owe them everything. Every Amerikan who lives as a spoiled brat today should thank their lucky stars that our Fathers were so kind to us. – to burn down, raze, and rape a whole continent of Indians, and then enslave a whole second continent of Black men for us to live in safety. – and ask nothing in return.

What does our legacy as a Republik ask of us, except nothing? Well, there is something … there is always something. Nothing in life is free. The ‘Word of God’ enters into the picture here. God has followed the Amerikan destiny, because God always places his bet on the winner. God does not care for losers, the defeated, the ‘bad’ men. You see? – God is ‘good’! He is only ‘successful’. And when God eventually leaves Amerika to our fate, it is not because God is “dead” or any silliness like that. It is because God no longer chooses you … and that is why you are Godless, and a Heathen. Have you ever heard the phrase directed to a religioso: (I ask you why do you believe God Exists and is True?) “I can feel Him in my heart.” Has this phrase ever baffled you, personally? Have you ever stopped to wonder that maybe God has never chosen you, because you are not of the proper bloodline, and that is why you cannot “feel” God? It’s genetic, remember? The Repulik is passed on, down, by [size=120]A[/size]ristocles.

I wonder why [size=120]A[/size]merika is split into two? – America the Border (the mind) and Amerika the Heartland (the body).

Where do you live? Why do you live there?

Amerika has grown up. We are no longer little boys; we are little men. – with the biggest guns. Yet, this will not be the circumstance forever! All good things come to an end. And all other recognizable (first-world) ‘countries’ on this planet have been around for centuries-upon-centuries, if not countless millenniums, while Amerika only has tucked a few centuries underneath our own belt. The war is not over by any stretch of the imagination as far as who determines the Fate of Mankind. We have usurped the throne of the British Empire. We have conquered, pillaged, and raped a whole nation of Indian Braves. We have enslaved an entire race of animals. We have taken everything, from everyone, and given nothing back. We owe nobody, nothing. We don’t play by the rules, because: we make the rules!

Amerika is the Land of the Free. What happens when you allow a teenage boy to run wild, without any regard for the safety of another? He becomes Amerikan! He does what he wants, when he wants. He says what he wants, when he wants. He does all of this, because of how his parents have spoiled him so, so badly. He is given everything, except the Discipline he needs. God is that Discipline. When the Early Amerikan colonists rose up and rebelled from the British Empire, we conquered them to become Anarchists. As Anarchists, we realized that we needed to build a Republik or our newfound fame, glory, and land would all be swept away by another Empire (perhaps the French or Spanish). We built our Republik strong in order to keep the wolves at bay, in order to become wolves of our own. The hunted becomes the hunter. In a land with no boundaries, controls, or Heavenly Law, the Amerikan Youth spread out and acted freely. We truly were Free…

Amerika is the Home of the Hypocrite. Freedom affords us this hypocrisy. Say one thing; do another thing. It doesn’t matter. Logical consistency doesn’t matter. God doesn’t matter. However, when Freedom is all used up and the reserve is run out, then hypocrisy quickly follows. God comes back to us and reminds us of our Past, rooted in Piety and Sacrifice. Our Founding Fathers have sacrificed everything for us to enjoy what we enjoy today: Thanksgiving, ipods, Christmas, video games, New Years, HD televisions, etc. When there is nowhere left to run, the Past comes to knock on our door and reminds us of who we are, to celebrate Christ-mas (more Christ) as Atheists??? No-no-no, my friends! – this cannot be! If you celebrate Christmas as a self-proclaimed “[size=120]A[/size]theist” or “[size=120]A[/size]tgnostic”, then you too are a Hypocrite. You are a Hypocrite, because you are Amerikan.

We now beset ourselves as the fully-formed Amerikan Empire. We are the empiricists! – Scientology is our preferred weapon of choice. Our climax is near; we approach the plateau of our realized & actualized Power. We sit upon the threshold of a New Age of Reason while everything around us falls and crumbles into the wind like dust. The Amerikan Empire still holds the keys to the entire world’s destiny. We have enough nuclear power to devastate every major city on the planet at least twice-over. By unlocking the power of science, through reason, we have ‘succeeded’. And now, we breathe. While we breathe, the rest of the world quickly catches up to us in Power. They catch up to us in Responsibility as well. They can have all of that if they want it. It’s easy to be hated while on top. As Amerikan Power declines, so too does our responsibility for the rest of the world. Who shall bring about the next Republik, I wonder?

This is our Tomorrow. This is our Now. This is our Thanksgiving.

(To the rest of the world: you’re welcome!)


Will someone please inform poor old Charlie Boy that he’s been waiting half a century to be King of a Republik, too, 'cause it seems unfair to keep leading him on like this. Honestly, someone should have thought of this before, it would have saved an awful lot of hassle for all concerned.


I think that day is fast approaching, Matty…