
Globalism is Messianism.

Only Americanism insists that it becomes the only socioeconomic model.

Other ideologies want to conquer and control, Americanism wants to erase, by promoting pseudo-diversity, miscegenation, and by reducing culture to a product, a brand name.


How are you not getting this?

Wherever Americanism dominates the American model is the norm.
Globalization = Americanisation = Messianism
No alternatives will be tolerated.
Nothing that contradicts the globalization project will be tolerated.

No culture or traditions.
No races or ethnicities.
No borders.
No biological identifiers.
No traditional families.
No sexes or genders.
No morals or ethics.
No spiritualities, no gods…only one god, one spirituality.
No free-will. It’s all inevitable - the “right side of history” - messianism, manifest destiny. Cosmic design.

All will be uniform; only superficially diverse.
All will be reduced to a product; a social construct…a human construct, an idea.
All will be reduced to money - saviour - intangible abstractions; all will be reduced to words/symbols, codes. Even money will be disconnected (liberated) from gold.

Who owns US media?
The same people that own Hollywood and Congress.
Who are these billionaires? It’s a cabal…a collective. If you don’t go along with their plans they will crush you, even if you are wealthy.

You may know them as international capitalists, or business interests, or globalists…or the Illuminati…or whatever name you give them.
They manufactured Americanism, over decades of indoctrination - Hollywood and more recently Media.
They manufactured it and sold it to American and then the nations under its dominion, since WWII.
They control the US.
They can decide who is elected in the US and in many other nations around the world.


When dealing with liars and those born and raised in lies, know that, to them, truth is an existential threat, and lies are what they consider necessary to cope with existence.



Popper…the thinker behind Soros and his “Open Society” ravaging the US…and through the US the entire world…

[url=]My full answer to the BBC:

Mi respuesta completa a la BBC:[/url]
Listen to the El Salvadoran leader respond to the cucked, Liberal, Americanised BBC…





[url=]The World Jewish Congress credits their people for ushering in the age of hyper progressivism in America

Including LGBTQ ideology, gay marriage, and anti-racist ideology that resulted in BLM / CRT taught in our schools today


How, you ask?
Who controls America’s media and entertainment industries?

Decades of repeating the same messages, over and voer…until the masses are indoctrinated into a particular mindset… triggered by particular symbols/words… repeating the same reactive responses like automations…

History repeats…but never in exactly the same way.
They know what effect their dogma will have on mankind…and they know what the possible reactions might be…this is what they base their “prophesies”.

[url=]America Is Being Deliberately Destroyed. New Bill From Democrats In Virginia Will Release Extremely Violent Inmates
Department Of Corrections Says When This Goes Through There Will Be A Release Of

  • 701 First Degree Murderers
  • 325 Rape
  • 77 Second Degree Murderers
  • 566 Offenders Convicted Of Abduction
  • 762 Offenders Convicted Of Robbery[/url]

Yeap, it’s gonna get crazier and crazier as the Empire implements its policies…and descends into a hell on earth.


The “price for freedom” …Jon Stewart… not his real name.

Agenda 2030 by Whitney Webb:


It seems kind of dumb to believe that the goal of Americanism is to destroy America. :confused:

The goal is to dominate.
The method America used is backfiring.

Goals are conscious, with foreseen goals, and they have unforeseen effects.

The method used to undermine resistance to American domination has begun undermining America’s power… since the sixties when its immigration policies changed and the Frankfurt School had an effect no America’s youth, the baby boomers.
The error is that ‘race is a social construct’.

The US is not an ethnostate…but the original settlers were all from European ethnostates.