


Hard work and talent can get you so far in Americanism…then you’ve got to “sell your soul to the devil”…the circumcised devils. The one running Hollywood, the Media and Congress.
If you refuse…they won’t tell you anything…but suddenly you won’t be getting calls.


I can assure you you’re wrong as well.

Watch your words. Watch your mind.

Your thing is race.

I have a really nice cat right now. I can snap its neck in a heartbeat.

Does that make me superior to it. No.

When you enter the judgement of all beings including yourself. Just shut up. You can’t even defend yourself and you’re negging people. As hard as people think I’m on them, I’m actually defending you.

My methods are confusing to humans. I’m not above the law.

Some would say there is no law. We have treaties about demonic possessions. I’m trying to put this in human language.

Americanism = Liberalism.
A uniparty plutocracy using sexual liberation to control its own downfall.

Americanism = Globalism.
Globalism = Messianism.

It will tolerate no other system…as Abrahamism tolerates no other gods.
All must become ONE, so that the priestly class can make of itself their mediator to the divine/state.
They’ve been chosen…and openly admit it.
Read their ‘sacred’ texts; listen to their “holy men”.

The means and ideals do not matter.
It can be capitalism or socialism…what maters is the American model become the only model, so as to then establish open borders and the free flow of products and populations.

Melting Pot…
Their idea of diversity is as a variety of product choices; a consumer good.

This could also be seen earlier, e.g. in the completely controlled „riots“ of the 1960s, from which it has continued without interruption until today.

Thanks for this quote. I have taken the opportunity to re-read this chapter of the book from which you are quoting. The title of this chapter says it all: „Americanology“.

I have a lot of books at home, and Sloterdijk’s books are the largest share, with 33 in number. I don’t know exactly how many books he has written so far, probably about twice as many as I have on my Sloterdijk shelf at home.


And for this, it is not even necessary for them to win wars. This is also the reason why US-America has not won a single war since the end of World War II.

According to certain strategists, it is not a matter of victory or defeat in war, but of bringing about and spreading chaos among the enemy, e.g. destruction of all structures, creation of anarchy, in other words: chaos. For this reason, four unhindered paths or streams have been and are already being demanded through or on which chaos is to be reached:

(I.) Wanderings. (II.) Credits. (III.) Energy. (IV.) Mercenaries.

In this way, the money and thus the power of the globalists is supposed to grow more and more safely than ever before. We know that the globalists intend to make all peoples equally stupid, equally poor and therefore equally powerless, to drastically reduce their numbers and to exploit all countries completely, i.e. to the point of complete devastation of our planet Earth, in order to be able to start anew unhindered. According to Wolfgang Effenberger, Thomas P. M. Barnett is said to have publicly said of those who stand in the way of those four streams: “Kill them!”. Michael Lehner also quotes Barnett: “Kill them!”.

Thus, Americanism and Abrahamism pursue the same goal side by side (religiously and secularly).

Globalism is Messianism.

Only Americanism insists that it becomes the only socioeconomic model.

Other ideologies want to conquer and control, Americanism wants to erase, by promoting pseudo-diversity, miscegenation, and by reducing culture to a product, a brand name.


How are you not getting this?

Wherever Americanism dominates the American model is the norm.
Globalization = Americanisation = Messianism
No alternatives will be tolerated.
Nothing that contradicts the globalization project will be tolerated.

No culture or traditions.
No races or ethnicities.
No borders.
No biological identifiers.
No traditional families.
No sexes or genders.
No morals or ethics.
No spiritualities, no gods…only one god, one spirituality.
No free-will. It’s all inevitable - the “right side of history” - messianism, manifest destiny. Cosmic design.

All will be uniform; only superficially diverse.
All will be reduced to a product; a social construct…a human construct, an idea.
All will be reduced to money - saviour - intangible abstractions; all will be reduced to words/symbols, codes. Even money will be disconnected (liberated) from gold.

Who owns US media?
The same people that own Hollywood and Congress.
Who are these billionaires? It’s a cabal…a collective. If you don’t go along with their plans they will crush you, even if you are wealthy.

You may know them as international capitalists, or business interests, or globalists…or the Illuminati…or whatever name you give them.
They manufactured Americanism, over decades of indoctrination - Hollywood and more recently Media.
They manufactured it and sold it to American and then the nations under its dominion, since WWII.
They control the US.
They can decide who is elected in the US and in many other nations around the world.


When dealing with liars and those born and raised in lies, know that, to them, truth is an existential threat, and lies are what they consider necessary to cope with existence.



Popper…the thinker behind Soros and his “Open Society” ravaging the US…and through the US the entire world…

[url=]My full answer to the BBC:

Mi respuesta completa a la BBC:[/url]
Listen to the El Salvadoran leader respond to the cucked, Liberal, Americanised BBC…

