
Conservatism is anti-Globalism, anti-Internationalism.

Globalists have no allegiance to borders; when Conservatives have all allegiance to them.

Right, illegal immigration, or mass legal immigration for that matter, is the antithesis of conservatism, yet both shitlibs and neocons support it, yet curiously both the populist right and the populist left oppose it, sometimes for different reasons.

What is mass immigration and mass offshoring, conserve?
Nothing, it’s liberalism, not conservatism.

The End of Cowboys:


The Second US Civil War: A Probability

Imagine 2024.
Trump dominates and leads the polls.
The Moderates fully reject the liberal/Dem agenda.
As the Election comes closer, the Far-Left panics.

An Assassination Attempt
If not during the election, then afterward,
If not successful, then at least attempted,
Let’s assume Trump is assassinated, by whom?
The CCP, who stands to lose from a $1 trillion trade embargo?
The Govt Deep State, who are aligned with Davos and World Economic Forum?
The Radical Left, who suffer from mania, paranoia, and believe he is “Second Hitler”?

Perhaps a combination of the above,
What will happen then?
Will not the Far-Right mobilize and arm themselves?
Will not political assassinations start occurring monthly?
Will not States, dem and repub, both declare Secession?

It’s not a stretch of the imagination…

Like with the Russian Revolution.
When men have more to lose than gain, they will not go to war.
If they are convinced that they have nothing to lose, or if they think they have more to gain than lose they go to war.

Poverty will increase…the American way of life will decline.
That’s when desperation and degeneration will become unbearable.

They already pulled the pins out: … r-germany/

Biden threatens Putin, with his staff of queers:



.@Gloominary, “Populist, Nationalist, Traditionalist” at the 2:30 minute mark:


If Trump is alive and in good health in 2024, he may run again.
If reps manage to prevent dems from rigging the election, independents see through the fake or overblown virus and Biden’s empty promises to help the working class, Trump may win.
If Trump wins, blue states may secede.
If they secede, Trump may let them go, or go to war with them.
If he goes to war with them, he’ll have the advantage, because he’ll have the federal military and nukes in addition to red and swing state militaries, they’ll just have blue state militaries.
Nonetheless war won’t be a good outcome for anyone, if they secede, he should just let them go.

If they don’t secede, dems will spend the next 4 years gaslighting the public, sowing discord (anarcho-tyranny) and possibly making attempts on Trump’s life.
The level of discord will be much, much worse than it was in 2020, rioting, looting, sophisticated globalist/corporatist terrorism, possibly masquerading as the ‘far right’, unsophisticated anarchist and Marxist terrorism, urban warfare between far left and and rightwing militias, more fake, overblown and manufactured crises like the plandemic.

At some point, Trump may be forced to declare martial law.
Dems will say ‘see, we told you he’s a dictator’!
‘Look, he’s putting BLM in camps’!
Hopefully Americans see through this and continue to vote for rightwing populists, and leftwing populists like Tulsi Gabbard.
If they do see through it, America has an opportunity to take back its country, but it’ll be an uphill battle.

Trump has mafia connections, if they make an attempt on his life, if they fail, he may retaliate, if they succeed, his sons may retaliate, or they may not, the Kennedys didn’t.
If Americans don’t see through all this, they’ll continue to lose their country to the globalists.

Blue states will never secede - they can’t afford it and haven’t courage - they are cowardly socialists requiring other people’s money and protection - they would go bankrupt immediately. If there is any seceding - it’ll have to be by the red states.

True but this time - Mr Trump (and company) understands just how devious they are and will compensate accordingly - most likely not with military. Mr Trump naively thought the Dems were American - now he knows better.

That was always fake news. They accused Mr Trump of having mob connections because of their own mob collusion - mostly through Gov Cuomo and the fact that Mr Guilliani used to put mob bosses in jail.

Putin is just playing O’Biden for more favors. The war talk is just to gain political attention for O’Biden to use as excuse for the favor - the same was done when Putin/O’Biden shut down the Colonial Pipeline.

While blue states are especially corrupt these days, they’re still very wealthy, and I don’t think most of their wealth comes from draining red and swing states.

Germany and the Nordic Countries are social liberal, but they’re by no means poor.

I got this from Trump’s supporters, not his detractors.
Alex Jones for example said Trump had mob connections.
It doesn’t mean Trump committed any crimes, much of what the mob is involved in these days is above board.

Don’t confuse an economy with being wealthy -

It is easy to float your debts while you have a good job and live under your parents roof - but when you secede from that union - have to pay for your own defenses - your own services - your own insurances (retirements) - your own hope for a future - it is quite different.

The Blue states are very high taxing states - guess what happens if they have to raise their own army, navy, and air force?

The Blue states teach frailty over courage - who is going to put their life on the line versus just move to a better state?

The Blue States leech off of federal programs so they can spend their taxes to make billionaires - who then invest in China (ever heard of Apple?).

A huge percentage of O’Bidens last “stimulus” tax money giveaway went to fund Blue state retirement funds that were going bankrupt - so today they are far better off than they were just last year - but guess what happens when they no longer can depend on Daddy’s credit card?

Socialist States are like socialist countries - they strongly depend on being a part of a much larger protection racket to which they are bonded and indebted.

They were just trying to brag. His only association with mobs was stemmed from their desire for his influence not from his for theirs. Billionaires in NY are going to get that no matter who they are. That is not “connections” - unless and until he actually makes deals with a mob - which you know he hasn’t simply because they would have already blown that story up beyond belief.

Additionally - I don’t think a President could consider “just letting go” of the coastal regions of his nation. The blue states are the most populated (although that is changing) because socialists feed off of other people - so large populations are required - and the most populated tend to be the coastal regions for a variety of reasons - including economic and commerce.

Who are “they”?
Who are these neo-cons that so hate Russia, and Orthodoxy, that they are willing to destroy Europe?
What is their background, the pattern that unifies most of them?

Trotskyites - perpetual revolution. They’ve adopted the perpetual war strategy.
Why did Stalin assassinate Trotsky?

Why do they despise Russian Orthodoxy, as much as they do Catholicism?
What’s the link?

The mob doesn’t just extort, steal and traffic in drugs, wealthy mobsters invest billions of dollars in legitimate businesses, and I’m sure Trump has made legit deals with and done them legit favors, legit as in above board, legal.

If I go buy a car from a millionaire car dealer - can I say I have a “connection with a millionaire”? I’m sure Mr Trump did a lot of business with all kinds of people - without even knowing anything about them - as long as his part was square - he even attempted to have a legit casino – :laughing:

While I’m against imperialism on principle, practically can we afford to go to war with Russia and China over Ukraine and Taiwan?
Are we not deep enough in debt as is?
Do we not have sufficient socioeconomic troubles at home, from growing corruption, inequality to authoritarianism?
This will just serve as a deflection from them.

Do we really want to risk nuclear war, which could lead to the end of civilization (as we know it), perhaps even a mass extinction event, over eastern Ukraine, and Taiwan?
It’s not fair to Russia and China, America gets to expand its empire all over the map, while they can’t even expand in their own backyard.
Ethnically Ukrainians are nearly Russian, and Taiwanese are Chinese.

While we’ve been attempting to ‘democratize’ (of course that’s not what we’ve really been doing) the world, our democracy has gone to shit.
Let’s instead keep those trillions of dollars here, put that money back in peoples’ pockets and/or spend it on infrastructure, workers, consumers and restoring our democracy.
America and the west have lost legitimacy, whatever moral high ground we had was left behind in Afghanistan and Iraq.
America is no longer the world’s sole superpower, it’s time to negotiate.

When you’re a multibillionaire tycoon, I imagine you get to know a lot more people a lot more intimately, all sorts of people, everybody wants something from you.

I don’t want to make too much of Trump.
I think he was a step in the right direction, away from the neocons.
At the very least he got people talking, he changed the conversation.
To the extent he really did take on the deep state, I don’t think you do something like that without having back up, just my guess.

Did they not find much dirt on Trump, because Trump was clean?
Or because Trump had dirt on them?

Hard to keep your hands squeaky clean in big money and politics.