i am a first generation of american in my mexican family and through the years i have seen more and more of mexicans moving to the u.s. my question is, are mexicans really getting the respect they deserve? honestly i don’t think they do. now the “Center of Immigration Studies” state,
• The lower educational attainment of Mexican immigrants appears to persist across the generations. The high school dropout rates of native-born Mexican-Americans (both second and third generation) are two and a half times that of other natives.
• Though most natives are more skilled and thus do not face significant job competition from Mexican immigrants, this study (consistent with previous research) indicates that the more than 10 million natives who lack a high school degree do face significant job competition from Mexican immigrants.
• By increasing the supply of unskilled labor, Mexican immigration in the 1990s has reduced the wages of workers without a high school education by an estimated 5 percent. The workers affected are already the lowest-paid, comprising a large share of the working poor and those trying to move from welfare to work.
now is this really our fault? shit im sorry i want to work. My father my mother, immigrants of mexico. They work and they work to put food on our plates. they come to the u.s. with nothing and get crappy jobs and shit from people who don’t want them here but they keep on going. They want to give their sons and daughters a chance to have a dream and be happy. And its up to the future to me, to you, to the new humans being born every day to change the world for our future generations. To make a difference. to get ride of the stigma that all mexicans are lazy and uneducated, has been a goal throughout my life. i believe that day by day more young mexicans born in the united states, chicanos, are working harder to get rid of this stigma. is there a social change that could help the mexican immigrant and american realtion?