Americans With their Heads in the Sand, as Usual

Plus Armani, particularly Armani Exchange, is kind of played out. Once the 20 something’s in south florida start to wear it, you know it’s pretty much coming to an end.

The machine works best to their advantage, when certain conditions are maintained. The first is more people than jobs available. This makes cheap labour available. Education merely helps this happen for all levels of management.

The next is where education is needed to have sufficient control of the process so that candidates from the highest levels toe the party line. This has been achieved by promoting transferable skills and employment related education over more intellectual and critical subjects. This has been achieved in the same time period with the cessation of “Critical Theory” , and the promoting of Rand and Nietzsche in philosophy and the virtual disappearance of Marx from economist syllabuses.

Advertising and entertainment media display expensive lifestyles and imply that you are nothing without having lots of stuff: house , car, phone, tv, digital this and that… But this stuff is always just out of reach.
Having more workers than jobs means that people look to other areas for opportunities; drugs. It pleases the government to criminalise this for the reasons given above.


I see, so a disposable educated poor is better than an uneducated one.

I have noticed that [in the media too], but its strange that the powers of this world which includes Jews, would want Nietzschean philosophy to prevail. Unless it wasn’t the fact that Hitler and the Germans were doing it, it’s simply that other powers want the power instead?!

Which in turn provides the financial and material structure of the financial pyramid, and so to power in the world. It is more about money than ever before. When communism gained hold early 20thC, people didn’t need or want so much stuff. Now people need stuff, so all other politics other than capitalism have been wiped away.
Except that as we say, it’s not about capitalism its about power and control.

Economics is easy when you can just make up stories about how the world ought to be, free from responsibility or a coherent plan of how any of it is possible. Just say “I think everybody in the world should have X!” and you’re automatically the good guy. Doesn’t matter the cost or the plausibility. As long as the people who think they are benevolent by sharing benevolent fantasies don’t get their hands anywhere near any actual power, everybody wins.

“Give me the control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes it’s laws.”

And every President who has opposed the notion has been assassinated (starting with Lincoln and his “green-backs”). Thus those giving such control are, indeed, the assassins, murderers, the true controllers.

And you wonder what happened to your freedom?

What most people do not understand is the economy, especially the economy of money. So they often confuse economical causes with pure sociological or pure psychological causes, thus with something that has nothing to do with the reallity.This misunderstanding is exploited; so those humans who control the other humans have an interest in that misunderstanding and strive to keep the controlled humans in ignorance.

UPF: If you want to know why it’s so hard to fix Social Security, this thread demonstrates the reason. The “Hey I know, let’s give everybody on earth a car!” people get to vote, and they couldn’t care less about cost or practicality.

This is true.

But, it does not mean that nothing at all should be provided the poor or needy people.

Again, as usual, the trick is to realize where the line should be drawn exactly. Only such necessities, absence of which may harm or curb the future of the society in any way, should be provided by the govt to all.

And, these three are; free and equal education, medial facilities and legal aid, besides enough work to have two time food, clothes enough to cover nakedness, and some kind of shelter to sleep under.

Anything more than that would be luxury.

With love

Right.  I don't think anybody in this thread is saying otherwise, are they?
I don't think there is such a line.  Different societies will be able to afford to provide for their poor in more or less better ways, and providing things for the poor will always come at a cost- and some societies may be more or less willing to pay that cost. 

Meh. The problem with things like that is that the west is afflicted with such relativism in terms of language that such statements are practically meaningless. I mean, I agree with what you just said as far as I understand ‘harm’ and ‘curb’ and ‘necessities’, but some aggressive socialist who wants the State to pay for everything will easily be able to twist your words so that it describes their agenda- a habit you’ve noticed and are complaining about elsewhere.

Yeah, providing everybody with that for free would annihilate just about any nation’s economy I expect.

Ucc, so you think that if everyone in the US could go to the doctor, get an education, and have an attorney between them and the state, that the economy would crumble?

I have to agree maybe about the doctor thing. I went in for this thing called balloon sinuplasty, and they’d already charged me something like 500 bucks before I even found out if I was a candidate to have a tube shoved through my face with a balloon on it. Then, they told me that the procedure was 5 grand, and I was like wow, that’s insane. I have the best insurance policy available, and it’s still gonna end up costing me out of pocket something like 3500 bucks by the time I’m in and out of the pharmacy. I mean, my monthly premiums are around 380-400 bucks. And, the lowest deductible they offered was 2500, and since I never get sick it’s like so far this year I’ve paid thousands of dollars for nothing. So, next year, I’m gonna go in January and blow that deductible out of the water, then I’m gonna troll doctors all over town and cram in as much shit as I can get on that policy, then the next year I’ll reduce it to one of the garbage, even more useless policies that private insurance companies offer for just a bit less.

I mean whether or not a doctor has a right to charge what he charges is one thing. No one can dispute whether he has that right. But, it doesn’t make him any less of a piece of shit for doing what he’s doing. The fact is, there’s no demand for his product at the price he charges. If there was, then people wouldn’t need an insurance racket that steals as much money standing between consumers and products as the government does.

I went the other day to get my eyes checked to see if I could get lasik, and when I got there, the first thing they did was take the info I put down on my initial paperwork, and run it through synchrony bank to get me approved for a “Care Credit” card. It’s a credit card for people who want to buy elective medical procedures.

When they said, “you’re approved!”. I said, “for what?”. And they explained that they’d run my credit and opened a new account for me. Annnd…that since I was approved I could just throw the procedure on there and it was only going to cost the low low price of about 4700 bucks.

I got up and closed the door to the office I was sitting in and sat back down and said, “you guys are killing me. my friend was here last week and paid 2200, another friend of mine works at the other lasik place and told me to bring him your quote”, “I don’t want your credit card, I was going to pay cash”.

Then, out of nowhere, suddenly, they came up with a special and a referal discount and told me about how they could essentially just drop the price to 2900.

So they literally wanted 1800 dollars there somewhere in the mix, that wasn’t part of their overhead, nor an amount that by reducing the cost would prevent them from having a profit margin. They literally are selling medical procedures as if they’re used cars. Just gouging people for no reason other than to make even more profit. Not to cover risk, or to cover overhead, or to ensure that their investment is pulling a greater return than it would elsewhere, no…they had all that covered at 2900, the other 1800 was probably going to go out to the bitches in the office because they get extra if they can convince people to pay way too much. Think about all the sad fucks who get the credit card and don’t have cash, and end up paying 8 grand with interest by the time it’s over, part of which probably goes back to the merchant.

It’s shameful, and widespread, and it goes unsaid because of the wealth worship, and the idea that whenever something costs too much that you should just blame the govt. If the government is going to be involved in healthcare, they need to get into the doctor’s office and stop all the fraud. That’s what jacks up the cost for everyone.

I had the same thing happen at an oral surgeon. I went in once with a wisdom tooth that had come in and then gotten chipped. At first they wanted 1000s of dollars. When I said to them, “prescribe me an antibiotic and in a month this thing will fall out on it’s own. You know it, I know it, and I’m not buying you a used car for pulling a tooth out of my mouth”. Next thing you know, they took 300 bucks cash to cover the anesthesia and pulled the fucking tooth.

Shameful. These are people who walk around talking as if they earned what they have, and as if people who want help in the world have a sense of entitlement. Thieves. Shameful thieves.

I mean just the extra money that they tried to charge on a few medical procedures for me, just 1 guy, would add up to enough money to give a family food stamps for a year. So who’s really fucking us? The hungry people who need food? Or the greedy pieces of shit who will quote you 1800 more for something than they end up settling for, knowing that most people just pay the 1800 that they clearly don’t need to pay?

Great post, Smears.

You know I am, essentially, a capitalist. I also exercise more freedom than the law even actually allows, so I get that shit too. But let me tell you something. Any deal that I make with any person, is always one where they stand to make more off the deal than I do. I end up with the most money, because I make the most deals. Not because I leverage every dime that I can out of every opportunity.

I had 2 doctors across the street from one another, and who refer patients back and fourth to one another both take the same xrays of my hand and both bill my insurance company for it, even though I specifically asked why they didn’t transfer the xray with the rest of the records. Then, when it was all said and done, I left with a bottle of tramadol and a statement from the ortho doc that, “he couldn’t find anything wrong with it”. If he can’t find anything wrong, then either I’m lying, or he’s not seeing something that’s there. I specifically said to him, “sir, I am not here seeking drugs, I do not want to be prescribed a pain killer and sent on my way. I want to know what is wrong with my hand and how I should go about getting it back to 100%”. It was as if I wasn’t even talking. This guy…on his website on the front page had a big rant about healthcare laws. I see he’s getting around all those economic woes he thought the law would cause him by committing insurance fraud.

Not at all, not even something close to that can happen.
But, the focus of thr system had to changed slightly to get that done within means.

Free medical facilities does mot mean free or subsidized medical insurance and getting treated in luxury private hospitals. In the same way, free education doed not mean sending every child to some high end private schools.

Private sector has made all three services very costly, even to unrealistic levels, just because these also have been become businesses, thus mean of earning. Governments have to delist these three services from money making services, and its costs will come down drastically.

In other words, no private schools, hospitals, and legal services should be allowed. They should be nationalized, and free and equal to all.

And, it can be done easily without harming the economy of any country, whether US or not.

With love,


Your argument is right, but as I said to Ucci, the actual cost of treatment is not that much high. The problem is that far too many middle-men have been creeped up in the system, and the cost of service escalates with every stage.

That is the real issue. The same is the case of education and legal services too. A nation does not need hi-fi schools, which serve more to status symbol than actual education. It does not matter whether a teacher teaches in ac classes or not. If he is capable and honest, students studying under any form of shed will be benefitted. The focus should be at the quality of the teacher, not the facilities.

In the same way, there is no need for these costly private lawyers, who charge thousands from their clients. Then, it becomes a problem for those, who cannot afford such.

Actually, there is no need for lawyers. There is a very serious flaw in the juridical system. The job of the police or state should be only investigate, not prosecute. The investigation should be handed over to the jury, which should not be random persons but well versed with laws like judges. Such jury can go through the evidences, summon and examine required witnesses, discuss the case within itself and decide on its own. No lawyers from either side are required.

All these things can be done without much financial burden but it requires both of wisdom and polital will.

With love,

My undergraduate education cost about 70 thousand dollars. I’ve used free public defenders to beat several charges.

I talked to the place that does the lasik today. They called to confirm my appointment. When I said I think I’m just gonna not do it at all, they took another 400 bucks off.

I shit you not.