Americtries to fill out brain with junk...!

In america there are the younger ones and the older ones that have problems with “controlling theyr eyes”, “controlling theyr mouth”, etc. Why is it over here where the problem is the worste, self control is hard for all of us but america doesnt want us to be great thinkers rather they want us to have labor jobs.

Our brain has capacity… right.

They try to plant as much junk in our brains as they can so that well run on low capacity. If your focusing too much on junk how are you going to focus on whats important?

Women werent created to normally like men, but over here they(by means of Television) they plant the thought in women that men are “hott”, IT ISNT NORMAL!!!

If women are focusing on men and men are focusing on women how are we going to think on whats important!!

And over here some men “love” men and some women “love” women, and some people dont even care about your gender!!! ITS UN NATURAL they do this so that we dont focus on whats actually important rather they want us to focus on whats “fun”.

And its funny how we do half the work ourselves without even noticing it…

I don’t agree with the homosexuality bit…

but I do agree in a way with what you’re saying… our society is such that for alot of people, they wake up (not wanting to) and drag themselves to some mundane job to do whatever. There is so much info through the media system and stuff for our brains to take in that we are sleep walking or wake sleeping half the time, coffee flows freely… cigarettes so we don’t need to waste time with eating… never really STOPPING to think about certain things.

Then again, without this ‘busy’ world the site we’re talking on might not even be possible… so I mean, if you want the dodads… then you need the grunt labor to make it possible.

I’ve found if you’re gonna live ‘over here’ you gotta really work at finding a balance. Part of that I find is not being overly materialistic…

obviously with me sitting here at 3am when I have b-ball practice at 7am isn’t the best way to achieve this balance… but hey I’m trying.

i think you guys (no offense… im a kid and we’re pretty simple) use too many words for a really simple idea…

dont worry. be happy.

How old are you?

im not very sure how did you got the equation “self restraint” = “great thinker”. come to think about it, im not sure how you got the equation “self restraint”=“anything above scared idiot”.

we did have a puritan age, it died a century ago. your imam ali is just historically anachronic (for us)


What you are saying about the culture is fairly true. However, it’s only true for a certain segment of the youth culture. Most 40 year olds that I know are pretty calm rational people with good values.

Meanwhile, the standard “good-looking” college person might have a far different way of conducting themselves. If you think about it though, that’s like comparing a baby to a man.

but then we’d be generalising…

Self restraint will help you overcome harder things easier(religion-wise). But if you have no religion i dont think this is necessary.

self restraint isnt necersary unless your religious…

that was my interpretation of that statement… and ive gotta diagree… thats ridiculous

I’m not religious and try to practice self-restraint for a variety of very good reasons.

Meanwhile, it has always seemed that religious people have little restraint as they have the afterlife as a way out.

im beggin you - can we not have a religious debate.

I certainly cannot fulfill that request.

dang… gimme a chance to put my fingers in my ears and hum loudly…