So when you are born into a poor family who can only afford to rent one crowded house, and who can’t afford you a good education or any opportunities to improve your situation even if you work as hard as you can within the means available to you, then that’s fine.
But when action is taken to stop those who grew up in a situation where they can become financially successful (even if they did nothing but simply inherit the money they have) from making more money by doing nothing (simply having a house because you have money, and accepting more money for it didn’t build the house, it existed and was usable whether someone rented it out or not!), then it’s suddenly inhumane totalitarianism?
I see this time and time again - this seething hatred towards accountability.
If someone or some group of people makes a decision, it’s oppression, but when they set up a system where it’s no longer clear who’s to blame for people being restricted and held down (e.g. Capitalism) then it’s fine because nobody seems to be directly accountable. It’s as though oppression is fine as long as nobody is accountable for it(!)
I have ceased to think of this problem in such intangible ideological terms as “individual rights” and “moral oughts”. The only real issue is what CAN be done. And what CAN be done is that the economy CAN be made to work more efficiently for more people.
If there are less opportunities to sit back and do very little when you are clearly able to contribute more to your country’s wealth - and therefore by extension your own, and
if there are more opportunities for those trapped in a situation that prevents them their health and freedom to contribute more to their country’s wealth - and therefore by extension everyone else’s,
then surely we have ourselves a much improved situation for all!
The poor don’t give a toss about individual rights and moral oughts, unless they are told they do because, well, they’re just great(!) - they do not have the time nor education to consider such things. Liberal ideals are for the bouregois. Socialism is for the poor, who only care about getting out of a shit situation.
Even the rich don’t really give a toss about individual rights and moral oughts! As long as they have some market freedom to get a little richer and as long as this arrangement doesn’t change, they’re fine. They may devote their greater amounts of free time to giving these intangible ideological terms some thought in order to rationalise the situation and alleviate their guilt, but could they not be pondering how to improve the bigger economic picture?
Sitt, Xun and Mad Man P are the only ones making sense… no, sod that. Why are we simply taking sides when we could be looking at this afore-mentioned bigger picture?!