An Argument for God

For years I have worked and worked to rid myself of His eyes. The fleshy pain of sin became unbearable. So I did what many do to escape the haunting of unwanted spirits. With my brush I painted over His face. Where there were cheeks I drew the hills of a sand dune. I replaced his hair with the curls I saw in the clouds and his eyes with what I knew about the stars of the universe. Worst of all, I replaced His voice with that of machines. Not that I understood the things of explained nature I was replacing Him with but anything would do for the chance of freedom.

The Existence of God:

God does exist. Insofar as it is obvious that the external world exists and that other people exist, it is obvious that He exists because we can feel, see, and hear that He exists.

You can hear God’s voice when, say, choosing between good and evil. Indeed, God’s voice is the voice of Moral Law. Morality, like mathematics, is absolute and must be uncovered outside the boundaries of time and space. They are things as real as the heavy only they are ethereal like the vibrations of your internal voice. But unlike mathematics, which is heard in the voice of nature, Moral Law must be heard from the voice of God. It is the synchronous, ubiquitous voice that all civilizations across all centuries have listened to; building their grand societies atop the foundational elements of its thoughts.

But what of the non-believer who confuses the voice of God with the deterministic cacophony of the machine of psychological pseudoscience? It is not that the voice of God has ceased to exist for the non-believer. Objects that we have confused for other objects do not vanish from existence like the subjective idealist would think. They have just confused God’s voice with a man-made system; often materialism.

Materialism is the bane of our culture. It will hold back humanity for years to come unless it obliterates us first. The philosophy is absurd and yet its evil meme spreads across the world. How can one truly believe in the machine of materialism? Can we believe the neuroscientist that we are zombies and that our minds are but an illusion? No. We are not machines. I know this because I can feel this; I exist. I will cease my belief even of other people before giving up the belief of my mind.

So the moral code is not computer ROM inherited from genetics. Our minds or souls – or whatever you want to call it – are not of a man-made material plane but of another more profound one and this mind is connected to an eternal, omnipotent spirit that speaks to us what is right, what is good, and what is of value. God is the source.

This is true because it is obviously true. Once one begins to understand His voice and the other features of Him in existence one quickly realizes that no other sound system of thought could be constructed to explain such personal, complicated phenomena.

The metaphysics of God is far too complicated to explain here but let His voice be the first evidence of His existence. In order for one to believe in God one must see and hear God as part of one’s existence, but under the metaphysical framework of our times such an observation is difficult to make when existence is cut up in the barbaric, synthetic way that is. If you want proof of His existence just remove the machine from your self for just a moment and you will hear Him.

A man once spoke and removed the machine from his conciousness the materialistic ways of the world and of the UNiverse of the Psychological and paranormal, He meditated in silence on God and listened for his voice with all his will but never heard not once a whisper, wondering in which way the man did started to doubt his existance as such what it is, in doing so the man realized that God is not the creator of anything but merly the created of the very thing which he had thrown away.

By ridding himself of the Mechine, the asstute curiouse conciousness which resides within all thing’s, He got no closer to god but instead put hiself farther away. The questioning Curiosity which drives all thing’s liveing or dead all Physical and metaphysical to learn and grow spiritualy and Physical/metaphysicaly is the Omnipotent spirit.

It’s attachment is in all thing’s material and imaterial. You can not rid yourself of the Physical without remove the self from the stated being, and never will you here the voice of God so long as you believe there is one. The Universe Is not Conciouse nor subconciouse but resides in and of itself a part of all thing’s, God, Alah, whatever you call it is not a conciouse whispering being nor is it willful.

Materialism canot be erased from the humans Physical evolutiion because they have come to depend on it for their very survival. Without they will deminish and die. They must evolve metaphysicaly to compensate for the Offset of this complication. But most likely and Unfortuantly the Damage is already done. The metaphysical ability and Evolution of the Spirit has been sesored indoctrinated and contained, It has been tortured Burried and destroyed by the Human’s indecisive and unsure pace in such matters. There will to controle and Greed for Power over another has blinded them, There fear and Belief in what they have been taught since Childhood, The View the society of each has placed on the Individuale who dream’s sweat dreams of Utopia. The Illogical mind whos brilliance is never seen because another does not understand and lacks the will to try so remain’s stuck and positioned in the small reality they feel safe in.

It is not the Materialistic necesity the Physical places on the Humans curent evolution that is their weakness but rather the inability to get past the mere biological, genetic and psychological incapacities of their Curent Evolution and Genetic form’s. Which they have chosen to exist within and of themselve’s.

The Human’s are not cappable of restoreing the Balance needed to bestow on them the Gift which they seek They need help, Knowledge, wisdom, To forge ahead past those who are stuck in perpetual Delusion’s surounded in a complex web of Logic (That which makes sense to the Unenlightened and unevolved mind) Some are proceeding well in the Experament others are regressing metaphysicaly rather than evolveing, It is a choice to be chosen and they all choose. To listen and attempt to Comprehend, Rather than to Listen and form an Oppinion…

The Human’s own Psyche is their weekness, they have reached a point where they can see many path’s but the Unevolved state of their mind will not allow most to see past set delusion’s which buind and controle the reality they percieve to be real or as Truth.

You see, It has nothing to do with the Physical or materialism, Merely how one is able to Comprehend what another Know’s as truth while remaining themselves in their own…

In this, What you have said is truth, And what I have said is truth also…

There is no Corect or right or wrong, No good and Evil, Merely what the Mind of another specifies as such and what there reality dictates to be real and true.

Your reality is the eventuality of your existance, My existance is the eventuality of my Reality.

Point is that only those who are chosen will know WHAT is God,
No One will know God.
Same as, only chosen can play an Instrument, Sing or play Bridge.
The easiest way to find out What is God, is through His Word in Torah,
or His Son’s Word in Gospels.
You can find out what is God, without those written words, and that
means, You are extremely talented for The Truth recognition.

much love


Agree, it is the trutrh, that you were writing those words, you’ve wrote.
Meaning of those words, can be either Truth, or Lie, there is no gray area.
It’s all GOOD, why do you think about yourself as fragment of someone
elses Imagination ?
What is difference between yours and mine existence ?

much love



  1. Good canot exist without it’s oposite…Therefore all thing’s canot be Good.

They can however be both or neither…

A: What is Good? What is Evil?

Your answers will differ depending on the being’s and individuales or hive mind’s you ask… They are an Oppinion of what lower species view as principalities in there understanding of society and Useless Moral’s. That when you get right down to it, Have no meaning whatsoever when it does not serve their pupose…Human’s are an example of this.

They must have these understanding to coinside with their reality…Fragile as it is. Without them they cease to be…Human and are outcast for the most part…But than any enlightened individual will explain in graphic detail how “enlightenment has it’s price” The choice is the Human’s to make and as I have said they make it…

They will either Evolve…Or die…
Either way they will never cease to exist unless that is their choice…

  1. What are you here but fragment’s of your original selve’s and what are those selves but what you see through the Unconcious derected and derived from the Imagination Cortex.

Do you believe your Coporial form to be the extent of your existance?

Perhaps I do not believe me to be a figment of someone elses imagination, But rather one of my own…

Only what you determine to be such.

Truth is existence of everything, within the matter, Lie is Human emotion,
a Belief.
If you believe in something that is truth, sooner or later you’ll realise
that you actually KNEW that.

Knowledge of Evil is path to certain death, when ? is utterly unimportant.
Every person that have died is exactly THE SAME as those never born.
The only way people know for Evil is through fear.
The only emotion that I got is Love, If you want to indulge in Illusion of
existence of Devil, Satan or whathave you, be my guest.
There is Only One source of Everything, and that ONE source is
truth/love energy, a spirit ( in Our case ), that gives orders to this body of Ours.
Price of enlightenment or spiritual resurrection is eternal existence,
spiritual in form of creation ( artists, writers, actors… ) or physical
in this very same flesh, of those that will live forever.
I know that because of existence of the Word that enlightened Me.
What is my evidence ? Me.
Choice is an Illusion created between God and Man, by Man.
Did you chose your Life ? No. Did YOU choose how you gonna Live ? No.
you did not chose where you were be born, your IQ, your DNA that controls everything within you …
Did you chose how long you gonna live ? No. If you gonna kill yourself,
your mental illness, that wasn’t your choice, did that for you.

Who am " I " again ?
Life is Soul, as Eye/“I” can see, we’re both alive.
Spirits are All different, except of those that will Physicaly exist forever.
They are ONE with God, who is Man BTW, as His Son Jesus call HIM
" The Son of Man ", and those that are Spiritualy ONE with HIM, will
NEVER know His nationality, who is He, and where is He.
Fantizzltastic my nizzle. Brutal perfection.

much love from above


Why would God use such a flawed idea as written language to convey his Truth?

What did people do before a bible was written? What about Hellen Keller?

So people will know 3500 years later, that the best possible way of recording
an information then, was written word. And that information is created for
living only, so living can make a Movie, to explain exactly how is this
way of life going to end.

They were dying.
What did she say ?

I am curious as to wether you actualy read anything I wrote… This coment has nothing to do with the stated question I have asked you, nor does it have any relevance tword the statement pertaining to the question.

Some good point’s…Indulge me:

Why do you link Death with evil? And Imortality or ascendance with love?

Do you even know what love is?

It is in itself Chaos. The one thing that has varying effects with no pattern for relevance on anything it touches, It can sooth the deepest anger or cause the most hanouse crimes. It can turn a sane man to do unrealist and insane action’s and yet give the wisdom to such a man to rise above the insanity. It can turn to betrayal and hatred just as easily as it can invoke kindness and forgiveness.

In your belief all the things you have said exist…For you, But the enlightenment which is your own is just that your own, Your truth is your truth and Only your own.

My truth is my own and noone elses, what I share here is that all truth’s are true, This is an infinite Universe within which you live there are no limitation to what is and isn’t both possible and impossible.

Well On this I would dissagree, Being as I have been dead… If you believe in the Hive mind totality of sytems being once you die your spirit rejoin’s with the Universal colective…It may be true…For you. But since I have been dead before I know this to not be the case…For me…anyway.

Which means that your totality of this enlightenment being the ONE Truth is incorect… Since obviously mine is diferent from your’s.

Why do you consider Fear…An emotion created by the Physical as evil?

Or rather why do you asume the actions envokeing this emotion are such?

Most of what you are saying pertains to Physical boundries and has very little if anything to do with the metaphysical or Spiritual…

So you are limiting the Universe to not include being’s that exist, wether relitive to you or not Correct?

Your belief in them is not required for them to exist. If it has a thought, a name an essance it exists wether you believe it does or not.

I believe in everything…And I believe in Nothing. Includeing what you are satateing, But then I also understand the meaning of an Infinite Universe…And I believe in everything I have sated.

I agree on a lower level of existance that this is corect. with several exception mainly What you have said sated like this:

You see Truth has nothing to do with it as every being’s truth in themselves and their existance is their own, That is the only all encompassing truth to anything. Love is Chaos and has no relevance in controling anything as Chaos is in and of everything but has no will nor conciousness.

The only thing that controls anything is you. In short Each being is a God unto themselve’s…

  1. Your existance is eternal wether you are enlightened or not.
  2. The only price of enlightenment are the consequences you will face if you manage to acheivce it in the physical.

You are your own evidence for whatever you believe to be enlightenment of your truth.

I am curious as to what this “Word” you spoke of is, So that I may study it. As is my Hobbie and profession here.

That is, IF you believe that God is more powerful than man or man’s sovreign or creator…Remeber while this Truth IS the truth for some It is NOT the truth for others. One truth does not apply to all merly to the individual.

Yes I did actualy…But then Im not Human Either…

No, In this you are correct I did not choose this Body’s Birth place nor it’s IQ or DNA, (Though really it doesn’t matter as those thing’s can always be manipulated to suit my need’s) I didn’t even choose to inhabit this specific Body, So you are corect in, that one does not controle all aspect’s of the Physical.

  1. Yes, actualy I do choose how long Im going to live or rather can if I want.

  2. Why do you consider the action of Killing yourself a mental illness? The Universe has no consequence for such action the Physical is a Plain of lower evolution, What you do here has no Bearance whatsoever on what happen’s after, before or dureing. Time is irelevant even though here it is not a veriable but a constant (In certain places) as is the action of ones self.

  3. What you human’s call mental illness is your sopecies trying to evolve past the delusion’s you so far cling to and have been sheltered by, It will happen you will evolve, Unless you destroy yourselves first that is…

  1. Begining and end are a constant in the Physical as is death and rebirth of such. Time is Constant of the Physical as is change. The physical Universe will eventualy end, Therefore no thing will exist as “Physical” forever.

  2. I sense you have a lack of understanding of the Universe in General, Chaos, Metaphysical and Physical.

  3. You believe Man to be God? as a collective? If this was so why do You Human’s all believe somthing different? And you go on to say all those that are spiritualy one with him? One with man being him as a Colective?

You are speaking of a Man who is historicaly documented (I’m not talking about the Bible, the Koran, or Religion) As existing, You are contradicting your Humans own Historical fact’s by saying you’ll never know his nationality who he is ETC.

In fact History does know who he was, what nationality he was and so forth.

Unless your speaking of an Entity that is not related to the Jesus “Son of Man” which you specificaly refer to…

So in that statement you are Uterly incorect.

Talking about the Physical “NOT” belief’s. His belief is true whatever it is as I have stated and why I have also stated before.

Your question was " Why ? ", and I gave you the answer, representing my knowledge of reality, about nonexistence of gray area.
Individually it is only Life or Death, true or lie, there is no halflife, halfdeath, halftruth, or halflie.

You’ve chopped up my statement, and it’s very difficult for me to focus on
your questions.
I am hyper-realist, to me there is nothing outhere, that does not exist.
Nothing that can’t be prooven by undisputable evidence.
Every concept/dimension that is not Human, does not have Human copyright owner. So whoever or whatever is source of Frequency, destiny,
truth, love, life, soul, spirit… is NOT human.
For over 20 years I’m studying book called Torah aka " Old testament ",
and I’ve found everything that exist in It. Including people like you.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with your statements, and there is
nobody who can proove you’re wrong.
Because you are God, by your existence, and there is no other, within
your skin. Same goes with every LIVING person.
Death is non-existing, because is only the word, that represent end of
individual Life, not species.
Love ( not human emotion towards other being or thing ), rather called,
" True Love " is creation, giving, living, and no man can hammer out
precise definition.
Death is directly linked with Evil, because they are only words, human concepts that do not exist in matter, like word " Human ".
Man’s belief in existence of Evil ( something other than God/Us ) gave birth to End of Life. As told by prophet called Moses here ;

" You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die."

So, I study Prophecies that tells Us how this way of Life, in these Alien
bodies of Ours, is going to switch from mortal into immortal.
And there is absolutely nothing " we " can do about It.
Which is again concept that requires ONLY life, to proove IT, nothing else.

Same as about 300 prophecies that were point out, EXACT day of birth,
reason, and purpose of 33 years of existence of Jewish dude, called
Jesus from Nazareth.
Other prophecies explain that " Switch " to eternal flesh, that will happen’
in One day, Day, when entire Planet, regardless of existing Beliefs will
know, that IT IS all about Life and Death.
That will be the Day when entire Planet will know, that God incarnate in
One Dude is Here. And the book says that Chosen ones, will never KNOW
Who He is, or where He’s @, regardless of Eternity on their disposal to
find HIM. And yet, they will be Spiritualy One,
with THE ONE, connected throughout whole wide world aka www
I can cut and paste couple of those Prophecies for You, if You want,
they are short, and all they require is your ability to understand them,
not your IQ. You know, like, talents such as playing an instrument, singing, acting…
Because it is sensless for us to debate, if we can not agree on
One life, one love, one truth, one " God " principle.

much love


Cute, however I’m being serious. I think its obvious that there are many flaws with all languages and I would hope God would have a better plan then using a man made perversion like language.

More funnies, what’s wrong, cant you answer seriously?


Language is a tool learned or given to HUman’s so they may explore diferent typs of thinking, While as you say it is not the most acurate and is severly flawed by it diferences, It IS realitively easy to comprehend and Learn no mater what Verbal sound’s and meanings are attached.

They way they are said in some languages changes the meaning which in turn further complicates and flaw’s translation and understanding.

This Complication is ment to make you Human’s Strive to work together (Or rather MAKE you) to acomplish anything. You will only survive as a species as one, Language is the simpleist and esiest way to teach you to get along and solve your diferences.


You did? Lets look at the statement, then the question, then the answer:

This is the statement:

This was my question:

And this was your answer:

As you can see your answer has absolutly “nothing” to do with why you don’t believe in a Grey area, Only about how you will, or already Know everything you believe is true sooner or later.

And really, You keep dodgeing most of my question’s. Your very intelligent, You just need to Open yourself up to more possiblities…

I think you missed my point…And again you concentrate on the Physical to suport your Belief’s…That’s fine…

The metaphysical has NO LIFE and NO DEATH, Only existance… Now that puts a whole in your Belief right there… Of course Im not saying your wrong, Just want you to think…

But than again, that would be determined by your own definition of what Constitutes for Living or Life if you will, as does what you believe to constitute Death.

But in general terms The Physical is the only place were Life and Death exist in Physical terminology.

Death is not Evil, Life is not Good. Nor is either Both, But they can be both
it is up to the individual to decided what is and is not good and evil or whether they will or will not incorporate such a thing into their reality.

Evil Does not exist in the Metaphysical, Neither does Good it is a Manifistation of the Physical and the reality portrayed by the individual…Nothing more than an illusion, as is the Life you call Good, and the Death you Call Evil.

What would you call the area left when you cancel both out? It’s not Good so it canot be called such…But then neither is it Evil…So…What is it?..Chaos Perhaps?..Or Neutrality, Nullity, Void? Inbetween? Grey area???
What is Sociopathy if not the lack of feeling or knowledge, or oppinion for and of thing’s Good and thing’s Evil? To a sociopath they do not exist. This in itself is proof that your truth is not the whole or ONE truth…as it does not aply to ALL, only to some who think as you do.

  1. I didn’t chop your statement up at all. You were asking question’s I inturn provided answers and more question’s, That’s just the way the Universe work’s…

I broke the Paragraph apart so that others reading would more easily be able to sift through the Comment’s. Does’nt matter anyway since most of it concerned several topics and not just one in general.

I will agree with most of what you have said here.

  1. I have noticed that you use fragmented sentance to try and get you point across, While I understand what you are saying (For the most part, Some of you thought paterns are severly fragmented and confused which makes the translation very dificult) Others may not A better grip on the curent language being used and it’s sentance structure with combined meaning’s might help you explain thing’s to other with better result’s.

I realize that most of what we are talking about is at best incomplete when explained in the Physical and though incomprehensive, illogical writeing explain’s the point the best, Most here though can not translate what you mean…Somthing to think about.

The tora in general…
You have studdied it for 20 years? Then you should also have studied the History of the Tora itself and not just the History written within the Torrah describing it’s history…

You might find that the book in itself is Made from the Pieces of many other much older religions and book’s…

I will not debate the Genisis story or Creation Myth with you as I am Going to asume you do not take it Literaly. (If you do Please Corect me though your previous statement’s tell me you don’t and are speaking metaphoricaly)

This existance is not about Life and Death, Because your existance is Imortal and the Physical has no menaing in the reality of thing’s beyond the Knowledge it can teach and the experiance to be learned from. Death in itself teaches a lesson as does Life. It has nothing to do with SIN or Good or Evil. It is merely a function of the Learning Process.

The Purpose of Existing is to learn. You learn to exist as you Exist to learn. It is the one thing you will always do no matter what or where you are or do. It will happen without or with your will and is the one factor that is completely and Uterly out of your controle. You will and do learn because it is you purpose as it is the Purpose of all thing’s Conciouse and Unconciouse.

This is because I am makeing your mind Question and think…It’s natural you’ll get by it… Your mind is trying to comprehend somthing it before has’nt experianced. The more you ponder and think the easier what is said by me and other’s will be Understood.

You have tought it so long to think one way it is dificult for it to seek another mothod, Conditioning of the mind is one way to put it…

The diference between an all truth or one truth and a non all truth is simple:

A ONE truth applies to all in every aspect and can be infinitly related to anything on any scale. IE “The Big Picture”.

A non one truth aplies when it is the individuales truth rather then the “Big Picture” if you will.

We have already Agreed that we are both individualy Correct in our belief’s. (Non ONE truth’s) This proveing the belief’s diferent and therefore ruling out it being ONE truth.

Now, You need to find the Big Picture. Or One truth.

I don’t kid’ indeed. You have feeling Languages are flawed, and that was
God’s plan. A Plan that have appearence of punishment " for disobeying nature of Man " as described in Book that talks about " God ".
By having that feeling God’s plan being Flaw, Death was Introduced,
As result of Procreation Plan.
There was Only One Man in History of Man, who did not disobey God, in
His thoughts, Not Acts, according to the written word of His.
His name was Jesus from Nazareth.

How serious can be my Answer to Question " What were people doing
before Torah was written " ?

I’m 42, merely being my Own Answer, to Question " What am I doing in
Life, Universe and everything ? "

For circa 3496500 years people were dying procreating Moses and Others
that wrote Torah. Better than this would exceed my ability.

I am not able to Believe. I know there is No " Gray area ", whatever that Is.
There is Only One Dimension - Existence, or even nicer term that
David Cronenberg created - eXistenZ

Existence contains these platforms - Energy, Matter, Life, and One Day.

As soon as you come Up with something else ( with Hard Evidence )
Holla Back Puuuuhhhhhlease !!

The Truth is Not something that can be found, Man either Have It, and
Know It, or don’t have It, and Believe something else.

Living Human can not Believe in Truth, but Cartoon Character Can.

The ONLY Big Picture there Is, Is Life, and there is no Other.

And not to forget and Thank you, with all I got, for Your Ultra Loving
reply, It is Something that People of Serbia are not used To.

much love


Um, you do know that your own Human rudementary Physics and quantum physics states there are an infinite number of dementions right?

How can you Possible say you KNow that somthing doesn’t exist when you admit you yourself do not Understand what it is? Obviously it exist’s because I can ask you why you don’t believe it does…

Oh and EXisTeNse was a movie about a virtual reality Game, It had nothing to do with Alternate demenion’s or even ONE deminsion. If you want to see a movie about alternate Demention’s watch Silent Hill, Or Xtro 1,2, or 3. Or you could always watch SLIDERS on Scifi channle…

If you believe there is only one demtion, then you can not believe in Paradise or Heaven or even the spiritual plain, Because it IS a diferent demention, and besides that it’s not even located within the Physical (Which by the way is a classification for a type of realm or demention just as the Metaphysical is also a classification.)

Oh and on Jesus, He did Disobey God on several Ocasion’s and broke his own laws multiple times. He was a man wether the son of God or not is irellevent and as being such is NOT and can NOT be seperate from Human or Man’s weakness.

I am not Human, Yet I reside in ones Coporial form, I suffer from the same effect’s and weaknesses as any other Body here does. The only diference is I can reduce the outcome of certain thing’s and controle others.

The point is Jesus being a Man in the Physical was just as vulberable to the effect’s of Emotion and lack of self control that any other Human was.

He struck out in anger, Rather than turn the other Cheek, For one example… He cursed several Rabi’s he thought inferior to His God’s will.

that is: Pride, Arogance, Anger, Jelousy. All of these are Sin’s to his own word’s. Which also makes him a Hypocrit…

I can provide you a list of Sin’s which jesus himself commited, If you like.

I can also prove that Hitoricaly and metaphoricaly the Torah is Bunk…

Do not ever put your faith in a Book…Book’s are writen by man and therfore esily destroyed or torn apart by any intelligent being. If your going to believe in something believe in what you yourself experiance rather than the writen word of a cultures book which is over 3000 years old and several and fataly flawed…

Age doesn’t matter Human, You are as a cell in your mothers womb not even begining to devide for your own creation, compared to “my” Age. What matter’s is what you have learned and experianced. Your Belief Doesn’t even matter. This is the physical nothing here matter’s on any scale above itself… The only thing that does is the Incoporial lesson’s learned that reside in the “Spiritual memory repositories of the self” If you will. Again Not Physical…

Did you ever think that every Being Already Know’s it, Weather they themselves realize they do or not? Also in this do you not think it is more realistic for you to Find or realize that you do, Rather than find Yourself believeing or wondering weather you can or can’t already know it?

The path your following will only lead to Confusion…But than again it is your Path…

Didn’t I tell you already, I am not able to believe.
You are asking Me to proove to you that " Gray area " does NOT Exist ?
How can I proove Something does NOT Exist ?

Thank you for letting Me stay on My Path, you’re so Kind in Your Judgements
about Who I am, and where I’m heading.
I am overwhelmed with your knowledge. =D>

  1. I am not asking you to prove it does not exist…Because you in your belief (Or on your path) have already stated you “KNOW” it doesn’t.

  2. Let me refraise the question…

You KNOW there is “No” grey area or neutrality in anything Corect?

In otherword’s it is your belief (Or knowledge of…To “KNOW”) that a Grey area or Neutrality does not exist. (Same thing)

Now, in this Again “WHY” Have you on your path come to this Conclusion?

What examples can you give that Suport this Conclusion?

Surely you would not be one Blind enough to follow knowledge which in itslf has no evidence or proof (To your knowledge) of existing. Or not existing.

If you can not prove that a thing does or does not exist than how can you “Know” it Does or does not?

There is a diference between “Knowing” and “Knowing”

Every being has it’s own path which it chooses to follow, They all teach there lesson’s ment to be learned according to the individuales chooseing.

You can not learn from my path just as I can not learn from your’s.

You can however learn from experianceing another’s Path…IF…It does not interfere or is a part of your own.

Most Human’s get confused and then become so wrapped up in another’s path that they delude themselves into thinking it is their own, when in fact it’s not.

What I do is make them seperate the paths for individuales so they may choose to carry on in their delusion’s or again find their own way.

How do I do this?

I make them doubt, think, and ponder the 2 deadly question’s to any Belief system:

What IF, and Why.

But in the end it is them who choose and them who do all the work, I am Neutral in all thing’s. I ask questions that make the self evaluate…Well itself. It decides by it’s own logic or illogic whether what I say is true or untrue therefore defineing for itself the reality or validity of the delusion or it’s Falsity and fantasy…