In the Beginning there was the Material, and the Process by which the Material would be formed and changed. The Beginning was the Beginning of the Process’s action upon the Material.
Thou shalt not speak of Time outside the Process, for all Time is a measurement of the Process, and a representation of the Process’s action upon the Material.
Thou shalt not speak of what was before the Beginning, for to be before the Beginning is to be outside the Process, and thus outside of Time. To speak of what comes before is to speak of Time; but there is no Time outside the Process.
Nor shalt thou say that either the Material or the Process came into Being. For the Material and the Process are Being itself. Being does not come into Being.
Thou shalt not speak of a Cause of the Process or of the Material, for though they began in the Beginning they were not caused. To speak of cause is to speak of process, and all process exists inside the One Process. A Cause of the Process would be outside the Process, yet there it could not truly be a Cause. Hence neither the Process nor the Material is caused (at least not by anything outside of themselves).
The above is basically my response to the Cosmological Argument as I’ve heard it advanced in various conversations books and articles.
Perhaps presenting this without its full context in my thinking is not the best, but I’m curious if it can stand on its own. It is my most bare-bones philosophical cosmogony. Does it make sense?