An awareness on trees

Ahhhhh… so sweet.

Obviously a very sentimental Christian tree.

If only humans would accept death “as part of its existence” as the enlightened trees do. Who said trees can’t be philosophical?

Gobbo, put down that weed – if not for us, do it for the little trees. They don’t like it.

When the other religions start incorporating a little lumber into their workings the trees will be equally as pleased, perhaps moreso at the prospect of not having to wear an ornament which houses a picture of Uncle Reemis and his gap-toothed grin.

Some do. Oh yeah I forgot to tell you guys this: Our bodies are merely complicated machines built to house our soles, which do exist and sustain after death.

The rest… I haven’t been able to figure out yet because I’m still trying to figure out how Lebron can be so good… watches him dunk on Duncan, thinks of puns…

We did, as that is a socially determined, somewhat human term. Some have said we’re interesting in that we explore the universe from the outside in, whereas some other entities do so from the inside out.

Didn’t you read the magnetic part? Weed planets love to be smoked as it is in a atmosphere of spirituality; of ceremony; of rebirth.

Are you being serious about the op? :astonished:

I approach ILP in the exact same manner most of the time, but this particular instance is incorporated within that framework.

:-k [thinking]I wonder if that was a ‘yes’[/thinking]


This isn’t about thinking about Gobbo, or what he’s smoking, or what fucking…toothbrush I use --as it always seems to be-- it’s an awareness about trees.

You ask questions about trees, and I will answer.

:astonished: :astonished: :astonished: I’m starting to think you’re serious? :astonished: :astonished: :astonished:

Since you failed to give your opinion in the op and since you replied to my ‘are you serious?’ question with some mumbo jumbo that made absolutely no sense – let me ask again: Do you agree the claims made in the op or is this post the joke I thought it was?

PS The weed gag was aimed at the touchy-feely trees, not you. It only follows that if plants have ‘feelings’, then they wouldn’t like being ripped out of the ground, cut up, dried out and burnt.

I would have made fun of you in the past, Gobbo. Except that since I’ve been spending a lot of time in canyons, forests, etc., I must say that I am always full of some kind of energy after these hikes, walks, etc. Surely, I am picking up on something and I’ve noticed that it’s the trees that please me the most.


Gee thanks :laughing:

Anyways, yes, that doesn’t surprise me at all. In fact, I really need to get out of the city for a while…

Yer funny :smiley: