I’ve seen this floated around here, decided to make a full fledged thread out of it.
This is directed towards anyone that is looking forward to going to heaven, christian, muslim or jew (if you believe in that, it’s not an explicit jewish belief). — remember these questions do not reflect the POV of the writer (i.e. me!)
What is so great about spending eternity in heaven with god? Sure you are not burning in hell, but let’s think about what you do on Earth that you enjoy that would be considered passe or evil in heaven:
Listening to music of any kind
Driving a car down a windy road
chatting in ILP about wether or not god exists… I mean it’s gonna be obvious at that point right?
Having sex, making love, both of these will be impossible without genitals!
Laughing at a great joke… most great jokes involve someone elses hurt feelings.
Enjoying great cinema… movies are out of the question unless you want to watch fantasia.
And in closing:
why do you look forward to heaven, when you know absolutely nothing about it?
sitting around forever waiting for eternity to end sounds like a blast to me!