Hey all. Long time lurker, 1st time poster. I have liked this place for quite some time and was astonished to find that there was no damn fee to become a member on this site, so I am quite titillated to say the least. I’m a mid-20’s something or other trying to find some meaning in my life, or a point to it, and somewhat frustrated at the fact that I can’t figure it out… and why the hell do so many people not care to search for meaning in their lives? Either religion, remaining ignorant or simply ignoring these questions is easier than actually thinking about it apparently. Is life really a test? I mean f*ck seriously is it? Dammit I’m sorry I’m not angry but I am however really frustrated because heres the thing: all the shit that makes most people happy, i.e.; the American Dream, and fancy cars, a huge home, a Swiss bank account, a ranch in Northern California, fame, a beautiful wife, wonderful children and a 6 figure paycheck and all that bullshit… is worthless. You can’t take a damn thing with you after you die, so what’s the point here folks? — I mean seriously. My consciousness can never die M’FR I KNOW that shit. Somehow my consciousness (my “SELF” if you will) is trapped in this stupid body and I never know what the hell is REALLY going on unless I take some type of psychedelic drug and realize I am but one small part of an infinite universe that is simply experiencing itself. Experience is amazing it really is, but is that the point, just to “experience”? I feel like I’m kind of just through the motions in my life man. I wake up, eat, poop, go to sleep, maybe poop again and try to prevent myself from procreating by masturbating ((because there are millions of other people already pissing in the gene pool)) and I am trying to practice self control (((you GOTTA let me masturbate I mean come on))) … and repeat this cycle everyday for the rest of my life? Is this what life is all about? WWWWWTTTTTTFFFFFF? Is this some kind of trick I have played on myself, or have I been on a crazy acid trip for approximately 24 years? Does anyone else have feelings like this? I figured a bunch of intelligent philosophers would be able to offer some advice. Did I post this in the correct forum, or is there a special place for posts like this? Any feedback would be much appreciated. Love you guys its great to be here!!!1 <3
You sound (a lot) like me.
Though there’s no “meaning of life” in the sense we want there to be, we need a substitute. The fact is that you’ve got a life to live out (I presume you won’t commit suicide?) so you should identify things you like (hobbies etc) and want to do (ambition) and do them. It wouldn’t matter if you didn’t, and just pissed about instead, but you may as well have a bit of fun.
Another thing: happiness and sadness occur (pretty much) irrespectively of actual circumstanes, so don’t let particular negatives get you too down. For example, don’t get depressed about the world, which you can’t change anyway.
Hope this helps a bit.
PS. You can enhance masturbation by stimulating the prostate (being careful of course not to injure yourself!)
hello, Fella.
you know, you sounded a lot like me too.
I am just afraid that I have no answer to offer you, because I am so confused as you are.
hope you find some useful advice, what is not probable, since many people here like to poke fun at guys like you…
I wouldn’t try that if I were you!
Not to be a dick . . .
But readability is key. While stream-of-consciousness writing has its place (and on the net that ‘place’ occurs more often than its absence does) but it behooves you to try and make it readable.
Oftentimes that involves using paragraph breaks between thoughts. I know, sentences are supposed to do that. But a paragraph is supposed to represent a coherent series of thoughts all tied together in a common theme. If there is no common theme, err on the side of more breaks, not less.
You’ll often see individual questions posed alone.
That is OK. It helps people who are reading ‘get it’.
I’ve found that often times those looking for meaning do so because they lack any, and most don’t lack meaning because philosophical reasons. That is to say, people don’t often lose meaning because they’ve analyzed the issue and have come to the conclusion that meaning is indeed extrinsic, as opposed to intrinsic (as if a philosophical argument is enough to change one’s beliefs outside of the armchair.) Most people look for meaning because they’re alienated from their own culture, often times because of their circumstance. These people usually end up either one of two ways: They begin to belong to a type of club and embrace it’s goals and means, or they kill themselves.
Thanks its good to know I’m not alone here. I honestly can’t find many people with whom I can openly discuss these matters.
I don’t want to give the impression that I am depressed, and I know I could never kill myself… though I am a bit curious, just to see what happens…
I am actually a very happy, healthy “normal” person but I just can’t get over the fact that there are no answers, only questions. I guess thats why I love philosophy so much, because it provides a medium for all of this wonderful contemplation. I understand what you’re saying about happiness and sadness as well, as in, “things in and of themselves are not disturbing, only my perceptions of them” …
This all really comes more from the frustration in being forced to cope with the fact that, “if none of this really matters, and “success” is emptiness, then why the hell should I try?” There are a lot of things that I enjoy doing, but it almost seems like “hobbies” are nothing but pacifiers and they only temporarily keep me from thinking about all of this.
Thanks a lot for your advice I appreciate it. I’ll have to try your little prostate trick.
No I hear what you’re saying. My bad I kind of started ranting away and I just went along with it.
Strain theory
Accepts norms of society and accepts the means provided for accomplishing the goals.
Accepts norms, but does not accept or use the means provided for acheiving the goals
Does not accept cultural norms, but does follow the means provided
Doesn’t accept norms, nor the means provided for achieving goals
Creates own norms, and own means for achieving them.
I think most of the people who participate in this site are ritualist but wanting to be rebels. All but the conformist and the rebel can be said to be satisfied with the meaning they have.
I like the analogy of an amusement-park ride: life’s a ride, and big question is, does one enjoy the ride? If the meaningfulness of the ride is important to a rider, then he might not enjoy it, but if he accepts that he’s stuck in the carriage, he can start enjoying it for its own sake.
Also, the benefit of thinking that nothing matters is that your sense of regret (particularly the older you get) is diminished.
I recommend the last few inches of a buttered biro
DAY-AFTER EDIT: it’s just occurred to me that recommending the insertion of a biro into their rectum might not be the best advice ever given to someone who was looking for the meaning of life, lol
thanks goodness we’re not looking for the meaning of life most of our time.