In other fora, I have seen a function where one can enter the handle of a user and, from that point on, you simply won’t see their posts anylonger. From your prespective, they will cease to exist.
Would this function 1) be possible with the scripting ILP uses? 2) would people be interested in this function?
one question: if you were reading a thread that user was majorly involved in, how would you know what was going on in the thread if you could see all of it except for their questions/replys?
But on the opening page, I tend to flip through the major topics. I’m saddened to see worthwhile discussions pushed out of the way for worthless attempts at attention grabbing statements.
I don’t recall which forum it was, I saw it a while ago.
But it would be as though these people simply did not exist. Occasionally, it would get tricky because there would be discussions that you could only see half of, but those generally left you feeling confused. Too confused to waste mental energy into taking part in them.
Of course, you could always unignore someone if they were actively involved in a discussion that you wanted to read.
It basically just did what you already do in your head – it just made it easier for you. It prevented baiting.
I guess what I foresee as the main problem would be the fact that if they created a thread, you wouldn’t be able to see it.
So the scenario in which you would actually want to unignore them because of the discussion that had developed would never in fact occur, because you would be oblivious to the fact that the thread even exists.
At least under this code, in which the OP is a regular post, only linked up to the forum topic page.
There is a phpbb version that allows the “ignore” feature. We’re working on it, but there isn’t a set time we can tell you when it will be available. In the meantime, take a deep breath and let the less-than-intelligent posts go. It’s good practice for all our real-life situations.