An ILP Christmas

Let us write a poem this season…

Let us pattern it after this one: (only a spin off the title)

I will begin… you add to it, if you like.

Have fun. :occasion-santa:

We really need Colin Leslie Dean to get in on this one. His poetry is amazing.


[edit: googled Mr. Dean… apparently he writes erotic poetry… Smears… hardy har har har…]

Ok Ichthus, I’m obsessing now… thanks!! :laughing:

filling up empty frames here… nogging is now a verb…

‘deftly laddered’ I take to mean that it got 'em there quicker (ziggurat style)… or… was that a picture of death?

Shall it just be we who have all the fun, or is someone else going to take a turn?

Ya, okay, I’m pretty much a boob…

noggin’? As in the intellect’s assent to egghead…? The saint might have been Nicholas, coming to preach against the tyrrany of presents… but nevermind, how about a do-over…

(EDIT: Sorry, and not having meant to play on the hybrid aspect of Jesus, but that should be “borne”, as the main event, of course, had not happened yet… see how mussed my mind is Ichthus?!)

Are you really obssessing? Is your mind really mussed? Then put this down and walk away from it.

Your skills would make you a truly great pastor, if you ever get the point.

Be well.

I’ll survive, Ichthus… just decompressing. No, I’m afraid pastorizing isn’t my gig. But thanks for the opportunity to catharsize between shopping trips! I’ll try, though, to stay this side of egregious blasphemy.

If you’d like to continue from there… that’s a do-over I could hang with… maybe… Up to you or whoever’s interest perks up.

I’m in. But, please, after you. In the interim between my last post and now, I had some relaxing libations with my wife and watched “Hamlet 2”. In this season of Jesus, it is hard for us ex-catholics to connect socially. But I highly recommend the movie. Bob, I inadvertently lampooned you. Ichthus, please feel free…

You pick an easy target, Oughtist.

How about we just end it?



Thread’s all yours. As if it was ever mine.