… index.html
You must take a breif look at this. Is this serious? I find it more humours than alarming. … index.html
You must take a breif look at this. Is this serious? I find it more humours than alarming.
What a load of crap! If you want to take out a plane you become either a baggage handler or the guys who load the food! My mate used to work in the main Irish airport and security was a joke, once they got to know your face. You’d walk around most of the time not even needing your pass, just say Hi to Paddy the security man and in you go. I’m sure they don’t inspect every meal that gets onto to a plane? “How about a nice C4 sandwich sir?†Governments are deliberately allowing the undermining of trust in our feel human beings! It’s like the media are making our daily life into some type of fictional Tom Clancy novel to sell news papers. Sexing up the news with talk of Terror, Espionage, Good Vs Evil and National Security like it’s all some big Hollywood block buster, heck it even has the shit plot too boot! With some of the worst acting I’ve ever seen from Bush. When in that all import scene when he’s given the news that the twin tower were hit… he give s a gawky look! Come on! Bush you need more acting classes.
The really sad part is the democratic process is so messed up there’s currently no hope for the political system. Most democracies are run by one of the two main parties! There are some independents but they’re a joke! in terms of having a shot at getting power. I think the next step for politic progress is to be found with dissolving of political parts so all candidates are independent, that way no one party is always trying to use its power to gain re-elected. People need to be made aware of the dark nature of politics! Most people are ignorant & stupid, be it by nature or breeding I don’t know… but they’re stupid sheep that just want to graze lazily all day without a care in the world! I can’t wait till they finely wake-up and smell their society burning!
There is nothing like the spread of suspicion, fear and endless paranoia.
Thank you CNN, for keeping America feeling insecure.
I am sure those who benefit from your work, reward you greatly.
LOL…indeed, very humorous! In fact it’s so rediculous that it almost makes me think Geral Sosbee was right… If the government and the AP seriously expect us to believe this, it makes you wonder what kind of bull they’ll announce next… Hmmm…
[size=150]Bush claims AntiChrist has come[/size]
Robertson’s reaction: pray harder
[size=75]Saturday, December 25, 2004 Posted: 7:35 PM EST (2435 GMT) [/size]
WASHINGTON (AP) – The President announced earlier today alongside Secretary John Ashcroft that the AntiChrist has finally come to destroy us all and arrived yesterday at an undisclosed location in the MidWest in the form of a praying mantis.
The evidence regarding this claim came in the form of a video tape labeled “The Purple Show,” sent to the CIA from the rap group known as The Insane Clown Posse.
There is no doubt that this evidence is completely unfallible although some skepticism remains in Congress.
The FBI and CIA, in a joint operation, confirmed the validity of the video tape and were horrified by the single quote spoken by a praying mantis that was captured on a camcorder that said: “I am the AntiChrist!”
“We recieved a general alert from the FBI that this matter was of national security,” Bush said. “It was later confirmed that I will be the first to be taken to Heaven during the Rapture and that those who follow and believe in me will too be the first to be joined with our Lord Savior Jesus Christ.”
In minutes following the President’s address to the nation, Pat Robertson made a special worldwide appearence on CBN calling all good Christians to “pray harder for the love of the Lord to descend upon us all.” He also made comments about what all good Christians can do immediately to halt the “evil,” saying: “I want you to pray with me right now and ask the Lord Almighty to give you the strength to torture and kill all non-Christian peoples so that we may surely earn our right to pass through the Gates of Heaven!”
“We do not have anything to tie this matter to Al Queda as of yet, but we are certain that Osama bin Laden has something do to with this,” Secretary John Ashcroft commented. “Until we prove Al Queda is consorting with the AntiChrist, I will personally be conducting public annoitments to bless the Christian people of America, starting with the President.”
Ashcroft also commented that reinstating 17th Century-styled witch hunts will commence to eliminate the “satanic factor” from the nation by “rounding up and eliminating” all people who do not believe in Christianity. CNN calls it “The American Inquisition.”
Army officials have reported that “the praying mantis creature cannot be destroyed by any conventional weapons and seems to have the ability to shoot red lasers from its eyes.”
Jerry Falwell requested a special announcement on NPR to relay this message to all Americans: “You must all love Jesus and send me ten thousand dollars or else you will burn in Hell! THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU TO OBEY ME!”
President Bush made his final comments by saying: “The end is coming soon and the Rapture will soon herald the second coming of our savior. God bless America.”
Maybe this is just a brilliant ploy by the CIA to give terrorists stupid ideas and try to get them to invest in idiotic schemes instead of the tried and true explosives and weapons method.
In related news I hear that hamsters are now being bred by terrorists and explosives are planted into them. Soon every home with these cute cuddly creatures will be blown sky high.
Well, you know that even if there really honestly was nothing worthwhile to report as “breaking-news”, the media would find some trivial matter, exaggerate it into something as dramatic as an alien-invasion, and post it as relavent news.
It happens all the time, but I think this article from CNN takes the cake.